How to run WaterTAP with Jupyter notebooks

This guide describes the supported methods to work with WaterTAP using Jupyter notebooks.

Local (developer) installation


These instructions assume that a WaterTAP developer environment has already been configured, as described in e.g. For WaterTAP developers.

  1. Activate your WaterTAP environment. If your environment has a name different from watertap-dev, replace watertap-dev with the actual name wherever applicable:

    conda activate watertap-dev
  2. Navigate to the directory where your local clone of the WaterTAP repository is located

  3. Run the following command to register the currently active WaterTAP environment as a Jupyter kernel. This will create a dedicated WaterTAP kernel that’s selectable in the Jupyter web interface, ensuring that the notebook code is run in the correct Python environment where WaterTAP is available.

    python -m ipykernel --user --name "watertap-dev"
  4. Then, start the Jupyter server from the current directory, navigate to the desired notebook using the file browser, and launch it

  5. If prompted to select a kernel, select watertap-dev from the menu. Otherwise, ensure watertap-dev appears in the kernel box in the top-right corner of the notebook interface

Online using

(Coming soon)