Source code for watertap.examples.flowsheets.full_treatment_train.flowsheet_components.financials

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2021, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National
# Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy
# Technology Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from
# the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and license
# information, respectively. These files are also available online at the URL
# ""
from pyomo.environ import (
    Block, Constraint, Expression, Var, Param, Reals, NonNegativeReals, units as pyunits)
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import ConfigurationError

def add_costing_param_block(self):
    self.costing_param = Block()
    b = self.costing_param

    b.load_factor = Var(
        doc='Load factor [fraction of uptime]')
    b.factor_total_investment = Var(
        doc='Total investment factor [investment cost/equipment cost]')
    b.factor_labor_maintenance = Var(
        doc='Labor & maintenance factor [fraction of investment cost/year]')
    b.factor_capital_annualization = Var(
        doc='Capital annualization factor [fraction of investment cost/year]')
    b.factor_membrane_replacement = Var(
        doc='Membrane replacement factor [fraction of membrane replaced/year]')
    b.electricity_cost = Var(
        doc='Electricity cost [$/kWh]')
    b.RO_mem_cost = Var(
        doc='Membrane cost [$/m2]')
    b.RO_high_pressure_mem_cost = Var(
        initialize=75,  # closer to factor of 3 increase if considering per unit area cost
        doc='Membrane cost [$/m2]')
    b.NF_mem_cost = Var(
        initialize=15,  # assumed as half that of conventional SWRO membrane
        doc='Membrane cost [$/m2]')
    b.hp_pump_cost = Var(
        initialize=53 / 1e5 * 3600,
        doc='High pressure pump cost [$/W]')
    b.pxr_cost = Var(
        doc='Pressure exchanger cost [$/(m3/h)]')

    # traditional parameters are the only Vars on the block and should be fixed
    for v in b.component_objects(Var, descend_into=True):
        for i in v:
            if v[i].value is None:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "{} parameter {} was not assigned"
                    " a value. Please check your configuration "
                    "arguments.".format(, v.local_name))

def get_system_costing(self):
    if not hasattr(self, 'costing'):
        self.costing = Block()
    b = self.costing

    b.capital_cost_total = Var(
        doc='Total capital cost [$]')
    b.investment_cost_total = Var(
        doc='Total investment cost [$]')
    b.operating_cost_labor_maintenance = Var(
        doc='Maintenance-labor-chemical operating cost [$/year]')
    b.operating_cost_total = Var(
        doc='Total operating cost [$/year]')
    b.LCOW = Var(
        doc='Levelized cost of water [$/m3]')

    capital_cost_var_lst = []
    operating_cost_var_lst = []
    electricity_cost_var_lst = []
    pretreatment_cost_var_lst = []
    primary_cost_var_lst = []
    post_treatment_cost_var_lst = []
    for b_unit in self.component_objects(Block, descend_into=True):
        if hasattr(b_unit, 'costing'):
            if hasattr(b_unit.costing, 'pretreatment'):
            if hasattr(b_unit.costing, 'primary'):
            if hasattr(b_unit.costing, 'post_treatment'):
            if hasattr(b_unit.costing,'eq_operating_cost') and hasattr(b_unit.costing.eq_operating_cost,'body'):
                if 'electricity_cost' in str(b_unit.costing.eq_operating_cost.body):

    b.eq_capital_cost_total = Constraint(
        expr=b.capital_cost_total == sum(capital_cost_var_lst))
    b.eq_investment_cost_total = Constraint(
        expr=(b.investment_cost_total ==
              b.capital_cost_total * self.costing_param.factor_total_investment))
    b.eq_operating_cost_labor_maintenance = Constraint(
        expr=(b.operating_cost_labor_maintenance ==
              b.investment_cost_total * self.costing_param.factor_labor_maintenance))
    b.eq_operating_cost_total = Constraint(
        expr=b.operating_cost_total == sum(operating_cost_var_lst))
    b.electricity_cost_total = Expression(
    b.pretreatment_cost_total = Expression(
        expr= sum(pretreatment_cost_var_lst))
    b.primary_cost_total = Expression(
    b.post_treatment_cost_total = Expression(
    b.eq_LCOW = Constraint(
        expr=b.LCOW == (b.investment_cost_total * self.costing_param.factor_capital_annualization
                        + b.operating_cost_total) / (self.annual_water_production / (pyunits.m ** 3 / pyunits.year)))

def _make_vars(self, section=None):
    # build generic costing variables (all costing models need these vars)
    self.capital_cost = Var(initialize=1e5,
                            doc='Unit capital cost [$]')
    self.operating_cost = Var(initialize=1e5,
                              bounds=(0, 1e6),
                              doc='Unit operating cost [$/year]')
    if section not in ['pretreatment', 'primary', 'post_treatment']:
        raise NotImplementedError
        b = self.parent_block()
        b_fs = b.parent_block()
        crf = b_fs.costing_param.factor_capital_annualization
        setattr(self, section, Expression(expr=self.capital_cost * crf + self.operating_cost))

    self.cost_esc = Param(initialize=1, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless)

def ReverseOsmosis_costing(self, RO_type='standard', section='primary'):
    _make_vars(self, section)

    b_RO = self.parent_block()
    b_fs = b_RO.parent_block()
    # b_section = getattr(self, section)

    # capital cost
    if RO_type == 'standard':
        self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint(
            expr=self.capital_cost == b_fs.costing_param.RO_mem_cost * b_RO.area / pyunits.m ** 2)
        self.eq_operating_cost = Constraint(
            expr=self.operating_cost == b_fs.costing_param.factor_membrane_replacement
                 * b_fs.costing_param.RO_mem_cost * b_RO.area / pyunits.m ** 2)
    elif RO_type == 'high pressure':
        self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint(
            expr=self.capital_cost == b_fs.costing_param.RO_high_pressure_mem_cost * b_RO.area / pyunits.m ** 2)
        self.eq_operating_cost = Constraint(
            expr=self.operating_cost == b_fs.costing_param.factor_membrane_replacement
                 * b_fs.costing_param.RO_high_pressure_mem_cost * b_RO.area / pyunits.m ** 2)
        raise NotImplementedError("RO type of {RO_type} is not implemented in the financials file"

    # operating cost

    # # Treatment section cost
    # self.eq_section = Constraint(expr=b_section == self.operating_cost + self.capital_cost)

[docs]def Nanofiltration_costing(self, section='pretreatment'): ''' This method is being added for the nanofiltration step in the pre-treatment section of the full treatment train''' _make_vars(self, section) b_NF = self.parent_block() b_fs = b_NF.parent_block() # capital cost self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint( expr=self.capital_cost == b_fs.costing_param.NF_mem_cost * b_NF.area / pyunits.m ** 2) # operating cost self.eq_operating_cost = Constraint( expr=self.operating_cost == b_fs.costing_param.factor_membrane_replacement * b_fs.costing_param.NF_mem_cost * b_NF.area / pyunits.m ** 2)
def Separator_costing(self, section=None, cost_capacity=False): _make_vars(self, section) b_m = self.parent_block() if cost_capacity: self.a = Param(initialize=645, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless) self.b = Param(initialize=1324, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless) self.n = Param(initialize=0.4, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless) # changing to Fm from 9 to 3 self.Fm = Param(initialize=3, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless) # capital cost self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint( expr=self.capital_cost == (self.a + self.b * (b_m.outlet_state[0].flow_vol * 1000) ** self.n) * self.Fm * self.cost_esc / (pyunits.m ** 3 / pyunits.s)) elif not cost_capacity: # assume linear cost per L/s based on average of cost capacity curve data self.separator_unit_capex = Param(initialize=361, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Capex per daily plant capacity") self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint(expr=self.capital_cost == self.separator_unit_capex * b_m.outlet_state[0].flow_vol * 1000 * self.cost_esc * pyunits.s * pyunits.m ** -3) self.eq_operating_cost = Constraint() self.operating_cost.fix(0) def Mixer_costing(self, mixer_type='default', section=None, cost_capacity=False): _make_vars(self, section) b_m = self.parent_block() b_fs = b_m.parent_block() # b_section = getattr(self, section) if mixer_type == 'default': if cost_capacity: self.a = Param(initialize=645, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless) self.b = Param(initialize=1324, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless) self.n = Param(initialize=0.4, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless) # changing to Fm from 9 to 3 self.Fm = Param(initialize=3, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless) # capital cost self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint( expr=self.capital_cost == (self.a + self.b * (b_m.mixed_state[0].flow_vol*1000) ** self.n) * self.Fm * self.cost_esc / (pyunits.m**3/pyunits.s)) elif not cost_capacity: # assume linear cost per L/s based on average of cost capacity curve data self.mixer_unit_capex = Param(initialize=361, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Capex per daily plant capacity") self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint(expr=self.capital_cost == self.mixer_unit_capex * b_m.mixed_state[0].flow_vol*1000 * self.cost_esc * pyunits.s * pyunits.m**-3) self.eq_operating_cost = Expression(expr=self.operating_cost) self.operating_cost.fix(0) elif mixer_type == 'naocl_mixer': if cost_capacity: '''Cost estimation of chlorination step for disinfection in post-treatment Digitized Fig. 4.19 in Voutchkov, 2018 using WebPlotDigitizer,, September 2021. Fig. 4.19 provides construction cost as a function of daily desalination plant capacity. Curves for sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide are provided, but only NaOCl data were extracted. Data were converted to specific construction costs as a function of capacity to get the provided cost curve for capex (of the form a*X**b). Since cost figures are reported for the year 2018, the capex cost constraint is assumed to be in 2018 USD;the cost escalation factor, cost_esc, can be modified to account for changes over time.''' # NaOCl specific capex ($/m3/day) = 479.87 * x ** (-0.396) ; x is plant capacity (m3/day) self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint(expr=self.capital_cost == 479.87 * (b_m.inlet_stream_state[0].flow_vol * 3600 * 24 / (pyunits.m**3 / pyunits.s)) ** 0.604 * self.cost_esc) elif not cost_capacity: # assume linear cost per daily capacity based on median of digitized data cited above self.naocl_unit_capex = Param(initialize=5.08, mutable=True, * pyunits.m**-3, doc="Capex per daily plant capacity") self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint(expr=self.capital_cost == self.naocl_unit_capex * b_m.inlet_stream_state[0].flow_vol*3600*24 * self.cost_esc * pyunits.s ***-1) # Sodium hypochlorite cost taken from WaterTAP (2020 USD) which assumes 15% purity self.naocl_cost = Param(initialize=0.23, mutable=True,**-1) self.naocl_purity = Param(initialize=0.15, mutable=True) self.eq_operating_cost = Constraint(expr=self.operating_cost == b_m.naocl_stream.flow_mol[0] * b_m.naocl_stream.mole_frac_comp[0, "OCl_-"] * 74.44e-3 * / pyunits.mol * self.naocl_cost / self.naocl_purity * 3600 * 8760 * pyunits.s * b_fs.costing_param.load_factor) elif mixer_type == 'lime_softening': '''Cost estimation of lime addition for precipitation step in pretreatment Digitized Fig. 5.59 in McGivney & Kawamura, 2008 using WebPlotDigitizer,, September 2021. WaterTAP provides a similar equation for cost capacity curve based on the same reference. This is suspected to be due to digitization of the reference data although WaterTAP's documentation indicates that cost indices were accounted for. The original reference cites an ENR CCI = 8889, representative of the construction cost index for Los Angeles in April 2007. Since recent year data for ENR's CCI are currently unknown, WaterTAP's equation will be used; note that WT's documentation may need to correct reporting of units/methodology. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cost capacity equations to consider: McGivney & Kawamura: 12985*x**0.5901 ===================================================== WaterTAP: 16972*x**0.5435 ===================================================== Manual digitization and fitting relationships to original reference: 1) Power law fit (coefficient of determination = 0.9721) 13310*x**0.5855 2) Polynomial fit (coefficient of determination = 1) -1.4071*x**2 + 1661.9*x + 40782 Although the polynomial fit matches the data more closely than other relationships, going above ~ 700 lb/day would result in erroneous decrease in cost. ''' # x is converts mol/s to lb/day self.lime_lbs_per_day = Expression(expr=2.205 * 3600 * 24 * 74.09e-3 * b_m.lime_stream.flow_mol[0] * b_m.lime_stream.mole_frac_comp[0, "Ca(OH)2"] / pyunits.mol * pyunits.s) if cost_capacity: self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint(expr=self.capital_cost == 16972 * self.lime_lbs_per_day ** 0.5435 * self.cost_esc) elif not cost_capacity: # assume linear cost per lb feed per day based on minimum of digitized data cited above self.caoh2_unit_capex = Param(initialize=792.8, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Capex per lb feed per day") self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint(expr=self.capital_cost == self.caoh2_unit_capex * self.lime_lbs_per_day * self.cost_esc / b_fs.costing_param.factor_total_investment) # Calcium hydroxide (lime) cost taken from WaterTAP (2020 USD) which assumes 100% purity # $0.15/kg cost of lime from WaterTAP # Alternative price source: # ~12 cents/kg average based on alternative price source. self.caoh2_cost = Param(initialize=0.12, mutable=True,**-1) self.caoh2_purity = Param(initialize=1, mutable=True) self.eq_operating_cost = Constraint(expr=self.operating_cost == b_m.lime_stream.flow_mol[0] * b_m.lime_stream.mole_frac_comp[0, "Ca(OH)2"] * 74.093e-3 * / pyunits.mol * self.caoh2_cost / self.caoh2_purity * 3600 * 8760 * pyunits.s * b_fs.costing_param.load_factor) else: raise NotImplementedError("mixer_type of {mixer_type} is not implemented in the financials file" "".format(mixer_type=mixer_type)) # # Treatment section cost # self.eq_section = Constraint(expr=b_section == self.operating_cost + self.capital_cost) def pressure_changer_costing(self, pump_type="centrifugal", section=None, cost_capacity=False): _make_vars(self, section) b_PC = self.parent_block() b_fs = b_PC.parent_block() # b_section = getattr(self, section) self.purchase_cost = Var() self.cp_cost_eq = Constraint(expr=self.purchase_cost == 0) if pump_type == 'high pressure': #TODO: add cost_capacity relationship # capital cost self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint( expr=self.capital_cost == b_fs.costing_param.hp_pump_cost * b_PC.work_mechanical[0] / pyunits.W) # operating cost self.eq_operating_cost = Constraint( expr=self.operating_cost == (b_PC.work_mechanical[0] / pyunits.W * 3600 * 24 * 365 * b_fs.costing_param.load_factor) * b_fs.costing_param.electricity_cost / 3600 / 1000) elif pump_type == 'low pressure': if cost_capacity: '''Ref: Bartholomew et al. (2020)-Cost optimization of high recovery single stage gap membrane distillation Capex=(a + b*S**n)*Fm S: flowrate in L/s a,b,n are fit params from Table S2 -- primary reference: Towler, G.; Sinnott, R. Chemical Engineering Design: Principles, Practice and Economics of Plant and Process Design; Elsevier, 2012. Fm : material factor ''' self.a = Param(initialize=9052, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless) self.b = Param(initialize=231, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless) self.n = Param(initialize=0.9, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless) # changing to Fm from 9 to 3 self.Fm = Param(initialize=3, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless) # capital cost self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint( expr=self.capital_cost == (self.a + self.b * (b_PC.control_volume.properties_in[0].flow_vol*1000) ** self.n) * self.Fm * self.cost_esc / (pyunits.m**3/pyunits.s)) elif not cost_capacity: # assume linear cost per L/s based on median of cost-capacity curve self.pump_unit_capex = Param(initialize=889, mutable=True, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Capex per liter/s") self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint(expr=self.capital_cost == self.pump_unit_capex * b_PC.control_volume.properties_in[0].flow_vol * 1000 * self.cost_esc / (pyunits.m**3/pyunits.s)) # operating cost self.eq_operating_cost = Constraint( expr=self.operating_cost == (b_PC.work_mechanical[0] / pyunits.W * 3600 * 24 * 365 * b_fs.costing_param.load_factor) * b_fs.costing_param.electricity_cost / 3600 / 1000) elif pump_type == 'pressure exchanger': # capital cost b_cv_in = b_PC.control_volume.properties_in[0] self.eq_capital_cost = Constraint( expr=(self.capital_cost == b_fs.costing_param.pxr_cost * b_cv_in.flow_vol * 3600 / (pyunits.m ** 3 / pyunits.s))) # operating cost self.operating_cost.setlb(-1e6) self.eq_operating_cost = Constraint( expr=self.operating_cost == (b_PC.work_mechanical[0] / pyunits.W * 3600 * 24 * 365 * b_fs.costing_param.load_factor) * b_fs.costing_param.electricity_cost / 3600 / 1000) else: raise NotImplementedError("pump type of {pump_type} is not implemented in the financials file" "".format(pump_type=pump_type))