Electrolyte Database (EDB)


The Electrolyte Database (EDB) stores metadata and data about chemical species, called here components, and reactions. It is accessed through a Python API to return well-defined Python objects.

The data are stored in MongoDB, so they can be queried in a number of ways, and the system is extensible to new use-cases. The native storage format for MongoDB is a JSON document, and the expected structure and fields of the component and reaction data is defined by a JSON Schema. Validation using those schemas is built into the API (though it can be disabled).

To interface with the IDAES Core Modeling Framework (IDAES-CMF, which underlies WaterTAP), add components and reactions to a “base” object and fetch the result as a Python dict. This result can be used to configure and build IDAES objects (ParameterBlocks, ReactionBlocks, etc.). The API also has methods to construct component and reaction objects from IDAES configurations.


The EDB is intended to support some known workflows out of the box, with lower-level functions available when these are not sufficient.


This content is not yet finished.

Python API

Database API

Connect to the database and create, read, update and delete its contents.

Database operations API

class watertap.edb.db_api.ElectrolyteDB(url: str = 'mongodb://localhost:27017', db: str = 'electrolytedb', check_connection: bool = True)[source]

Interface to the Electrolyte database.

This uses MongoDB as the underlying data store.

classmethod can_connect(url=None, db=None) bool[source]
Convenience method to check if a connection can be made without having

to instantiate the database object.

  • url – Same as constructor

  • db – Same as constructor


cannot connect

Return type

True, yes can connect; False

static drop_database(url, db)[source]

Drop a database.

  • url – MongoDB server URL

  • db – Database name




anything pymongo.MongoClient() can raise

get_base(name: Optional[str] = None) Union[watertap.edb.data_model.Result, watertap.edb.data_model.Base][source]

Get base information by name of its type.


name – Name of the base type.


If no name is given, a Result iterator over all the bases. Otherwise, a single Base object.

get_components(component_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, element_names: Optional[List[str]] = None) watertap.edb.data_model.Result[source]

Get thermodynamic information for components of reactions.

  • component_names – List of component names

  • element_names – List of element names (ignored if component_names is given)


All components matching the criteria (or all if none specified)

get_one_base(name: Optional[str] = None) Union[watertap.edb.data_model.Result, watertap.edb.data_model.Base]

Get base information by name of its type.


name – Name of the base type.


If no name is given, a Result iterator over all the bases. Otherwise, a single Base object.

get_reactions(component_names: Optional[List] = None, phases: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, any_components: bool = False, include_new_components: bool = False, reaction_names: Optional[List] = None) watertap.edb.data_model.Result[source]

Get reaction information.

  • component_names – List of component names

  • phases – Phase(s) to include; if not given allow any.

  • any_components – If False, the default, only return reactions where one side of the reaction has all components provided. If true, return the (potentially larger) set of reactions where any of the components listed are present.

  • include_new_components – If False, the default, only return reactions where all given components are found in that reaction (and no new components) are used in that reaction.

  • reaction_names – List of reaction names instead of component names


All reactions containing any of the names (or all reactions, if not specified)

load(data: Union[Dict, List[Dict], watertap.edb.data_model.DataWrapper, List[watertap.edb.data_model.DataWrapper]], rec_type: str = 'base') int[source]

Load a single record or list of records.

  • data – Data to load, as a single or list of dictionaries or DataWrapper subclass

  • rec_type – If input is a dict, the type of record. This argument is ignored if the input is a subclass of DataWrapper.


Number of records loaded

Data object API

Data models for components and reactions, including conversion to IDAES config objects.

Data model for electrolyte database.

Usage to get configuration for IDAES:

base = <query database for Base config of interest>
c_list = <get Components from database>
# add all the components to the base
for c in c_list:
# get the merged configuration for IDAES functions
config = base.idaes_config

Class diagram:

        │ ConfigGenerator   <<abstract>> │
uses    ├────────────────────────────────┤
 ┌─────►│+ConfigGenerator(data)          │
 │      │                                │
 │      ├────────────────────────────────┤
 │      │+config                         │
 │      │_transform(data)                │
 │      └────────────┬───────────────────┘
 │                   │
 │                   ├───────────┬───────────────────────┐
 │                   │           │                       │
 │    ┌──────────────┴┐       ┌──┴──────────┐      ┌─────┴─────┐
 │    │ ReactionConfig│       │ ThermoConfig│      │ BaseConfig│
 │    └─────▲─────────┘       └─▲───────────┘      └───────▲───┘
 │          │                   │                          │
 │          │                   │                          │
 │          │                   │                          │
 │          │uses               │uses                      │uses
 │          │                   │                          │
 │          │                   │                          │
 │  ┌───────┼───────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────┐
 │  │       │                   │                          │            │
 │  │  ┌────┴─────┐   ┌─────────┴───┐    ┌─────────────────┴─────────┐  │
 │  │  │ Reaction │   │  Component  │    │ Base                      │  │
 │  │  └─────┬────┘   └──────┬──────┘    │                           │  │
 │  │        │               │           │ +add(item:DataWrapper)    │  │
 │  │        │               │           └─────────┬─────────────────┘  │
 │  │        │               │                     │                    │
 │  │        │               │                     │                    │
 │  │        ├───────────────┴─────────────────────┘                    │
 │  │        │                                                          │
 │  │        │                                                          │
 │  └────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────┬───────┘
 │           │                                                  │
 │           │                                                  │
 │           │                                         ┌────────┴─────────────┐
 │           │ subclass                                │                      │
 │   ┌───────▼────────────────────────────┐            │ Public interface to  │
 │   │DataWrapper      <<abstract>>       │            │ the rest of          │
 │   ├────────────────────────────────────┤            │ WaterTAP           │
 │   │+DataWrapper(data, config_gen_class)│            │                      │
 └───┼────────────────────────────────────┤            └──────────────────────┘
     │+idaes_config: dict                 │
     │+merge_keys: tuple[str]             │
class watertap.edb.data_model.Base(data: Dict)[source]

Wrapper for ‘base’ information to which a component or reaction is added.

add(item: watertap.edb.data_model.DataWrapper)[source]

Add wrapped data to this base object.

property idaes_config

“Get the data as an IDAES config dict.


Python dict that can be passed to the IDAES as a config.

class watertap.edb.data_model.Component(data: Dict, validation=True)[source]
classmethod from_idaes_config(config: Dict) List[watertap.edb.data_model.Component][source]

See documentation on parent class.

class watertap.edb.data_model.Reaction(data: Dict, validation=True)[source]
classmethod from_idaes_config(config: Dict) List[watertap.edb.data_model.Reaction][source]

See documentation on parent class.

set_reaction_order(phase: str, order: Union[List[Tuple[str, float]], Dict[str, float]], require_all: bool = False) None[source]

Set the reaction order for the given phase.

  • phase – a value from self.PHASES

  • order – Either a dict or list of (element, value) pairs

  • require_all – If True, require that all components in the reaction be given an order. If False, it is OK if some components are missing.


None. Reaction order is modified in place.

  • KeyError – something is missing in the data structure, or unknown component provided

  • ValueError – Wrong or incomplete components provided

class watertap.edb.data_model.Result(iterator=None, item_class=None)[source]

Encapsulate one or more JSON objects in the appropriate DataWrapper subclass.

Users won’t need to instantiate this directly, just iterate over it to retrieve the result of a database query or other operation that returns EDB data objects.

For example:

result = db.get_reactions(..search-params...)
for reaction_obj in result:
    # ..work with instance of class Reaction..

edb command-line

The edb command-line program lets you interact with the database and the data schemas from a terminal.

edb base

The work of the program is all done by subcommands.

edb base options


Show options and subcommands

-v, --verbose

Increase verbosity

-q, --quiet

Increase quietness

edb load

Load JSON records into the EDB.

edb load options

-f, --file FILENAME

File to load [required]

-t, --type [component|reaction|base]

Type of records [required]

-u, --url TEXT

Database connection URL

-d, --database TEXT

Database name

--validate / -n, --no-validate

Turn on or off validation of input

-b, --bootstrap

Bootstrap a new database by loading in the standard base data.

edb dump

Dump JSON records from the EDB to a file.

edb dump options

-f, --file FILENAME

File to create (will overwrite existing files!) [required]

-t, --type [component|reaction|base]

Type of records (MongoDB collection name)

-u, --url TEXT

Database connection URL

-d, --database TEXT

Database name

edb schema

Show JSON schemas, in raw or readable forms, for the different record types.

edb schema options

-f, --file FILENAME

Write output to this file instead of printing to the screen

-o, --format [json|markdown|html|html-js]

Output format

-t, --type [component|reaction]

Type of records [required]

-u, --url TEXT

Database connection URL

-d, --database TEXT

Database name

EDB schemas

The EDB data is encoded in JSON. Naturally, the expected form of the records is specified as JSON Schema. There are schemas for the component and reaction records. Currently, there is no schema for base data (this will change soon, though).

Component schema

Schema Docs Type: object

A chemical species that is a component in a reaction

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The chemical name of the component


"HPO4 2-"
"NH4 +"

Type: array of string

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

Valid phase types should start with 'PT.' and then match attributes in idaes.core.phases.PhaseType



Type: object

Type: string

Type: string

Type: object
No Additional Properties

Type: array of object

List of parameter values

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Value, units, etc. for a parameter

Type: number


Type: string


Type: string

string index

Type: number

numeric index

Type: array of object

List of parameter values

Same definition as mw

Type: array of object

List of parameter values

Same definition as mw

All property whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions

Property name regular expression: ^.*_coeff$
Type: array of object

List of parameter values

Same definition as mw

All property whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions

Property name regular expression: ^.*_ref$
Type: array of object

List of parameter values

Same definition as mw

All property whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions

Property name regular expression: _comp
Type: string

Reaction schema

Schema Docs Type: object

The stoichiometry and properties of a reaction

Type: enum (of string)

Type of reaction

Must be one of:

  • "equilibrium"

Type: string

Name of reaction

Type: object

Type: object

Stoichiometry for a reaction

All property whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions

Property name regular expression: ^[A-Z].*$
Type: number

Moles for the given species in the reaction. Negative for LHS, positive for RHS

Type: object

Stoichiometry for a reaction

Same definition as Liq

Type: string

Type: string

Type: string

Type: string

Type: object
No Additional Properties

All property whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions

Property name regular expression: _ref
Type: array of object

List of parameter values

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Value, units, etc. for a parameter

Type: number


Type: string


Type: string

string index

Type: number

numeric index