Source code for watertap.edb.commands

Commands for Electrolyte Database
# stdlib
import enum
import json
import logging
import pathlib
import sys
import tempfile

# third-party
import click
from json_schema_for_humans import generate as schema_gen
from json_schema_for_humans.generation_configuration import GenerationConfiguration
from pymongo import MongoClient
from pymongo.errors import ConnectionFailure

# package
from .db_api import ElectrolyteDB
from .validate import validate, ValidationError
from .schemas import schemas as edb_schemas

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ExitCode(enum.IntEnum): OK = 0 ERROR = 1 INVALID_USAGE = 2 DATABASE_ERROR = 3
[docs]class EDBCommandError(click.ClickException): pass
[docs]class DatabaseError(EDBCommandError): exit_code: ExitCode = ExitCode.DATABASE_ERROR @classmethod def connection_failed(cls, url: str, database: str): return cls(f"Failed to connect to database {database} at {url}") @classmethod def unexpected_data_type(cls, attempted: str): return cls(f"Unexpected data type: {attempted}") @classmethod def already_exists(cls, url: str, database: str): return cls( f"Cannot bootstrap: database {database} at {url} already exists " f"and has one or more of the EDB collections" ) @classmethod def validation_failed(cls, record, display: bool = False): parts = ["Validation failed"] if display: parts += [ "Record:", json.dumps(record, indent=2) ] return cls( "\n".join(parts) )
[docs]class MissingRequired(EDBCommandError): exit_code: ExitCode = ExitCode.INVALID_USAGE @classmethod def option(cls, name: str): return cls(f"{name} is required")
[docs]def get_edb_data(filename: str) -> pathlib.Path: """Get an installed electrolyte DB data file `filename`. Args: filename: File to get Returns: Path object for file. """ from watertap import _ROOT return _ROOT / "edb" / "data" / filename
def level_from_verbosity(vb): level = 0 # for pycharm if vb >= 3: level = logging.DEBUG elif vb == 2: level = logging.INFO elif vb == 1: level = logging.WARN elif vb == 0: level = logging.ERROR elif vb == -1: level = logging.FATAL elif vb <= -2: level = logging.FATAL + 1 return level def _connect_or_quit(url, database): """Connect to Mongo at given URL and database.""""Begin: Connect to MongoDB at: {url}/{database}") try: edb = ElectrolyteDB(url, database) except ConnectionFailure as err: raise DatabaseError.connection_failed(url, database) from err else:"End: Connect to MongoDB at: {url}/{database}") return edb @click.version_option(version=None) @click.option( "--verbose", "-v", count=True, help="Increase verbosity. Show warnings if given once, " "then info, and then debugging messages.", ) @click.option( "--quiet", "-q", count=True, help="Increase quietness. If given once, " "only show critical messages. If " "given twice, show no messages.", ) def command_base(verbose, quiet): log_root = logging.getLogger("watertap") if quiet > 0 and verbose > 0: raise click.BadArgumentUsage("Options for verbosity and quietness conflict") if verbose > 0: _h = logging.StreamHandler() _h.setFormatter( logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)-7s %(name)s: %(message)s")) log_root.addHandler(_h) log_root.setLevel(level_from_verbosity(verbose)) else: log_root.setLevel(level_from_verbosity(-quiet)) ################################################################################# # LOAD command # Load JSON records into the database. ################################################################################# @command_base.command( name="load", help="Load JSON records into the Electrolyte Database" ) @click.option( "-f", "--file", "input_file", help="File to load", type=click.File("r"), default=None, ) @click.option( "-t", "--type", "data_type", help="Type of records", type=click.Choice(["component", "reaction", "base"], case_sensitive=False), default=None, ) @click.option( "-u", "--url", help="Database connection URL", default=ElectrolyteDB.DEFAULT_URL ) @click.option( "-d", "--database", help="Database name", default=ElectrolyteDB.DEFAULT_DB ) @click.option( "--validate/--no-validate", " /-n", help="Turn on or off validation of input", default=True, ) @click.option( "-b", "--bootstrap", help="Bootstrap a new database by loading in the standard base data", is_flag=True, default=False, ) def load_data(input_file, data_type, url, database, validate, bootstrap): edb = _connect_or_quit(url, database) if bootstrap: if not edb.is_empty(): raise DatabaseError.already_exists(url, database) _load_bootstrap(edb, do_validate=validate) else: if input_file is None: raise MissingRequired.option("-f/--file") if data_type is None: raise MissingRequired.option("-t/--type") _load(input_file, data_type, edb, do_validate=validate) def _load(input_file, data_type, edb, do_validate=True): print_messages = _log.isEnabledFor(logging.ERROR) filename = _log.debug(f"Reading records from input file '{filename}'") input_data = json.load(input_file) if isinstance(input_data, dict): # make single record into a list of length one input_data = [input_data]"Read {len(input_data)} records from input file '{filename}'") if do_validate: if data_type == "base": _log.warning("No validation for records of type 'base' (yet)") data = input_data else:"Validating records") if data_type in ("component", "reaction"): obj_type = data_type else: raise DatabaseError.unexpected_data_type(data_type) data = [] for record in input_data: try: validate(record, obj_type=obj_type) except ValidationError as err: # TODO this causes the program to quit at the first invalid record # we might want to accumulate the invalid records and corresponding errors # and display all of them at the end raise DatabaseError.validation_failed( record, display=bool(print_messages) ) from err data.append(record) else: data = input_data"Loading records into collection '{data_type}'") n = edb.load(data, rec_type=data_type) if print_messages: click.echo(f"Loaded {n} record(s) into collection '{data_type}'") def _load_bootstrap(edb, **kwargs):"Begin: Bootstrapping database {edb.database} at {edb.url}") for t in "base", "component", "reaction":"Loading collection: {t}") filename = t + ".json" path = get_edb_data(filename) _load("r"), t, edb, **kwargs)"End: Bootstrapping database {edb.database} at {edb.url}") ################################################################################# # DUMP command # Save JSON records to a file ################################################################################# @command_base.command( name="dump", help="Dump JSON records from the Electrolyte Database" ) @click.option( "-f", "--file", "output_file", required=True, help="File to create (will overwrite existing files!)", type=click.File("w"), ) @click.option( "-t", "--type", "data_type", required=True, help="Type of records (MongoDB collection name)", type=click.Choice(["component", "reaction", "base"], case_sensitive=False), default=None, ) @click.option( "-u", "--url", help="Database connection URL", default=ElectrolyteDB.DEFAULT_URL ) @click.option( "-d", "--database", help="Database name", default=ElectrolyteDB.DEFAULT_DB ) def dump_data(output_file, data_type, url, database): print_messages = _log.isEnabledFor(logging.ERROR) filename = _log.debug(f"Writing records to output file '{filename}'") edb = _connect_or_quit(url, database) _log.debug("Retrieving records") if data_type == "component": records = edb.get_components() elif data_type == "reaction": records = edb.get_reactions() elif data_type == "base": records = edb.get_base() else: # NOTE this can never be reached because Click will have already enforced # that the value of 'data_type' is one of the specified choices raise DatabaseError.unexpected_data_type(data_type) record_list = [r.json_data for r in records] n = len(record_list) json.dump(record_list, output_file) if print_messages: click.echo( f"Wrote {n} record(s) from collection '{data_type}' to file '{filename}'" ) ################################################################################# # DROP command # Drop a database ################################################################################# def abort_drop_db(ctx, param, value): if not value: ctx.abort() @command_base.command(name="drop", help="Drop a database in the Electrolyte Database") @click.option( "-u", "--url", help="Database connection URL", default=ElectrolyteDB.DEFAULT_URL ) @click.option( "-d", "--database", help="Database name", default=ElectrolyteDB.DEFAULT_DB ) @click.option( "--yes", is_flag=True, ) def drop_database(url, database, yes): print_messages = _log.isEnabledFor(logging.ERROR) # attempt to connect _connect_or_quit(url, database) if not yes: confirm = click.prompt( f"Are you sure you want to drop the database {database} at {url}", type=click.Choice(("y", "N"), case_sensitive=False), default="n", ) if confirm.lower() != "y": raise click.Abort() click.echo(f"Dropping database {database} at {url} ...") ElectrolyteDB.drop_database(url, database) click.echo(f"Done") ################################################################################# # SCHEMA command ################################################################################# @command_base.command(name="schema", help="Show JSON schemas, in raw or readable forms") @click.option( "-f", "--file", "output_file", help="Write output to this file instead of printing to the screen", type=click.File("w"), ) @click.option( "-o", "--format", "output_format", help="Output format", default="markdown", type=click.Choice( ["json", "json-compact", "markdown", "html", "html-js"], case_sensitive=False ), ) @click.option( "-t", "--type", "data_type", required=True, help="Type of records", type=click.Choice(["component", "reaction"], case_sensitive=False), default=None, ) @click.option( "-u", "--url", help="Database connection URL", default=ElectrolyteDB.DEFAULT_URL ) @click.option( "-d", "--database", help="Database name", default=ElectrolyteDB.DEFAULT_DB ) def schema(output_file, output_format, data_type, url, database): print_messages = _log.isEnabledFor(logging.ERROR) if output_file: stream = output_file else: stream = sys.stdout schema_data = edb_schemas[data_type] if output_format == "json": json.dump(schema_data, stream, indent=2) else: if output_format == "markdown": tmpl = "md" elif output_format == "html": tmpl = "flat" elif output_format == "html-js": tmpl = "js" config = GenerationConfiguration(template_name=tmpl) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir_name: schema_path = pathlib.Path(tmpdir_name) / "schema.json" with"w+", encoding="utf-8") as schema_file: json.dump(schema_data, schema_file) schema_gen.generate_from_file_object(schema_file, stream, config=config) ################################################################################# # INFO command # Report information on records in the database ################################################################################# @command_base.command( name="info", help="Provides some basic information on records loaded" ) @click.option( "-t", "--type", "data_type", required=True, help="Type of records", type=click.Choice(["component", "reaction", "base"], case_sensitive=False), default=None, ) @click.option( "-u", "--url", help="Database connection URL", default=ElectrolyteDB.DEFAULT_URL ) @click.option( "-d", "--database", help="Database name", default=ElectrolyteDB.DEFAULT_DB ) def info(data_type, url, database): print_messages = _log.isEnabledFor(logging.ERROR) edb = _connect_or_quit(url, database) _log.debug("Retrieving records") if data_type == "base": print("Info: Base configuration files are for initializing " "thermo or reaction configuration dictionaries \n" "used by the IDAES GenericParameterBlock and " "GenericReactionParameterBlock\n") print("Loaded base options:") print("--------------------") edb.list_bases() elif data_type == "component": print("Info: Components are chemical species registered " "within the database. They are stored with their \n" "appropriate methods and/or parameters necessary " "for calculating properties of the phases and/or \n" "mixtures of phases.\n\nTo view loaded components, use the " "'edb dump' command.") else: print("Info: Reactions are registered relationships between " "component records within the database.\nThese currently include, " "(i) equilibrium reactions and (ii) solubility products.\n\n" "To view loaded reactions, use the 'edb dump' command." )