Helper Methods for Electricity Demand

A number of methods are available for implementing common forms for calculating electricity intensity in zero-order type models. These helper functions are intended to be called after all necessary material and chemical flows have been added to the unit model.


from idaes.core import declare_process_block_class
from watertap.core import build_pt, constant_intensity, ZeroOrderBaseData

class PumpZOData(ZeroOrderBaseData):

    CONFIG = ZeroOrderBaseData.CONFIG()

    def build(self):

        self._tech_type = "pump"


        # Add variables and constraints for constant electricity intensity

Module Documentation


Helper method for implementing electricity demand assuming constant intensity based on the inlet volumetric flow rate.

E[t] = Q[t] * intensity

Two variables are added to the model:
  • electricity (indexed by time)

  • energy_electric_flow_vol_inlet (unindexed)

One constraint is added to the model:
  • electricity_consumption (indexed by time)