Source code for

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2021, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National
# Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy
# Technology Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from
# the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and license
# information, respectively. These files are also available online at the URL
# ""
import numpy as np
import pyomo.environ as pyo
import sys
import os
import itertools
import warnings
import copy, pprint
import h5py
import pathlib

from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from enum import Enum, auto
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from idaes.core.solvers import get_solver

from idaes.core.surrogate.pysmo import sampling
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentSet
from pyomo.common.tee import capture_output

# ================================================================

[docs]class SamplingType(Enum): FIXED = auto() RANDOM = auto() RANDOM_LHS = auto()
# ================================================================ class _Sample(ABC): def __init__(self, pyomo_object, *args, **kwargs): # Check for indexed with single value if pyomo_object.is_indexed() and len(pyomo_object) == 1: for _data_obj in pyomo_object.values(): pyomo_object = _data_obj # Make sure we are a Var() or Param() if not (pyomo_object.is_parameter_type() or pyomo_object.is_variable_type()): raise ValueError( f"The sweep parameter needs to be a pyomo Param or Var but {type(pyomo_object)} was provided instead." ) if pyomo_object.is_parameter_type() and not pyomo_object.mutable: raise ValueError( f"Parameter {pyomo_object} is not mutable, and so cannot be set by parameter_sweep" ) self.pyomo_object = pyomo_object self.setup(*args, **kwargs) @abstractmethod def sample(self, num_samples): pass @abstractmethod def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): pass # ================================================================
[docs]class RandomSample(_Sample): sampling_type = SamplingType.RANDOM
[docs]class FixedSample(_Sample): sampling_type = SamplingType.FIXED
# ================================================================
[docs]class LinearSample(FixedSample): def sample(self, num_samples): return np.linspace(self.lower_limit, self.upper_limit, self.num_samples) def setup(self, lower_limit, upper_limit, num_samples): self.lower_limit = lower_limit self.upper_limit = upper_limit self.num_samples = num_samples
# ================================================================
[docs]class GeomSample(FixedSample): def sample(self, num_samples): return np.geomspace( self.lower_limit, self.upper_limit, self.num_samples, endpoint=True ) def setup(self, lower_limit, upper_limit, num_samples): self.lower_limit = lower_limit self.upper_limit = upper_limit self.num_samples = num_samples
# ================================================================
[docs]class ReverseGeomSample(FixedSample): def sample(self, num_samples): return ( (self.upper_limit + self.lower_limit) - np.geomspace( self.lower_limit, self.upper_limit, self.num_samples, endpoint=True ) )[::-1] def setup(self, lower_limit, upper_limit, num_samples): self.lower_limit = lower_limit self.upper_limit = upper_limit self.num_samples = num_samples
# ================================================================
[docs]class UniformSample(RandomSample): def sample(self, num_samples): return np.random.uniform(self.lower_limit, self.upper_limit, num_samples) def setup(self, lower_limit, upper_limit): self.lower_limit = lower_limit self.upper_limit = upper_limit
# ================================================================
[docs]class NormalSample(RandomSample): def sample(self, num_samples): return np.random.normal(self.mean,, num_samples) def setup(self, mean, sd): self.mean = mean = sd
# ================================================================
[docs]class LatinHypercubeSample(_Sample): sampling_type = SamplingType.RANDOM_LHS def sample(self, num_samples): return [self.lower_limit, self.upper_limit] def setup(self, lower_limit, upper_limit): self.lower_limit = lower_limit self.upper_limit = upper_limit
# ================================================================ def _init_mpi(mpi_comm=None): if mpi_comm is None: try: from mpi4py import MPI except: warnings.warn( "Could not import mpi4py from current environment (defaulting to serial)." ) return None, 0, 1 else: mpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD return mpi_comm, mpi_comm.Get_rank(), mpi_comm.Get_size() # ================================================================ def _strip_extension(file_name, extension): if file_name.lower().endswith(extension): return file_name[: -len(extension)], extension else: return file_name, None # ================================================================ def _process_results_filename(results_file_name): # Get the directory path dirname = os.path.dirname(results_file_name) # Get the file name without the extension known_extensions = [".h5", ".csv"] for ext in known_extensions: fname_no_ext, extension = _strip_extension(results_file_name, ext) if extension is not None: break return dirname, fname_no_ext, extension # ================================================================ def _build_combinations(d, sampling_type, num_samples, comm, rank, num_procs): num_var_params = len(d) if rank == 0: param_values = [] for k, v in d.items(): # Build a vector of discrete values for this parameter p = v.sample(num_samples) param_values.append(p) if sampling_type == SamplingType.FIXED: # Form an array with every possible combination of parameter values global_combo_array = np.array(np.meshgrid(*param_values, indexing="ij")) global_combo_array = global_combo_array.reshape(num_var_params, -1).T elif sampling_type == SamplingType.RANDOM: sorting = np.argsort(param_values[0]) global_combo_array = np.vstack(param_values).T global_combo_array = global_combo_array[sorting, :] elif sampling_type == SamplingType.RANDOM_LHS: lb = [val[0] for val in param_values] ub = [val[1] for val in param_values] lhs = sampling.LatinHypercubeSampling( [lb, ub], number_of_samples=num_samples, sampling_type="creation" ) global_combo_array = lhs.sample_points() sorting = np.argsort(global_combo_array[:, 0]) global_combo_array = global_combo_array[sorting, :] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown sampling type: {sampling_type}") # Test if the global_combo_array is in row-major order if not global_combo_array.flags.c_contiguous: # If not, return a copy of this array with row-major memory order global_combo_array = np.ascontiguousarray(global_combo_array) else: if sampling_type == SamplingType.FIXED: nx = 1 for k, v in d.items(): nx *= v.num_samples elif ( sampling_type == SamplingType.RANDOM or sampling_type == SamplingType.RANDOM_LHS ): nx = num_samples else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown sampling type: {sampling_type}") if not float(nx).is_integer(): raise RuntimeError(f"Total number of samples must be integer valued") nx = int(nx) # Allocate memory to hold the Bcast array global_combo_array = np.zeros((nx, num_var_params), dtype=np.float64) ### Broadcast the array to all processes if num_procs > 1: comm.Bcast(global_combo_array, root=0) return global_combo_array # ================================================================ def _divide_combinations(global_combo_array, rank, num_procs): # Split the total list of combinations into NUM_PROCS chunks, # one per each of the MPI ranks # divided_combo_array = np.array_split(global_combo_array, num_procs, axis=0) divided_combo_array = np.array_split(global_combo_array, num_procs) # Return only this rank's portion of the total workload local_combo_array = divided_combo_array[rank] return local_combo_array # ================================================================ def _update_model_values(m, param_dict, values): for k, item in enumerate(param_dict.values()): param = item.pyomo_object if param.is_variable_type(): # Fix the single value to values[k] param.fix(values[k]) elif param.is_parameter_type(): # Fix the single value to values[k] param.set_value(values[k]) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unrecognized Pyomo object {param}") # ================================================================ def _aggregate_results_arr(global_results_dict, num_cases, comm, rank, num_procs): global_results = np.zeros( (num_cases, len(global_results_dict["outputs"])), dtype=np.float64 ) if rank == 0: for i, (key, item) in enumerate(global_results_dict["outputs"].items()): global_results[:, i] = item["value"][:num_cases] if num_procs > 1: # pragma: no cover comm.Bcast(global_results, root=0) return global_results # ================================================================ def _default_optimize(model, options=None, tee=False): """ Default optimization function used in parameter_sweep. Optimizes ``model`` using the IDAES default solver. Raises a RuntimeError if the TerminationCondition is not optimal Arguments: model : A Pyomo ConcreteModel to optimize options (optional) : Solver options to pass into idaes.core.utils.get_solver. Default is None tee (options) : To display the solver log. Default it False """ solver = get_solver(options=options) results = solver.solve(model, tee=tee) return results # ================================================================ def _process_sweep_params(sweep_params): sampling_type = None # Check the list of parameters to make sure they are valid for k in sweep_params: # Convert to using Sample class if isinstance(sweep_params[k], (list, tuple)): sweep_params[k] = LinearSample(*sweep_params[k]) # Get the type of sampling current_sampling_type = sweep_params[k].sampling_type # Check to make sure only one sampling type is provided if sampling_type is None: sampling_type = current_sampling_type elif current_sampling_type != sampling_type: raise ValueError("Cannot mix sampling types") return sweep_params, sampling_type # ================================================================ def _interp_nan_values(global_values, global_results): global_results_clean = np.copy(global_results) n_vals = np.shape(global_values)[1] n_outs = np.shape(global_results)[1] # Build a mask of all the non-nan saved outputs # i.e., where the optimzation succeeded mask = np.isfinite(global_results[:, 0]) # Create a list of points where good data is available x0 = global_values[mask, :] if np.sum(mask) >= 4: # Interpolate to get a value for nan points where possible for k in range(n_outs): y0 = global_results[mask, k] yi = griddata(x0, y0, global_values, method="linear", rescale=True).reshape( -1 ) global_results_clean[~mask, k] = yi[~mask] else: warnings.warn("Too few points to perform interpolation.") return global_results_clean # ================================================================ def _create_local_output_skeleton(model, sweep_params, outputs, num_samples): output_dict = {} output_dict["sweep_params"] = {} output_dict["outputs"] = {} sweep_param_objs = ComponentSet() # Store the inputs for sweep_param in sweep_params.values(): var = sweep_param.pyomo_object sweep_param_objs.add(var) output_dict["sweep_params"][] = _create_component_output_skeleton( var, num_samples ) if outputs is None: # No outputs are specified, so every Var, Expression, and Objective on the model should be saved for pyo_obj in model.component_data_objects( (pyo.Var, pyo.Expression, pyo.Objective), active=True ): # Only need to save this variable if it isn't one of the value in sweep_params if pyo_obj not in sweep_param_objs: output_dict["outputs"][ ] = _create_component_output_skeleton(pyo_obj, num_samples) else: # Save only the outputs specified in the outputs dictionary for short_name, pyo_obj in outputs.items(): output_dict["outputs"][short_name] = _create_component_output_skeleton( pyo_obj, num_samples ) return output_dict # ================================================================ def _create_component_output_skeleton(component, num_samples): comp_dict = {} comp_dict["value"] = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.float64) if hasattr(component, "lb"): comp_dict["lower bound"] = if hasattr(component, "ub"): comp_dict["upper bound"] = component.ub if hasattr(component, "get_units"): unit_obj = component.get_units() if unit_obj is not None: comp_dict["units"] = component.get_units().name else: comp_dict["units"] = "None" # Add information to this output that WILL NOT be written as part # of the file saving step. comp_dict["_pyo_obj"] = component return comp_dict # ================================================================ def _update_local_output_dict( model, sweep_params, case_number, sweep_vals, run_successful, output_dict ): # Get the inputs op_ps_dict = output_dict["sweep_params"] for key, item in sweep_params.items(): var_name = op_ps_dict[var_name]["value"][case_number] = item.pyomo_object.value # Get the outputs from model if run_successful: for label, val in output_dict["outputs"].items(): output_dict["outputs"][label]["value"][case_number] = pyo.value( val["_pyo_obj"] ) else: for label in output_dict["outputs"].keys(): output_dict["outputs"][label]["value"][case_number] = np.nan # ================================================================ def _create_global_output(local_output_dict, req_num_samples, comm, rank, num_procs): # Before we can create the global dictionary, we need to delete the pyomo # object contained within the dictionary for key, val in local_output_dict.items(): if key != "solve_successful": for subval in val.values(): if "_pyo_obj" in subval: del subval["_pyo_obj"] if num_procs == 1: global_output_dict = local_output_dict else: # pragma: no cover # We make the assumption that the parameter sweep is running the same # flowsheet num_samples number of times, i.e., the structure of the # local_output_dict remains the same across all mpi_ranks local_num_cases = len(local_output_dict["solve_successful"]) # Gather the size of the value array on each MPI rank sample_split_arr = comm.allgather(local_num_cases) num_total_samples = sum(sample_split_arr) # Create the global value array on rank 0 if rank == 0: global_output_dict = copy.deepcopy(local_output_dict) # Create a global value array of inputs in the dictionary for key, item in global_output_dict.items(): if key != "solve_successful": for subkey, subitem in item.items(): subitem["value"] = np.zeros(num_total_samples, dtype=np.float64) else: global_output_dict = local_output_dict # Finally collect the values for key, item in local_output_dict.items(): # This probably doesnt work if key != "solve_successful": for subkey, subitem in item.items(): comm.Gatherv( sendbuf=subitem["value"], recvbuf=( global_output_dict[key][subkey]["value"], sample_split_arr, ), root=0, ) # Trim to the exact number global_output_dict[key][subkey]["value"] = global_output_dict[key][ subkey ]["value"][0:req_num_samples] elif key == "solve_successful": local_solve_successful = np.fromiter( item, dtype=np.bool, count=len(item) ) if rank == 0: global_solve_successful = np.empty(num_total_samples, dtype=np.bool) else: global_solve_successful = None comm.Gatherv( sendbuf=local_solve_successful, recvbuf=(global_solve_successful, sample_split_arr), root=0, ) if rank == 0: global_output_dict[key] = global_solve_successful[0:req_num_samples] return global_output_dict # ================================================================ def _write_to_csv( sweep_params, global_values, global_results_dict, global_results_arr, rank, csv_results_file_name, interpolate_nan_outputs, ): # Create the dataframe that is going to be written to a CSV global_save_data = np.hstack((global_values, global_results_arr)) if rank == 0: data_header = ",".join(itertools.chain(sweep_params)) for i, (key, item) in enumerate(global_results_dict["outputs"].items()): data_header = ",".join([data_header, key]) if csv_results_file_name is not None: # Write the CSV np.savetxt( csv_results_file_name, global_save_data, header=data_header, delimiter=",", fmt="%.6e", ) # If we want the interpolated output_list in CSV if interpolate_nan_outputs: global_results_clean = _interp_nan_values( global_values, global_results_arr ) global_save_data_clean = np.hstack( (global_values, global_results_clean) ) head, tail = os.path.split(csv_results_file_name) if head == "": interp_file = "interpolated_%s" % (tail) else: interp_file = "%s/interpolated_%s" % (head, tail) np.savetxt( interp_file, global_save_data_clean, header=data_header, delimiter=",", fmt="%.6e", ) return global_save_data # ================================================================ def _write_debug_data( sweep_params, local_values, local_results_dict, debugging_data_dir, rank, write_h5, write_csv, ): if write_h5: fname_h5 = f"local_results_{rank:03}.h5" _write_output_to_h5( local_results_dict, os.path.join(debugging_data_dir, fname_h5) ) if write_csv: fname_csv = f"local_results_{rank:03}.csv" data_header = ",".join(itertools.chain(sweep_params)) local_results = np.zeros( (np.shape(local_values)[0], len(local_results_dict["outputs"])), dtype=np.float64, ) for i, (key, item) in enumerate(local_results_dict["outputs"].items()): data_header = ",".join([data_header, key]) local_results[:, i] = item["value"][:] local_save_data = np.hstack((local_values, local_results)) # Save the local data np.savetxt( os.path.join(debugging_data_dir, fname_csv), local_save_data, header=data_header, delimiter=", ", fmt="%.6e", ) # ================================================================ def _write_outputs(output_dict, h5_results_file_name, txt_options="metadata"): _write_output_to_h5(output_dict, h5_results_file_name) # We will also create a companion txt file by default which contains # the metadata of the h5 file in a user readable format. txt_fname = h5_results_file_name + ".txt" if "solve_successful" in output_dict.keys(): output_dict.pop("solve_successful") if txt_options == "metadata": my_dict = copy.deepcopy(output_dict) for key, value in my_dict.items(): for subkey, subvalue in value.items(): subvalue.pop("value") elif txt_options == "keys": my_dict = {} for key, value in output_dict.items(): my_dict[key] = list(value.keys()) else: my_dict = output_dict with open(txt_fname, "w") as log_file: pprint.pprint(my_dict, log_file) # ================================================================ def _write_output_to_h5(output_dict, h5_results_file_name): f = h5py.File(h5_results_file_name, "w") for key, item in output_dict.items(): grp = f.create_group(key) if key != "solve_successful": for subkey, subitem in item.items(): subgrp = grp.create_group(subkey) for subsubkey, subsubitem in subitem.items(): if subsubkey[0] != "_": if subsubkey == "lower bound" and subsubitem is None: subgrp.create_dataset(subsubkey, data=np.finfo("d").min) elif subsubkey == "upper bound" and subsubitem is None: subgrp.create_dataset(subsubkey, data=np.finfo("d").max) else: subgrp.create_dataset(subsubkey, data=subsubitem) elif key == "solve_successful": grp.create_dataset(key, data=output_dict[key]) f.close() # ================================================================ def _read_output_h5(filepath): f = h5py.File(filepath, "r") l1_keys = list(f.keys()) output_dict = {} for key in l1_keys: # Input or Output if key != "solve_successful": output_dict[key] = {} l2_keys = list(f[key].keys()) for subkey in l2_keys: # Variable name output_dict[key][subkey] = {} l3_keys = list(f[key][subkey].keys()) for subsubkey in l3_keys: # variable metadata output_dict[key][subkey][subsubkey] = f[key][subkey][subsubkey][()] if subsubkey == "units": # The strings are recovered in bytes. we choose to convert it to utf-8 output_dict[key][subkey][subsubkey] = output_dict[key][subkey][ subsubkey ].decode("utf-8") elif key == "solve_successful": output_dict[key] = list(f[key]["solve_successful"][()]) f.close() return output_dict # ================================================================ def _do_param_sweep( model, sweep_params, outputs, local_values, optimize_function, optimize_kwargs, reinitialize_function, reinitialize_kwargs, reinitialize_before_sweep, comm, ): # Initialize space to hold results local_num_cases = np.shape(local_values)[0] # Create the output skeleton for storing detailed data local_output_dict = _create_local_output_skeleton( model, sweep_params, outputs, local_num_cases ) local_results = np.zeros((local_num_cases, len(local_output_dict["outputs"]))) local_solve_successful_list = [] # ================================================================ # Run all optimization cases # ================================================================ for k in range(local_num_cases): # Update the model values with a single combination from the parameter space _update_model_values(model, sweep_params, local_values[k, :]) run_successful = False # until proven otherwise # Forced reinitialization of the flowsheet if enabled if reinitialize_before_sweep: try: assert reinitialize_function is not None except: raise ValueError( "Reinitialization function was not specified. The model will not be reinitialized." ) else: reinitialize_function(model, **reinitialize_kwargs) try: # Simulate/optimize with this set of parameter with capture_output(): results = optimize_function(model, **optimize_kwargs) pyo.assert_optimal_termination(results) except: # run_successful remains false. We try to reinitialize and solve again if reinitialize_function is not None: try: reinitialize_function(model, **reinitialize_kwargs) with capture_output(): results = optimize_function(model, **optimize_kwargs) pyo.assert_optimal_termination(results) except: pass # run_successful is still False else: run_successful = True else: # If the simulation suceeds, report stats run_successful = True # Update the loop based on the reinitialization _update_local_output_dict( model, sweep_params, k, local_values[k, :], run_successful, local_output_dict, ) local_solve_successful_list.append(run_successful) local_output_dict["solve_successful"] = local_solve_successful_list return local_output_dict # ================================================================ def _aggregate_local_results( global_values, local_output_dict, num_samples, local_num_cases, comm, rank, num_procs, ): # Create the dictionary global_results_dict = _create_global_output( local_output_dict, num_samples, comm, rank, num_procs ) # Create the array num_global_samples = np.shape(global_values)[0] global_results_arr = _aggregate_results_arr( global_results_dict, num_global_samples, comm, rank, num_procs ) return global_results_dict, global_results_arr # ================================================================ def _save_results( sweep_params, local_values, global_values, local_results_dict, global_results_dict, global_results_arr, csv_results_file_name, h5_results_file_name, debugging_data_dir, comm, rank, num_procs, interpolate_nan_outputs, ): if rank == 0: if debugging_data_dir is not None: os.makedirs(debugging_data_dir, exist_ok=True) if h5_results_file_name is not None: pathlib.Path(h5_results_file_name).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if csv_results_file_name is not None: pathlib.Path(csv_results_file_name).parent.mkdir( parents=True, exist_ok=True ) if num_procs > 1: # pragma: no cover comm.Barrier() # Handle values in the debugging data_directory if debugging_data_dir is not None: _write_debug_data( sweep_params, local_values, local_results_dict, debugging_data_dir, rank, h5_results_file_name is not None, csv_results_file_name is not None, ) global_save_data = _write_to_csv( sweep_params, global_values, global_results_dict, global_results_arr, rank, csv_results_file_name, interpolate_nan_outputs, ) if rank == 0 and h5_results_file_name is not None: # Save the data of output dictionary _write_outputs(global_results_dict, h5_results_file_name, txt_options="keys") return global_save_data # ================================================================
[docs]def parameter_sweep( model, sweep_params, outputs=None, csv_results_file_name=None, h5_results_file_name=None, optimize_function=_default_optimize, optimize_kwargs=None, reinitialize_function=None, reinitialize_kwargs=None, reinitialize_before_sweep=False, mpi_comm=None, debugging_data_dir=None, interpolate_nan_outputs=False, num_samples=None, seed=None, ): """ This function offers a general way to perform repeated optimizations of a model for the purposes of exploring a parameter space while monitoring multiple outputs. If provided, writes single CSV file to ``results_file`` with all inputs and resulting outputs. Arguments: model : A Pyomo ConcreteModel containing a watertap flowsheet, for best results it should be initialized before being passed to this function. sweep_params: A dictionary containing the values to vary with the format ``sweep_params['Short/Pretty-print Name'] = (model.fs.variable_or_param[index], lower_limit, upper_limit, num_samples)``. A uniform number of samples ``num_samples`` will be take between the ``lower_limit`` and ``upper_limit``. outputs : An optional dictionary containing "short names" as keys and and Pyomo objects on ``model`` whose values to report as values. E.g., ``outputs['Short/Pretty-print Name'] = model.fs.variable_or_expression_to_report``. If not provided, i.e., outputs = None, the default behavior is to save all model variables, parameters, and expressions which provides very thorough results at the cost of large file sizes. csv_results_file_name (optional) : The path and file name to write a csv file. The default `None` does not write a csv file. h5_results_file_name (optional) : The path and file name to write a h5 file. The default `None` does not write a file. Writing an h5 file will also create a companion text file `{h5_results_file_name}.txt` which contains the variable names contained within the H5 file. optimize_function (optional) : A user-defined function to perform the optimization of flowsheet ``model`` and loads the results back into ``model``. The first argument of this function is ``model``. The default uses the default IDAES solver, raising an exception if the termination condition is not optimal. optimize_kwargs (optional) : Dictionary of kwargs to pass into every call to ``optimize_function``. The first arg will always be ``model``, e.g., ``optimize_function(model, **optimize_kwargs)``. The default uses no kwargs. reinitialize_function (optional) : A user-defined function to perform the re-initialize the flowsheet ``model`` if the first call to ``optimize_function`` fails for any reason. After ``reinitialize_function``, the parameter sweep tool will immediately call ``optimize_function`` again. reinitialize_kwargs (optional) : Dictionary or kwargs to pass into every call to ``reinitialize_function``. The first arg will always be ``model``, e.g., ``reinitialize_function(model, **reinitialize_kwargs)``. The default uses no kwargs. reinitialize_before_sweep (optional): Boolean option to reinitialize the flow sheet model before every parameter sweep realization. The default is False. Note the parameter sweep model will try to reinitialize the solve regardless of the option if the run fails. mpi_comm (optional) : User-provided MPI communicator for parallel parameter sweeps. If None COMM_WORLD will be used. The default is sufficient for most users. debugging_data_dir (optional) : Save results on a per-process basis for parallel debugging purposes. If None no `debugging` data will be saved. interpolate_nan_outputs (optional) : When the parameter sweep has finished, interior values of np.nan will be replaced with a value obtained via a linear interpolation of their surrounding valid neighbors. If true, a second output file with the extension "_clean" will be saved alongside the raw (un-interpolated) values. num_samples (optional) : If the user is using sampling techniques rather than a linear grid of values, they need to set the number of samples seed (optional) : If the user is using a random sampling technique, this sets the seed Returns: save_data : A list were the first N columns are the values of the parameters passed by ``sweep_params`` and the remaining columns are the values of the simulation identified by the ``outputs`` argument. """ # Get an MPI communicator comm, rank, num_procs = _init_mpi(mpi_comm) if rank == 0: if h5_results_file_name is None and csv_results_file_name is None: warnings.warn( "No results will be writen to disk as h5_results_file_name and csv_results_file_name are both None" ) # Convert sweep_params to LinearSamples sweep_params, sampling_type = _process_sweep_params(sweep_params) # Set the seed before sampling np.random.seed(seed) # Enumerate/Sample the parameter space global_values = _build_combinations( sweep_params, sampling_type, num_samples, comm, rank, num_procs ) # divide the workload between processors local_values = _divide_combinations(global_values, rank, num_procs) local_num_cases = np.shape(local_values)[0] # Set up optimize_kwargs if optimize_kwargs is None: optimize_kwargs = dict() # Set up reinitialize_kwargs if reinitialize_kwargs is None: reinitialize_kwargs = dict() # Do the Loop local_results_dict = _do_param_sweep( model, sweep_params, outputs, local_values, optimize_function, optimize_kwargs, reinitialize_function, reinitialize_kwargs, reinitialize_before_sweep, comm, ) # Aggregate results on Master global_results_dict, global_results_arr = _aggregate_local_results( global_values, local_results_dict, num_samples, local_num_cases, comm, rank, num_procs, ) # Save to file global_save_data = _save_results( sweep_params, local_values, global_values, local_results_dict, global_results_dict, global_results_arr, csv_results_file_name, h5_results_file_name, debugging_data_dir, comm, rank, num_procs, interpolate_nan_outputs, ) return global_save_data
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