Source code for

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2021, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National
# Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy
# Technology Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from
# the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and license
# information, respectively. These files are also available online at the URL
# ""

from import (
import yaml
import idaes.logger as idaeslog

_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

def _yaml_to_dict(yaml_filename):
    """Reads and stores a yaml file as a dictionary

        yaml_filename (str):
            The filename of the yaml file to read.

        input_dict (dict):
            The result of reading the yaml file and translating
            its structure into a dictionary.


        # Open the yaml file and import the contents into a
        # dictionary with the same structure
        with open(yaml_filename) as fp:
            input_dict = yaml.load(fp, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

        raise ValueError("Could not open file %s" % (yaml_filename))

    return input_dict

[docs]def get_sweep_params_from_yaml(m, yaml_filename): """Creates a dictionary of swept model parameters specified via yaml file This function creates a dictionary of the items to vary during a parameter sweep where the variable name, model attribute, and sweeping domain are specified in a YAML file. The YAML file should have the following format:: A_comp: type: NormalSample param: fs.RO.A_comp mean: 4.0e-12 std: 0.5e-12 where the top-level keyword can be any short, easily understood identifier for the parameter. ``type`` must be one of ``LinearSample``, ``UniformSample``, ``NormalSample``, or ``LatinHypercubeSample``. ``param`` must be a valid dot-sperated string path to the object attribute (in this case, an RO attribute on the flowsheet ``m``) that you wish to vary. The remaining arguments are dependent on the sample type selected. For ``NormalSample`` information about the mean and standard deviation is required. Consult the ``parameter_sweep`` help for more information on the different sample classes. Args: m (pyomo model): The flowsheet containing the model to deploy with the parameter sweep tool. yaml_filename (str): The path to the yaml file. Returns: sweep_params (dict): A dictionary containing different instances of parameter sweep samples """ input_dict = _yaml_to_dict(yaml_filename) return _dict_to_params(m, input_dict)
def _dict_to_params(m, input_dict): """Reads and stores a yaml file as a dictionary Args: dict (str): The dictionary of paramters that are turned into paramter sweep samples Returns: input_dict (dict): The result of reading the yaml file and translating its structure into a dictionary. """ sweep_params = {} for param, values in input_dict.items(): # Find the specified component on the model component = m.find_component(values["param"]) if component is None: raise ValueError(f'Could not acccess attribute {values["param"]}') if values["type"] == "LinearSample": sweep_params[param] = LinearSample( component, values["lower_limit"], values["upper_limit"], values["num_samples"], ) elif values["type"] == "GeomSample": sweep_params[param] = GeomSample( component, values["lower_limit"], values["upper_limit"], values["num_samples"], ) elif values["type"] == "ReverseGeomSample": sweep_params[param] = ReverseGeomSample( component, values["lower_limit"], values["upper_limit"], values["num_samples"], ) elif values["type"] == "UniformSample": sweep_params[param] = UniformSample( component, values["lower_limit"], values["upper_limit"] ) elif values["type"] == "NormalSample": sweep_params[param] = NormalSample(component, values["mean"], values["std"]) elif values["type"] == "LatinHypercubeSample": sweep_params[param] = LatinHypercubeSample( component, values["lower_limit"], values["upper_limit"] ) return sweep_params def _set_value(component, key, default_value): _log.debug(f"Property: {key}") _log.debug(f"New Value: {default_value:.6e}, Old Value: {component.value:.6e}") component.value = default_value
[docs]def set_defaults_from_yaml(m, yaml_filename, verbose=False): """Sets default model values using values stored in a yaml file This function reads a yaml file with the structure:: 0.123 1.234 ... and uses the (key, default_value) pairs to set default values for the attributes in model ``m``. Args: m (pyomo model): The flowsheet containing the model to set default values for yaml_filename (str): The path to the yaml file. Returns: N/A """ input_dict = _yaml_to_dict(yaml_filename) _set_values_from_dict(m, input_dict, verbose)
def _set_values_from_dict(m, input_dict, verbose=False): fail_count = 0 for key, default_value in input_dict.items(): # Find the specified component on the model component = m.find_component(key) if component is None: raise ValueError(f"Could not acccess component {key} on model {m}") if component.is_variable_type(): _set_value(component, key, default_value) elif component.is_parameter_type(): if component.mutable: _set_value(component, key, default_value) else: _log.warning(f"Cannot set value of non-mutable Param {component}") fail_count += 1 else: _log.warning(f"Cannot set value of component {component}") fail_count += 1 number_defaults = len(input_dict) print( f"Set {number_defaults-fail_count} of {number_defaults} options to default values ({fail_count} failures, see warnings)" )