Source code for watertap.ui.api

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2021, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National
# Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy
# Technology Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from
# the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and license
# information, respectively. These files are also available online at the URL
# ""
This module defines the API for the WaterTAP user interface.

Provides these abilitites:

  * Specify which blocks/variables to export the UI
  * Save/load/update the state of all exported blocks and variables
  * Specify functions to implement standard flowsheet "actions"
  * An interface for running these actions that understands simple dependencies
    (running A requires B must have been run first).
  * Add user-specified action names and functions in addition to standard ones
  * Load a mapping of names to flowsheet modules from a configuration file

Exchange format for flowsheet data::

        "blocks": {
            "Flowsheet": {
                "category": "default" OR "<category-name>",
                "display_name": "<name>",
                "description": "<descriptive text>",
                "variables": {
                    "<name>": {
                        "value": <number or string>
                        "value": {"index": [[<index list1>], [<index list2>], ..],
                                  "value": [<value1>, <value2>, ..]}
                        "display_name": "<name>"
                        "description": "<descriptive text>",
                        "units": "<units for value>",
                        "readonly": <True or False>
                "blocks": {
                   << Same structure as Flowsheet block for each sub-block, which may
                      of course have its own sub-blocks, etc. >>
                "meta": {
                    << block-level metadata (see ``meta`` below) >>
        "meta": {
            "parameters": {
               "<name>": {
                 "choices": [<value1>, <value2>, ..],
                  "range": (<min>, <max>),
                  "type": "str" OR "int" OR "float",
                  "val": <value>
            << other user-defined metadata >>

import builtins
import importlib
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Union, TextIO, Tuple, Generator, Callable, Optional

# third-party
import pyomo.core
from pyomo.environ import Block, Var, value
import idaes.logger as idaeslog
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError, DirectoryPath, FilePath
import yaml

# local
from watertap.ui import api_util
from watertap.ui.api_util import open_file_or_stream
from watertap.ui import api_model as model

# Global variables
# ----------------

# Logging
# -------

_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

# Functions and classes
# ---------------------

[docs]def set_block_interface(block, data: Union["BlockInterface", Dict]): """Set the interface information to a block. Args: block: Block to wrap data: The interface info to set, either as a :class:`BlockInterface` object or as the config dict needed to create one. Returns: None """ if isinstance(data, dict): obj = BlockInterface(block, data) else: obj = data block.ui = obj
[docs]def get_block_interface(block: Block) -> Union["BlockInterface", None]: """Retrieve attached block interface, if any. Use with :func:`set_block_interface`. Args: block: The block to access. Return: The interface, or None. """ return getattr(block, "ui", None)
class BlockDiff(BaseModel): missing: List[str] = [] extra: List[str] = [] class FlowsheetDiff(BaseModel): missing: Dict[str, BlockDiff] extra: Dict[str, BlockDiff]
[docs]class BlockInterface: """User interface for a Pyomo/IDAES block.""" def __init__(self, block: Union[Block, None], info: Dict = None): """Constructor. Args: block: The block associated with this interface. info: Configuration options """ self._var_diff = None # for recording missing/extra variables during load() info = info or {} self._saved_info = info if block is None: self._block = None self._block_info = None else: self._init(block, info) def _init(self, block: Block, info: Dict): self._block = block info = info.copy() # fill required values self._fill_info_from_block(info, block) _log.debug(f"create block from info. dict={info}") block_info = model.Block(**info) # set optional values from values in self._block if block_info.variables is None: block_info.variables = [] if block_info.display_name == "": block_info.display_name = if block_info.description == "": block_info.description = self._block.doc if self._block.doc else "none" _log.debug(f"Parsed block info. value={block_info}") # finish self._block_info = block_info set_block_interface(self._block, self) @property def block(self): """Get block that is being interfaced to.""" return self._block @property def meta(self) -> Dict: """Block metadata.""" return self._block_info.meta.dict() @property def display_name(self): return self._fs_block().display_name @property def description(self): return self._fs_block().description def _fs_block(self): if self._block_info is None: raise ValueError("Must set block first") return self._block_info def set_block(self, block: Block): self._init(block, self._saved_info)
[docs] def get_var_missing(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """After a :meth:`load`, these are the variables that were present in the input, but not found in the BlockInterface object for the corresponding block. e.g., ``{'Flowsheet': ['foo', 'bar'], 'Flowsheet.Component': ['baz']}`` Returns: Dict that maps a block name to a list of variable names Raises: KeyError: if :meth:`load()` has not been called. """ if self._var_diff is None: raise KeyError("get_var_missing() has no meaning before load() is called") return self._var_diff.missing
[docs] def get_var_extra(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """After a :meth:`load`, these are the variables that were in some :class:`BlockInterface` object, but not found in the input data for the corresponding block. e.g.: ``{'Flowsheet': ['new1'], 'Flowsheet.Component': ['new2']}`` Returns: Dict that maps a block name to a list of variable names Raises: KeyError: if :meth:`load()` has not been called. """ if self._var_diff is None: raise KeyError("get_var_extra() has no meaning before load() is called") return self._var_diff.extra
[docs] def dict(self) -> Dict: """Return current state serialized as a dictionary. Returns: Dictionary with all the UI-exported blocks and variables. """ _log.debug("dict:start") if self._block_info is None: _log.debug("dict:end. status=error") raise ValueError("Cannot serialize before `set_block()` is called") d = self._get_block_interface_tree().dict() # clean up top-level (don't need block descriptors) for top_level_key in "variables", "display_name", "description", "category": del d[top_level_key] _log.debug("dict:end. status=ok") return d
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """Equality test. A side effect is that both objects are serialized using :meth:`dict()`. Returns: Equality of ``dict()`` applied to self and 'other'. If it's not defined on 'other', then False. """ if hasattr(other, "dict") and callable(other.dict): return self.dict() == other.dict() return False
[docs] def save(self, file_or_stream: Union[str, Path, TextIO]): """Save the current state of this instance to a file. Args: file_or_stream: File specified as filename, Path object, or stream object Returns: None Raises: IOError: Could not open or use the output file TypeError: Unable to serialize as JSON """ _log.debug("save:start") fp = open_file_or_stream(file_or_stream, "write", mode="w", encoding="utf-8") data = self.dict() json.dump(data, fp) _log.debug("save:end. status=ok")
[docs] @classmethod def load_from( cls, file_or_stream: Union[str, Path, TextIO], fs: Optional[Union[Block, "FlowsheetInterface"]], ) -> "FlowsheetInterface": """Load from saved state in a file to modify a :class:`FlowsheetInterface`. Args: file_or_stream: File to load from fs: Flowsheet which will be updated with values and units from saved data Returns: Updated flowsheet interface Raises: ValueError: Improper input data """ _log.debug(f"load_from:start") if fs is None: raise ValueError("In load_from: flowsheet cannot be None") if isinstance(fs, FlowsheetInterface): ui = fs else: ui = get_block_interface(fs) if ui is None: _log.debug(f"load_from:end. status=error") raise ValueError( f"Block must define FlowsheetInterface using " f"``set_block_interface()`` during construction. obj={fs}" ) ui.load(file_or_stream) _log.debug(f"load_from:end. status=ok") return ui
[docs] def load(self, file_or_stream: Union[str, Path, TextIO]): """Load from file or stream into this FlowsheetInterface. Args: file_or_stream: File to load from Raises: ValueError: Improper input data """ _log.debug(f"load:start. source={file_or_stream}") fp = open_file_or_stream(file_or_stream, "read", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") data = json.load(fp) self.update(data) _log.debug(f"load:end. source={file_or_stream},status=ok")
[docs] def update(self, data: Dict): """Update values in blocks in and under this interface, from data. Any variables in the file that were not found in the hierarchy of block interfaces under this object, or any variables in that hierarchy that were not present in the input file, are recorded and can be retrieved after this function returnns with :meth:`get_var_missing` and :meth:`get_var_extra`. Args: data: Data in the expected schema (see :meth:`get_schema`) Raises: ValueError: Problem with structure in the data """ _log.debug(f"update:start") try: block_info = model.Block.parse_obj(data) except ValidationError as verr: _log.debug(f"update:end. status=error") raise ValueError(f"Input data failed schema validation: {verr}") self._var_diff = FlowsheetDiff(missing={}, extra={}) try: root_block_name = block_info.get_sole_subblock() except ValueError as err: _log.error(f"Update failed: {err}") raise root_block_info = block_info.blocks[root_block_name] _log.debug(f"Update load. root-block={root_block_name}") self._load(root_block_info, self.block)
[docs] @classmethod def get_schema(cls) -> Dict: """Get a schema that can validate the exported JSON representation from :meth:`dict()` or, equivalently, :meth:`save()`. Returns: The schema """ return model.Block.schema()
[docs] def add_parameter( self, name: str, choices=None, vrange=None, vtype: Union[type, str] = None ): """Add a constrained parameter type. Initial value of parameter will be ``None``. Args: name: Parameter name choices: List of possible values vrange: Range for numeric values (min <= x <= max) vtype: Expected type for value. Can be inferred from choices/vrange, but must be present if neither of those options are given. One of 'str', 'int', 'float', either as string or builtin type. Raises: ValueError: conflicting or incorrect arguments """ if self._block_info is None: raise ValueError("Must set block first") if choices is not None and vrange is not None: raise ValueError("Options 'choices' and 'range' cannot both be defined") # validate inputs if choices is not None: try: v0 = choices[0] if type(v0) not in (str, int, float): raise TypeError("Elements must be int, str, or floats") except (IndexError, TypeError, KeyError) as err: raise ValueError(f"Bad type for 'choices': {err}") if vrange is not None: try: if len(vrange) != 2: raise IndexError("The 'vrange' must be a tuple of length 2") v0 = vrange[0] if type(v0) not in (int, float): raise TypeError("Elements must be ints or floats") except (IndexError, TypeError, KeyError) as err: raise ValueError(f"Bad type for 'vrange': {err}") # infer type if not given if vtype is None: if choices is not None: vtype = type(choices[0]).__name__ elif vrange is not None: vtype = type(vrange[0]).__name__ else: raise ValueError("Must give one of 'vtype', 'choices', or 'vrange'") elif isinstance(vtype, type): # convert actual type to its name vtype = vtype.__name__ if vtype not in ("str", "int", "float"): raise ValueError( f"Argument for 'vtype' value must be a str, int, or float." f" value={vtype}" ) self._block_info.meta.parameters[name] = dict( choices=choices, range=vrange, type=vtype, val=None )
[docs] def set_parameter(self, name: str, val: Union[float, int, str]): """Set the value for a flowsheet parameter. Args: name: Name of parameter to set val: Value for parameter Raises: KeyError: unknown parameter TypeError: wrong type for this parameter ValueError: invalid value for this parameter """ p = self._block_info.meta.parameters.get(name, None) if p is None: raise KeyError(f"Unkown parameter. name={name}") p_type = getattr(builtins, p["type"]) # convert to a type obj if type(val) != p_type: if type(val) is int and p_type is float: val = float(val) else: raise TypeError( f"Wrong type for value. val={val} type={type(val)} " f"expected-type={p_type}" ) p_choices, p_range = p["choices"], p["range"] if p_choices is not None: if val not in p_choices: raise ValueError( f"Value not in choices. " f"value={val} choices={p_choices}" ) elif p_range is not None: if val < p_range[0] or val > p_range[1]: raise ValueError( f"Value out of range. value={val} " f"min={p_range[0]} max={p_range[1]}" ) # if all the checking is ok, set parameter p["val"] = val
[docs] def get_parameter(self, name: str) -> Union[float, int, str]: """Get the value of a flowsheet parameter. Args: name: Name of parameter to get Returns: Value for parameter. Will be ``None`` if not set. Raises: KeyError: unknown parameter """ p = self._block_info.meta.parameters.get(name, None) if p is None: raise KeyError(f"Unkown parameter. name={name}") return p["val"]
@staticmethod def _get_block_variable_value(block, var_name): block_var = getattr(block, var_name) if block_var.is_indexed(): index_list, value_list, bounds_list = [], [], [] for var_idx in block_var.index_set(): try: index_list.append(tuple(var_idx)) except TypeError: index_list.append((var_idx,)) bvar = block_var[var_idx] value_list.append(value(bvar)) bounds_list.append((, bvar.ub)) _log.debug( f"add indexed variable. block={}," f"name={var_name},index={index_list}," f"value={value_list}" ) var_val = model.IndexedValue( index=index_list, value=value_list, bounds=bounds_list ) else: var_val = model.ScalarValue( value=value(block_var), bounds=(, block_var.ub) ) _log.debug( f"add scalar value. block={}," f"name={var_name},value={var_val}" ) return var_val def _load(self, load_block_info: Block, cur_block: Block, path: str = None): """Load the variables in ``block_data`` into ``cur_block``, then recurse to do the same with any sub-blocks. Called from :meth:`load`. """ cur_block_path = if path is None else f"{path}.{}" bdiff = BlockDiff() ui = get_block_interface(cur_block) if not ui: bdiff.missing = list(load_block_info.variables.keys()) bdiff.extra = [] else: info_vars = ui._block_info.variables bdiff.extra = set(info_vars.keys()) for load_var_name, load_var_info in load_block_info.variables.items(): details = f"block={cur_block_path} variable={load_var_name}" # stop if variable is not known for this block if load_var_name not in info_vars: _log.warn("No matching exported variable found. " + details) bdiff.missing.append( continue # set corresponding block variable's value, if (a) not read-only, and # (b) there is a value in the loaded variable bdiff.extra.remove(load_var_name) # remove block var from 'extra' if load_var_info.readonly: _log.debug("Not setting readonly variable. " + details) elif load_var_info.value is None: _log.debug("No value for variable. " + details) else: var_obj = getattr(ui.block, load_var_name) if var_obj is None: raise ValueError( "Exported variable not found in block. " + details ) if isinstance(load_var_info.value, model.IndexedValue): for i, idx in enumerate(load_var_info.value.index): idx, val = tuple(idx), load_var_info.value.value[i] var_obj[idx] = val else: var_obj.set_value(load_var_info.value.value) _log.debug("Exported variable loaded. " + details) # save non-empty missing/extra if bdiff.missing: self._var_diff.missing[cur_block_path] = bdiff.missing if bdiff.extra: self._var_diff.extra[cur_block_path] = list(bdiff.extra) for sb_name, sb_info in load_block_info.blocks.items(): _log.debug(f"Load sub-block. name={sb_name} path={cur_block_path}") sub_block = cur_block.find_component(sb_name) self._load(sb_info, sub_block, path=cur_block_path) def _get_block_interface_tree(self): """Get all block interfaces in this block and sub-blocks, creating a complete 'tree' with intermediate placeholders where needed. Called from :meth:`dict`. """ # use a stack that has the path and object for each new block to visit, # and initialize with this block; this means the flowsheet root block # will be the first (and only) block in the "blocks" map path = [] stack = [(path, self._block)] tree = model.Block() # keep going until no more blocks to visit while stack: path, block = stack.pop() # If there is a block interface, add it to the tree. # Don't add blocks with no UI, since we may never need to add them. ui = get_block_interface(block) if ui: self._add_to_tree(tree, path, ui) # add any model sub-blocks to the stack if hasattr(block, "component_map"): for sb_name, sb_val in block.component_map(ctype=Block).items(): stack.insert(0, (path + [sb_name], sb_val)) return tree def _add_to_tree(self, tree: model.Block, path: List[str], ui: "BlockInterface"): """Add one block interface, with the provided path, to the tree.""" node_names = path[:-1] leaf_name = path[-1] _log.debug(f"Add leaf to tree. path={path}") node = tree # descend to leaf, creating intermediate nodes as we go for name in node_names: sb = node.blocks.get(name, None) # create if not found if not sb: new_sb = model.Block(name=name, display_name=name) node.blocks[name] = new_sb else: new_sb = sb # descend node = new_sb # check that leaf is not there, already (why would it be?!) if leaf_name in node.blocks: raise ValueError(f"Duplicate node. path={path}") # create leaf and set its variable values from the block leaf = ui._block_info.copy() leaf.blocks = {} # forget sub-blocks for name, variable in leaf.variables.items(): variable.value = self._get_block_variable_value(ui.block, name) if not variable.display_name: variable.display_name = name # add leaf to blocks node.blocks[leaf_name] = leaf def _fill_info_from_block(self, info, block): if not info.get("name", None): info["name"] = if not info.get("meta", None): info["meta"] = model.BlockMeta() if info.get("variables", None) is None: info["variables"] = {}
[docs]def export_variables( block, variables=None, name="", desc="", category="" ) -> BlockInterface: """Export variables from the given block, optionally providing metadata for the block itself. This method is really a simplified way to create :class:`BlockInterface` instances for models (a.k.a., blocks). Args: block: IDAES model block variables: List of variable names, or dict, of variable data to export. If it is a dict, the following fields may be present: value : scalar <number or string> value : indexed {"index": [[<index list1>], [<index list2>], ..], "value": [<value1>, <value2>, ..]} display_name Name to display for the variable (default name in the model) description Description of the variable (default is ``.doc`` of the variable, or nothing) units Units for the variable, in a standard string generated by Pyomo units. readonly If False (the default), the variable can be modified in the UI. If True, it should not be. Note that this is not known to the model, i.e., setting this to True does not change the variable to an (IDAES) parameter. name: Name to give this block (default=````) desc: Description of the block (default=``block.doc``) category: User-defined category for this block, such as "costing", that can be used by the UI to group things visually. (default="default") Returns: An initialized :class:`BlockInterface` object. Raises: ValueError: bad form for an input value """ def var_check(b, n): info = f"block={},attr={n}" try: obj = getattr(b, n) if not isinstance(obj, Var): return "not a variable. " + info + f",type={type(obj)}" except AttributeError: return "not found. " + info var_info_dict = {} if variables is not None: if hasattr(variables, "items"): # dict-like var_info_dict = { name: model.Variable(**val) for name, val in variables.items() } else: # make a single string into a list of them if isinstance(variables, str): variables = (variables,) try: for name in variables: if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError(f"'{name}' is not a string") var_info_dict[name] = model.Variable() except TypeError as err: raise ValueError( f"Expected list of variable names for 'variables': " f"{err}" ) for name in var_info_dict: error = var_check(block, name) if error: raise ValueError(error) # Fill in gaps in variable bvar = getattr(block, name) ivar = var_info_dict[name] ivar.display_name = bvar.local_name units = bvar.get_units() if units is not None: ivar.units = str(units) ivar.description = bvar.doc or "" block_info = model.Block( display_name=name, description=desc, category=category, variables=var_info_dict, ) return BlockInterface(block, block_info.dict())
class WorkflowActions: #: Build the flowsheet build = "build" #: Solve the flowsheet solve = "solve" #: Get flowsheet resoluts results = "get-results" #: Dependencies: #: results `--[depends on]-->` solve `--[depends on]-->` build deps = {build: [], solve: [build], results: [solve]}
[docs]class FlowsheetInterface(BlockInterface): """Interface to the UI for a flowsheet.""" # Actions in the flowsheet workflow ACTIONS = [, WorkflowActions.solve] def __init__(self, info): """Constructor. Use :meth:`set_block()` to set the root model block, once the flowsheet has been built. Args: info: Options for the :class:`BlockInterface` constructor """ super().__init__(None, info) self._actions = {a: (None, None) for a in self.ACTIONS} self._actions_deps = WorkflowActions.deps.copy() self._actions_run = set() # Public methods
[docs] def update(self, data: Dict): super().update(data) # clear the 'solve' action if self._action_was_run(WorkflowActions.solve): self._action_clear_was_run(WorkflowActions.solve) _log.debug(f"update:end. status=ok")
[docs] def add_action_type(self, action_type: str, deps: List[str] = None): """Add a new action type to this interface. Args: action_type: Name of the action deps: List of (names of) actions on which this action depends. These actions are automatically run before this one is run. Returns: None Raises: KeyError: An action listed in 'deps' is not a standard action defined in WorkflowActions, or a user action. ValueError: A circular dependency was created """ if action_type in self._actions: return self._actions[action_type] = (None, None) if deps is None: deps = [] # Normalize empty dependencies to an empty list else: # Verify dependencies for one_dep in deps: if one_dep not in self._actions and one_dep not in self._actions_deps: raise KeyError(f"Dependent action not found. name={one_dep}") if one_dep == action_type: raise ValueError("Action cannot be dependent on itself") # Add dependencies self._actions_deps[action_type] = deps
[docs] def set_action(self, name, func, **kwargs): """Set a function to call for a named action on the flowsheet.""" self._check_action(name) self._actions[name] = (func, kwargs)
[docs] def get_action(self, name): """Get the action that was set with :meth:`set_action`.""" self._check_action(name) return self._actions[name]
[docs] def run_action(self, name): """Run the named action's function.""" _log.debug(f"run_action:start. name={name}") self._check_action(name) if self._action_was_run(name):"Skip duplicate run of action. name={name}") return None self._run_deps(name) func, kwargs = self._actions[name] if func is None: _log.debug(f"run_action:end. name={name},status=error") raise ValueError("Undefined action. name={name}") # Run action result = func(block=self._block, ui=self, **kwargs) self._action_set_was_run(name) _log.debug(f"run_action:end. name={name},status=ok") return result
# Protected methods def _check_action(self, name): if name not in self._actions: all_actions = ", ".join(self._actions.keys()) raise KeyError(f"Unknown action. name={name}, known actions={all_actions}") def _run_deps(self, name): dependencies = self._actions_deps[name] if dependencies: f"Running dependencies for action. " f"action={name} dependencies={dependencies}" ) for dep in dependencies: if not self._action_was_run(dep): _log.debug( f"Running one dependency for action. " f"action={name} dependency={dep}" ) self.run_action(dep) else: _log.debug(f"No dependencies for action. action={name}") def _action_was_run(self, name): return name in self._actions_run def _action_set_was_run(self, name): self._action_clear_depends_on(name) # mark dependees to re-run self._actions_run.add(name) # mark as run def _action_clear_depends_on(self, name): """Clear the run status of all actions that depend on this one, and do the same with their dependees, etc. Called from :meth:`_action_set_was_run`. """ all_actions = self._actions_deps.keys() # make a list of actions that depend on this action affected = [a for a in all_actions if name in self._actions_deps[a]] while affected: # get one action that depends on this action aff = affected.pop() # if it was run, clear it if self._action_was_run(aff): self._action_clear_was_run(aff) # add all actions that depend on it to the list aff2 = [a for a in all_actions if aff in self._actions_deps[a]] affected.extend(aff2) def _action_clear_was_run(self, name): self._actions_run.remove(name)
[docs]def find_flowsheet_interfaces( config: Union[str, Path, Dict] = {"packages": ["watertap"]} ): """Find flowsheets in Python packages/modules.""" result = {} c = _load_config(config) for package in c.get("packages", []):"Find interfaces for package: begin. name={package}") for module, fsi_func in _get_interfaces(package): fsi = fsi_func() result[module] = fsi f"Find interfaces for package: end. name={package} count={len(result)}" ) return result
def _load_config(c) -> Dict: if isinstance(c, dict): data = c else: stream = open_file_or_stream(c, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") data = yaml.safe_load(stream) return data def _get_interfaces(package_name) -> Generator[Tuple[str, Callable], None, None]: # import package pkg = importlib.import_module(package_name) # use special _ROOT variable if it exists, else package path pkg_path = getattr(pkg, "_ROOT", Path(pkg.__file__).parent) # if package is not a directory (e.g. a zip file), give up if not pkg_path.is_dir(): raise IOError(f"Cannot load from package: not a directory. name={package_name}") # find all python files under the package path"Find all Python files. package-path={pkg_path}") for mod_path in pkg_path.glob("**/*.py"): # skip test dirs if "tests" in continue # get name nm = # skip test files, __init__, and "protected" modules if nm.startswith("_") or nm.startswith("test_"): continue # compute module path mod_relpath = mod_path.relative_to(pkg_path) # convert from posix path to module name by stripping ".py" # suffix and replacing slashes with dots mod_relname = mod_relpath.as_posix()[:-3].replace("/", ".") mod_name = package_name + "." + mod_relname # import the module _log.debug(f"Importing module. name={mod_name}") try: mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name) except Exception as err: _log.warning(f"Skipping module due to import error: {err}. name={mod_name}") continue # look for special interface function func = getattr(mod, "flowsheet_interface", None) # if found, yield this module and function as a result if func is not None: yield mod_name, func # ----------------------------------------- def _main_usage(msg=None): # pragma: no cover if msg is not None: print(msg) print("Usage: python <command> [args..]") print("Commands:") print(" print-schema") print(" dump-schema <file>") if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover """Command-line functionality for developers.""" import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: _main_usage() sys.exit(0) command = sys.argv[1].lower() if command == "print-schema": schema = FlowsheetInterface.get_schema() json.dump(schema, sys.stdout, indent=2, ensure_ascii=True) elif command == "dump-schema": if len(sys.argv) < 3: _main_usage("Filename is required") sys.exit(1) filename = sys.argv[2] try: fp = open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") except IOError as err: _main_usage(f"Cannot open {filename} for writing: {err}") sys.exit(-1) schema = FlowsheetInterface.get_schema() json.dump(schema, fp, indent=2, ensure_ascii=True) sys.exit(0)