Source code for watertap.core.wt_database

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2021, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National
# Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy
# Technology Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from
# the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and license
# information, respectively. These files are also available online at the URL
# ""
This module contains the base class for interacting with WaterTAP data files
with zero-order model parameter data.
import os
import yaml
from copy import deepcopy

[docs]class Database: """ WaterTap Database class. Used to instantiate an instance of a database for loading parameters associated with zero-order models in WaterTap. Args: dbpath - (optional) path to database folder containing yaml files Returns: an instance of a Database object linked to the provided database """
[docs] def __init__(self, dbpath=None): self._cached_files = {} if dbpath is None: self._dbpath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "data", "techno_economic", ) else: self._dbpath = dbpath # Confirm valid path if not os.path.isdir(self._dbpath): raise OSError( f"Could not find requested path {self._dbpath}. Please " f"check that this path exists." ) # Create placeholder _component_list attribute self._component_list = None
[docs] def get_source_data(self, water_source=None): """ Method to retrieve water source definition from database. Args: water_source - (optional) string indicating specific water source. If None, the default water source will be used. Returns: dict of parameters defined in database for given water source Raises: KeyError if database has not defined water sources """ if "water_sources" in self._cached_files: # If data is already in cached files use this source_data = self._cached_files["water_sources"] else: # Else load data from required file try: with open(os.path.join(self._dbpath, "water_sources.yaml"), "r") as f: lines = f.close() except OSError: raise KeyError("Could not find water_sources.yaml in database.") source_data = yaml.load(lines, yaml.Loader) # Store data in cache and return self._cached_files["water_sources"] = source_data # Check that water source is defined if water_source is None: try: water_source = source_data["default"] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "Database has not defined a default water source and " "none was provided." ) return source_data[water_source]
[docs] def get_solute_set(self, water_source=None): """ Method to retrieve solute set for a given water source. Args: water_source - (optional) string indicating specific water source. If None, the default water source will be used. Returns: list of solutes contained in the database for the given source. Raises: KeyError if water source could not be found in database """ source_data = self.get_source_data(water_source) # Get component set for water source comp_set = list(source_data["solutes"].keys()) return comp_set
[docs] def get_unit_operation_parameters(self, technology, subtype=None): """ Method to retrieve parameters for a given technology by subtype. Args: technology - unit operation technology to look up and retrieve parameters for. subtype - (optional) string or list-of-strings indicating specific sub-type of technology to return parameters for. If not provided, the default parameters are used instead. Returns: dict of parameters for technology and subtype Raises: KeyError if technology or subtype could not be found in database TypeError if subytpe is not string or list-of-strings """ params = self._get_technology(technology) # Get default parameter set sparams = deepcopy(params["default"]) if subtype is None: # Return default values pass elif isinstance(subtype, str): try: sparams.update(params[subtype]) except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"Received unrecognised subtype {subtype} for technology " f"{technology}." ) else: # Assume subtype is list-like and raise an exception if not try: for s in subtype: # Iterate through provided subtypes and update parameters # Note that this will overwrite previous parameters if # there is overlap, so we might need to be careful in use. try: sparams.update(deepcopy(params[s])) except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"Received unrecognised subtype {s} for " f"technology {technology}." ) except TypeError: raise TypeError( f"Unexpected type for subtype {subtype}: must be string " f"or list like." ) return sparams
[docs] def flush_cache(self): """ Method to flush cached files in database object. """ self._cached_files = {}
@property def component_list(self): return self._return_component_list() def _return_component_list(self): if self._component_list is None: self._load_component_list() return self._component_list def _get_technology(self, technology): if technology in self._cached_files: # If data is already in cached files, return return self._cached_files[technology] else: # Else load data from required file try: with open(os.path.join(self._dbpath, technology + ".yaml"), "r") as f: lines = f.close() except OSError: raise KeyError(f"Could not find entry for {technology} in database.") fdata = yaml.load(lines, yaml.Loader) # Store data in cache and return self._cached_files[technology] = fdata return fdata def _load_component_list(self): """ Load list of supported components from component_list.yaml file and store as _component_list attribute. Returns: None """ try: with open(os.path.join(self._dbpath, "component_list.yaml"), "r") as f: lines = f.close() except OSError: raise KeyError("Could not find component_list.yaml in database.") self._component_list = yaml.load(lines, yaml.Loader)