Source code for watertap.unit_models.ion_exchange_0D

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2021, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National
# Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy
# Technology Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from
# the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and license
# information, respectively. These files are also available online at the URL
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from copy import deepcopy

# Import Pyomo libraries
from pyomo.environ import (
    units as pyunits,
from import Arc
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigBlock, ConfigValue, In
from .pressure_changer import Pump

# Import IDAES cores
from idaes.core import (
from idaes.core.solvers.get_solver import get_solver
from idaes.core.util.tables import create_stream_table_dataframe
from idaes.core.util.constants import Constants
from idaes.core.util.config import is_physical_parameter_block
from idaes.core.util.misc import StrEnum
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import ConfigurationError
import idaes.core.util.scaling as iscale
import idaes.logger as idaeslog

__author__ = "Kurban Sitterley"

_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class IonExchangeType(StrEnum): anion = "anion" cation = "cation" mixed = "mixed"
[docs]class RegenerantChem(StrEnum): HCl = "HCl" NaOH = "NaOH" H2SO4 = "H2SO4" NaCl = "NaCl" MeOH = "MeOH"
[docs]@declare_process_block_class("IonExchange0D") class IonExchangeODData(UnitModelBlockData): """ Zero order ion exchange model """ CONFIG = ConfigBlock() CONFIG.declare( "dynamic", ConfigValue( domain=In([False]), default=False, description="Dynamic model flag - must be False", doc="""Indicates whether this model will be dynamic or not, **default** = False.""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "has_holdup", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=In([False]), description="Holdup construction flag - must be False", doc="""Indicates whether holdup terms should be constructed or not. **default** - False.""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "property_package", ConfigValue( default=useDefault, domain=is_physical_parameter_block, description="Property package to use for control volume", doc="""Property parameter object used to define property calculations, **default** - useDefault. **Valid values:** { **useDefault** - use default package from parent model or flowsheet, **PhysicalParameterObject** - a PhysicalParameterBlock object.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "property_package_args", ConfigBlock( implicit=True, description="Arguments to use for constructing property packages", doc="""A ConfigBlock with arguments to be passed to a property block(s) and used when constructing these, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { see property package for documentation.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "target_ion", ConfigValue(default="Ca_2+", domain=str, description="Target Ion"), ) CONFIG.declare( "regenerant", ConfigValue( default=RegenerantChem.HCl, domain=In(RegenerantChem), description="Regenerant chemical", ), ) # TODO: add way to change regenerant chemical via CONFIG CONFIG.declare( "hazardous_waste", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=bool, description="Designates if resin and residuals contain hazardous material", ), )
[docs] def build(self): super().build() ### REFERENCES ### # LeVan, M. D., Carta, G., & Yon, C. M. (2019). # Section 16: Adsorption and Ion Exchange. # Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 9th Edition. # Crittenden, J. C., Trussell, R. R., Hand, D. W., Howe, K. J., & Tchobanoglous, G. (2012). # Chapter 16: Ion Exchange. # MWH's Water Treatment (pp. 1263-1334): John Wiley & Sons, Inc. # DOWEX Ion Exchange Resins Water Conditioning Manual # # Inamuddin, & Luqman, M. (2012). # Ion Exchange Technology I: Theory and Materials. # Michaud, C.F. (2013) # Hydrodynamic Design, Part 8: Flow Through Ion Exchange Beds # Water Conditioning & Purification Magazine (WC&P) # ion_set = self.config.property_package.ion_set target_ion = self.config.target_ion self.target_ion_set = Set( initialize=[target_ion] ) # create set for future development of multi-component model if "+" in target_ion: self.ion_exchange_type = IonExchangeType.cation self.regen_chem = RegenerantChem.HCl if "-" in target_ion: self.ion_exchange_type = IonExchangeType.anion self.regen_chem = RegenerantChem.NaOH if "regenerant" in self.config.keys(): self.regen_chem = RegenerantChem(self.config["regenerant"]) # this creates blank scaling factors, which are populated later self.scaling_factor = Suffix(direction=Suffix.EXPORT) self.diff_ion_resin = Param( initialize=1e-13, units=pyunits.m**2 / pyunits.s, doc="Diffusivity of ion through resin bead", # Perry's ) self.underdrain_h = Param( initialize=0.5, units=pyunits.m, doc="Underdrain height" # Perry's ) self.distributor_h = Param( initialize=0.5, units=pyunits.m, doc="Distributor height" # Perry's ) self.p_drop_psi_to_m = Param( initialize=0.70325, units=(pyunits.m / pyunits.psi), doc="Conversion for pressure drop in psi to m", ) # Liquid holdup correlation # Eq. 4.101 in Inamuddin/Luqman self.holdup_A = Param( initialize=21, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Holdup equation A parameter", ) self.holdup_B = Param( initialize=99.72, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Holdup equation B parameter", ) self.holdup_exp = Param( initialize=0.28, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Holdup equation exponent" ) # Particle Peclet number correlation # Eq. 4.100 in Inamuddin/Luqman self.Pe_p_A = Param( initialize=0.05, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Peclet particle equation A parameter", ) self.Pe_p_exp = Param( initialize=0.48, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Peclet particle equation exponent", ) # Sherwood number as a function of Reynolds and Schmidt number # Table 16-9 in Perry's # Wilson and Geankoplis, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 5, 9 (1966) self.Sh_A = Param( initialize=1.09, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Sherwood equation A parameter", ) self.Sh_exp = Param( initialize=0.33, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Sherwood equation exp" ) self.bed_depth_to_diam_ratio = Var( initialize=1, bounds=(1, 100), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Min ratio of bed depth to diameter", ) # Bed expansion is calculated as a fraction of the bed_depth # These coefficients are used to calculate that fraction (bed_expansion_frac) as a function of backwash rate (bw_rate, m/hr) # bed_expansion_frac = bed_expansion_A + bed_expansion_B * bw_rate + bed_expansion_C * bw_rate**2 # Default is for strong-base type I acrylic anion exchanger resin (A-850, Purolite), @20C # Data extracted from MWH Chap 16, Figure 16-15 and fit with Excel self.bed_expansion_frac_A = Var( initialize=-1.23e-2, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Bed expansion fraction eq intercept", ) self.bed_expansion_frac_B = Var( initialize=1.02e-1, / pyunits.m, doc="Bed expansion fraction equation B parameter", ) self.bed_expansion_frac_C = Var( initialize=-1.35e-3,**2 / pyunits.m**2, doc="Bed expansion fraction equation C parameter", ) # Pressure drop (psi/m of resin bed depth) is a function of loading rate (vel_bed) in m/hr # p_drop (psi/m) = p_drop_A + p_drop_B * vel_bed + p_drop_C * vel_bed**2 # Default is for strong-base type I acrylic anion exchanger resin (A-850, Purolite), @20C # Data extracted from MWH Chap 16, Figure 16-14 and fit with Excel self.p_drop_A = Var( initialize=0.609, units=pyunits.psi / pyunits.m, doc="Pressure drop equation intercept", ) self.p_drop_B = Var( initialize=0.173, units=(pyunits.psi * / pyunits.m**2, doc="Pressure drop equation B", ) self.p_drop_C = Var( initialize=8.28e-4, units=(pyunits.psi ***2) / pyunits.m**3, doc="Pressure drop equation C", ) # ====== Resin variables ====== # self.resin_max_capacity = Var( initialize=5, units=pyunits.mol /, bounds=(0, None), # Perry's doc="Resin max capacity", ) self.resin_eq_capacity = Var( initialize=1, units=pyunits.mol /, bounds=(0, None), # Perry's doc="Resin equilibrium capacity", ) self.resin_unused_capacity = Var( initialize=1, units=pyunits.mol /, bounds=(0, None), # Perry's doc="Resin available capacity", ) self.resin_diam = Var( initialize=7e-4, bounds=(5e-4, 1.5e-3), units=pyunits.m, # Perry's doc="Resin bead diameter", ) self.resin_bulk_dens = Var( initialize=0.7, bounds=(0.65, 0.95), # Perry's / pyunits.L, doc="Resin bulk density", ) self.resin_particle_dens = Var( initialize=1.4, bounds=(0.5, None), / pyunits.L, doc="Resin particle density", ) self.langmuir = Var( self.target_ion_set, initialize=1.5, bounds=(0, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Langmuir isotherm coefficient", ) self.separation_factor = Var( self.target_ion_set, initialize=0.2, bounds=(0, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Separation factor", ) self.resin_surf_per_vol = Var( initialize=3333.33, bounds=(0, 1e5), units=pyunits.m**-1, doc="Resin surface area per volume", ) # ====== Bed/Column variables ====== # self.bed_vol = Var( initialize=1, units=pyunits.m**3, doc="Bed volume of one unit", ) self.bed_vol_tot = Var( initialize=2, units=pyunits.m**3, doc="Total bed volume", ) self.bed_depth = Var( initialize=1, bounds=(0, 2), units=pyunits.m, doc="Bed depth" # EPA-WBS ) self.bed_porosity = Var( initialize=0.5, bounds=(0.45, 0.65), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Bed porosity", ) self.col_height = Var( initialize=2, bounds=(0.0, 4.5), # EPA-WBS units=pyunits.m, doc="Column height", ) self.col_diam = Var( initialize=0.5, bounds=(0.0, 4.5), # EPA-WBS units=pyunits.m, doc="Column diameter", ) self.col_vol_per = Var( initialize=10, bounds=(0.02, 70), units=pyunits.m**3, doc="Column volume", ) self.number_columns = Var( initialize=2, bounds=(1, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Number of operational columns for ion exchange process", ) self.number_columns_redund = Var( initialize=1, bounds=(1, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Number of redundant columns for ion exchange process", ) # ====== Kinetic variables ====== # self.partition_ratio = Var( initialize=100, bounds=(0, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Partition ratio", ) self.fluid_mass_transfer_coeff = Var( self.target_ion_set, initialize=1e-3, bounds=(0, None), units=pyunits.m / pyunits.s, doc="Fluid mass transfer coefficient", ) self.rate_coeff = Var( self.target_ion_set, initialize=2e-4, bounds=(0, 1), units=pyunits.m**3 / ( * pyunits.s), doc="Rate coefficient", ) self.t_breakthru = Var( initialize=1e5, # DOW, ~7 weeks max breakthru time bounds=(0, None), units=pyunits.s, doc="Breakthrough time", ) self.t_cycle = Var( initialize=1e5, bounds=(0, None), units=pyunits.s, doc="Cycle time", ) self.t_contact = Var( initialize=520, bounds=(120, None), units=pyunits.s, doc="Contact time", ) self.t_waste = Var( initialize=1800, bounds=(1, None), units=pyunits.s, doc="Regen + Rinse + Backwash time", ) self.num_transfer_units = Var( initialize=1e6, bounds=(0, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Number of transfer units", ) self.HTU = Var( self.target_ion_set, initialize=0.5, bounds=(0, 1), units=pyunits.m, doc="Height of a transfer unit", ) self.dimensionless_time = Var( initialize=1, # bounds=(-1, 1), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Dimensionless time", ) self.lh = Var( initialize=0, bounds=(-20, 20), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Position of breakthrough on constant-pattern wave (0 at stoichiometric center)", ) self.mass_in = Var( self.target_ion_set, initialize=1e3, bounds=(0, None), units=pyunits.mol, doc="Influent mass of ion", ) self.mass_removed = Var( self.target_ion_set, initialize=1e3, bounds=(0, None), units=pyunits.mol, doc="Sorbed mass of ion", ) self.mass_out = Var( self.target_ion_set, initialize=100, bounds=(0, None), units=pyunits.mol, doc="Effluent mass of ion", ) # ====== Hydrodynamic variables ====== # self.vel_bed = Var( initialize=0.0086, bounds=(0, 0.01), # MWH, Perry's units=pyunits.m / pyunits.s, doc="Velocity through resin bed", ) self.vel_inter = Var( initialize=0.01, units=pyunits.m / pyunits.s, doc="Interstitial velocity", ) self.holdup = Var( initialize=100, bounds=(90, 250), # Inamuddin/Luqman units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Holdup percent", ) self.service_flow_rate = Var( initialize=10, bounds=(1, 15),**-1, doc="Service flow rate [BV/hr]", ) self.pressure_drop = Var( initialize=14, units=pyunits.psi, bounds=(0, 25), doc="Pressure drop across column", # max pressure drop is 25 psi, MWH ) # ====== Dimensionless variables ====== # self.Re = Var( initialize=4.3, bounds=(0.001, 60), # Perry's - bounds relevant to Sh regression units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Reynolds number", ) self.Sc = Var( ion_set, initialize=700, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Schmidt number", ) self.Sh = Var( self.target_ion_set, initialize=30, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Sherwood number", ) self.Pe_p = Var( initialize=0.1, # bounds=(0.01, 0.8), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Peclet particle number", ) self.Pe_bed = Var( initialize=1000, bounds=( 90, None, ), # Inamuddin/Luqman - Pe_bed > ~100 considered to be plug flow units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Peclet bed number", ) self.c_norm = Var( self.target_ion_set, initialize=0.5, bounds=(0, 1), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Dimensionless concentration", ) # ====== Regeneration ====== # self.service_to_regen_flow_ratio = Var( initialize=3, bounds=(2, 7), # WC&P units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Ratio of service flow rate to regeneration flow rate", ) self.regen_recycle = Var( initialize=1, bounds=(1, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Number of cycles the regenerant can be reused before disposal", ) self.regen_dose = Var( initialize=300, / pyunits.m**3, bounds=(0, None), # Perry's doc="Regenerant dose required for regeneration per volume of resin [kg regenerant/m3 resin]", ) self.t_regen = Var( initialize=1800, units=pyunits.s, doc="Regeneration time", ) # ====== Backwashing ====== # self.bw_rate = Var( initialize=5, units=pyunits.m / pyunits.hour, bounds=(4.5, 6.5), doc="Backwash loading rate [m/hr]", ) self.bw_flow = Var( initialize=0.1, bounds=(0, None), units=pyunits.m**3 / pyunits.s, doc="Backwashing volumetric flow rate", ) self.t_bw = Var( initialize=600, units=pyunits.s, bounds=(300, 1200), doc="Backwash time" ) self.bed_expansion_frac = Var( initialize=0.5, bounds=(0.4, 1.2), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Fraction of bed depth increase during backwashing", ) self.bed_expansion_h = Var( initialize=0.5, units=pyunits.m, bounds=(0, None), doc="Additional column sidewall height required for bed expansion", ) # ====== Rinse ====== # self.rinse_bv = Var( initialize=5, bounds=(2, 10), doc="Number of bed volumes for rinse step", ) self.rinse_flow = Var( initialize=0.1, units=pyunits.m**3 / pyunits.s, doc="Rinse volumetric flow rate", ) self.t_rinse = Var( initialize=360, units=pyunits.s, bounds=(120, None), doc="Rinse time" ) self.main_pump_power = Var( initialize=0.1, units=pyunits.kW, doc="Main pump power" ) self.regen_pump_power = Var( initialize=0.1, units=pyunits.kW, doc="Regen pump power" ) self.bw_pump_power = Var( initialize=0.1, units=pyunits.kW, doc="Backwash pump power" ) self.rinse_pump_power = Var( initialize=0.1, units=pyunits.kW, doc="Rinse pump power" ) self.pump_efficiency = Var( initialize=0.8, units=pyunits.dimensionless, bounds=(0, 1), doc="Pump efficiency", ) tmp_dict = dict(**self.config.property_package_args) tmp_dict["has_phase_equilibrium"] = False tmp_dict["parameters"] = self.config.property_package tmp_dict["defined_state"] = True # inlet block is an inlet self.properties_in = self.config.property_package.state_block_class( self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="Material properties of inlet", **tmp_dict ) # Add outlet and waste block tmp_dict["defined_state"] = False # outlet and waste block is not an inlet self.properties_out = self.config.property_package.state_block_class( self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="Material properties of outlet", **tmp_dict, ) self.properties_regen = self.config.property_package.state_block_class( self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="Material properties of waste", **tmp_dict ) # Add ports - oftentimes users interact with these rather than the state blocks self.add_port(name="inlet", block=self.properties_in) self.add_port(name="outlet", block=self.properties_out) self.add_port(name="regen", block=self.properties_regen) # =========== EQUILIBRIUM =========== @self.Constraint( self.target_ion_set, doc="Separation factor calc", ) def eq_sep_factor(b, j): return b.separation_factor[j] == 1 / b.langmuir[j] @self.Constraint( self.target_ion_set, doc="Langmuir isotherm", ) def eq_langmuir(b, j): return b.separation_factor[j] * ( b.c_norm[j] * (1 - b.resin_eq_capacity / b.resin_max_capacity) ) == (b.resin_eq_capacity / b.resin_max_capacity * (1 - b.c_norm[j])) @self.Constraint(doc="Pressure conservation") def eq_press_conservation(b): return b.properties_in[0].pressure == b.properties_out[0].pressure @self.Constraint(doc="Temperature conservation") def eq_temp_conservation(b): return b.properties_in[0].temperature == b.properties_out[0].temperature # =========== DIMENSIONLESS =========== @self.Constraint(doc="Reynolds number") def eq_Re(b): prop_in = b.properties_in[0] return b.Re == (b.vel_bed * b.resin_diam) / prop_in.visc_k_phase["Liq"] @self.Constraint(self.target_ion_set, doc="Schmidt number") def eq_Sc(b, j): prop_in = b.properties_in[0] return ( b.Sc[j] == prop_in.visc_k_phase["Liq"] / prop_in.diffus_phase_comp["Liq", j] ) @self.Constraint(self.target_ion_set, doc="Sherwood number") def eq_Sh(b, j): return ( b.Sh[j] == b.Sh_A / b.bed_porosity * b.Re**b.Sh_exp * b.Sc[j] ** b.Sh_exp ) @self.Constraint(doc="Bed Peclet number") def eq_Pe_bed(b): return b.Pe_bed == b.Pe_p * (b.bed_depth / b.resin_diam) @self.Constraint(doc="Particle Peclet number") def eq_Pe_p(b): return b.Pe_p == b.Pe_p_A * b.Re**b.Pe_p_exp # =========== RESIN & COLUMN =========== @self.Constraint(doc="Resin capacity mass balance") def eq_resin_cap_balance(b): return b.resin_max_capacity == b.resin_unused_capacity + b.resin_eq_capacity @self.Constraint(doc="Interstitial velocity") def eq_vel_inter(b): return b.vel_inter == b.vel_bed / b.bed_porosity @self.Constraint(doc="Column holdup") def eq_holdup(b): vel_bed_dimensionless = pyunits.convert( pyunits.convert(b.vel_bed, / pyunits.s) * (pyunits.s /, to_units=pyunits.dimensionless, ) return ( b.holdup == b.holdup_A + b.holdup_B * vel_bed_dimensionless**b.holdup_exp ) @self.Constraint(doc="Resin surface area per vol") def eq_resin_surf_per_vol(b): return b.resin_surf_per_vol == (6 * (1 - b.bed_porosity)) / b.resin_diam @self.Constraint(doc="Contact time") def eq_t_contact(b): return b.t_contact == b.bed_depth / b.vel_inter @self.Constraint(doc="Service flow rate") def eq_service_flow_rate(b): prop_in = b.properties_in[0] return ( b.service_flow_rate == pyunits.convert( prop_in.flow_vol_phase["Liq"], to_units=pyunits.m**3 /, ) / b.bed_vol_tot ) @self.Constraint(doc="Flow through bed constraint") def eq_bed_flow(b): prop_in = b.properties_in[0] return (b.bed_depth * b.bed_porosity) / b.vel_bed == ( (b.bed_porosity * b.bed_vol) / (prop_in.flow_vol_phase["Liq"] / b.number_columns) ) @self.Constraint(doc="Total bed volume") def eq_bed_vol_tot(b): return b.bed_vol_tot == b.bed_vol * b.number_columns @self.Constraint(doc="Column height") def eq_col_height(b): return ( b.col_height == b.bed_depth + b.distributor_h + b.underdrain_h + b.bed_expansion_h ) @self.Constraint(doc="Column volume calculated from bed volume") def eq_col_vol_per(b): return b.col_vol_per == b.col_height * (b.bed_vol / b.bed_depth) @self.Constraint(doc="Column volume calculated from column diameter") def eq_col_vol_per2(b): return b.col_vol_per == Constants.pi * (b.col_diam / 2) ** 2 * b.col_height @self.Constraint(doc="Column diameter calculation") def eq_col_diam_ratio(b): return (b.col_diam / 2) ** 2 == ( (b.col_height / b.bed_depth_to_diam_ratio) / 2 ) ** 2 # =========== KINETICS =========== @self.Constraint(self.target_ion_set, doc="Fluid mass transfer coeff") def eq_fluid_mass_transfer_coeff(b, j): prop_in = b.properties_in[0] return ( b.fluid_mass_transfer_coeff[j] == (prop_in.diffus_phase_comp["Liq", j] * b.Sh[j]) / b.resin_diam ) @self.Constraint(self.target_ion_set, doc="Rate coefficient") def eq_rate_coeff(b, j): return b.rate_coeff[j] == ( 6 * (1 - b.bed_porosity) * b.fluid_mass_transfer_coeff[j] ) / ( pyunits.convert(b.resin_bulk_dens, / pyunits.m**3) * b.resin_diam ) @self.Constraint(self.target_ion_set, doc="Height of transfer unit - HTU") def eq_HTU(b, j): return b.HTU[j] == b.vel_bed / ( pyunits.convert(b.resin_bulk_dens, / pyunits.m**3) * b.rate_coeff[j] ) @self.Constraint(doc="Partition ratio") def eq_partition_ratio(b): prop_in = b.properties_in[0] return b.partition_ratio == ( b.resin_eq_capacity * b.resin_bulk_dens ) / pyunits.convert( prop_in.conc_equiv_phase_comp["Liq", target_ion], to_units=pyunits.mol / pyunits.L, ) @self.Constraint(doc="Left hand side of constant pattern sol'n") def eq_lh(b): return b.lh == b.num_transfer_units * (b.dimensionless_time - 1) @self.Constraint( self.target_ion_set, doc="Right hand side of constant pattern sol'n" ) def eq_fixed_pattern_soln(b, j): return ( b.lh == (log(b.c_norm[j]) - b.langmuir[j] * log(1 - b.c_norm[j])) / (1 - b.langmuir[j]) + 1 ) @self.Constraint(doc="Dimensionless time") def eq_dimensionless_time(b): return ( b.dimensionless_time == ( (b.vel_inter * b.t_breakthru * b.bed_porosity) / b.bed_depth - b.bed_porosity ) / b.partition_ratio ) @self.Constraint(self.target_ion_set, doc="Number of mass-transfer units") def eq_num_transfer_units(b, j): return ( b.num_transfer_units == (b.fluid_mass_transfer_coeff[j] * b.resin_surf_per_vol * b.bed_depth) / b.vel_bed ) # =========== MASS BALANCE =========== @self.Constraint(doc="Flow conservation") def eq_flow_conservation(b): prop_in = b.properties_in[0] prop_out = b.properties_out[0] prop_regen = b.properties_regen[0] return prop_in.flow_vol_phase["Liq"] - ( (b.bw_flow * b.t_bw + b.rinse_flow * b.t_rinse) / b.t_cycle ) == prop_out.flow_vol_phase[ # assume backwash and rinse water comes from feed stream "Liq" ] - ( (prop_regen.flow_vol_phase["Liq"] * b.t_regen) / b.t_cycle ) # assume regen water comes from treated stream @self.Constraint(self.target_ion_set, doc="Influent total mass of ion") def eq_mass_in(b, j): prop_in = b.properties_in[0] return ( b.mass_in[j] == prop_in.flow_vol_phase["Liq"] * prop_in.conc_equiv_phase_comp["Liq", j] * b.t_breakthru ) @self.Constraint(self.target_ion_set, doc="Removed total mass of ion") def eq_mass_removed(b, j): return b.mass_removed[j] == pyunits.convert( b.resin_eq_capacity * b.resin_bulk_dens * b.bed_vol * b.number_columns, to_units=pyunits.mol, ) @self.Constraint(self.target_ion_set, doc="Mass of ion in effluent") def eq_mass_out(b, j): return b.mass_out[j] == b.mass_in[j] - b.mass_removed[j] @self.Constraint(ion_set, doc="Steady-state effluent concentration") def eq_ss_effluent(b, j): prop_in = b.properties_in[0] prop_out = b.properties_out[0] if j == target_ion: return prop_out.conc_equiv_phase_comp["Liq", j] == b.mass_out[j] / ( prop_in.flow_vol_phase["Liq"] * b.t_breakthru ) else: return ( prop_out.conc_equiv_phase_comp["Liq", j] == prop_in.conc_equiv_phase_comp["Liq", j] ) @self.Constraint(ion_set, doc="Steady-state regen concentration") def eq_ss_regen(b, j): prop_regen = b.properties_regen[0] if j == target_ion: return prop_regen.conc_equiv_phase_comp["Liq", j] == ( b.mass_removed[j] * b.regen_recycle ) / (prop_regen.flow_vol_phase["Liq"] * b.t_regen) else: return prop_regen.conc_equiv_phase_comp["Liq", j] == 0 # =========== REGENERATION, RINSE, BACKWASHING =========== @self.Constraint(doc="Cycle time") def eq_cycle_time(b): return b.t_cycle == b.t_breakthru + b.t_waste @self.Constraint(doc="Waste time") def eq_waste_time(b): return b.t_waste == b.t_regen + b.t_bw + b.t_rinse @self.Constraint(doc="Regen volumetric flow rate") def eq_regen_vol_flow(b): prop_in = b.properties_in[0] prop_regen = b.properties_regen[0] return ( prop_regen.flow_vol_phase["Liq"] == (prop_in.flow_vol_phase["Liq"] * b.regen_recycle) / b.service_to_regen_flow_ratio ) @self.Constraint(doc="Regen pump power") def eq_regen_pump_power(b): p_drop_m = b.pressure_drop * b.p_drop_psi_to_m prop_in = b.properties_in[0] prop_regen = b.properties_regen[0] return b.regen_pump_power == pyunits.convert( ( prop_in.dens_mass_phase["Liq"] * Constants.acceleration_gravity * p_drop_m * prop_regen.flow_vol_phase["Liq"] ) / b.pump_efficiency, to_units=pyunits.kilowatts, ) @self.Constraint(doc="Bed expansion fraction from backwashing") def eq_bed_expansion_frac(b): return ( b.bed_expansion_frac == b.bed_expansion_frac_A + b.bed_expansion_frac_B * b.bw_rate + b.bed_expansion_frac_C * b.bw_rate**2 ) # for 20C @self.Constraint(doc="Bed expansion from backwashing") def eq_bw_bed_expansion(b): return b.bed_expansion_h == b.bed_expansion_frac * b.bed_depth @self.Constraint(doc="Backwashing flow rate") def eq_bw_flow(b): bw_rate = pyunits.convert(b.bw_rate, to_units=pyunits.m / pyunits.s) return b.bw_flow == bw_rate * (b.bed_vol / b.bed_depth) * b.number_columns @self.Constraint(doc="Backwash pump power") def eq_bw_pump_power(b): prop_in = b.properties_in[0] p_drop_m = b.pressure_drop * b.p_drop_psi_to_m return b.bw_pump_power == pyunits.convert( ( prop_in.dens_mass_phase["Liq"] * Constants.acceleration_gravity * p_drop_m * b.bw_flow ) / b.pump_efficiency, to_units=pyunits.kilowatts, ) @self.Constraint(doc="Rinse time") def eq_rinse_time(b): return b.t_rinse == b.t_contact * b.rinse_bv @self.Constraint(doc="Rinse flow rate") def eq_rinse_flow(b): return ( b.rinse_flow == b.vel_bed * (b.bed_vol / b.bed_depth) * b.number_columns ) @self.Constraint(doc="Rinse pump power") def eq_rinse_pump_power(b): prop_in = b.properties_in[0] p_drop_m = b.pressure_drop * b.p_drop_psi_to_m return b.rinse_pump_power == pyunits.convert( ( prop_in.dens_mass_phase["Liq"] * Constants.acceleration_gravity * p_drop_m * b.rinse_flow ) / b.pump_efficiency, to_units=pyunits.kilowatts, ) @self.Constraint(doc="Main pump power") def eq_main_pump_power(b): prop_in = b.properties_in[0] p_drop_m = b.pressure_drop * b.p_drop_psi_to_m return b.main_pump_power == pyunits.convert( ( prop_in.dens_mass_phase["Liq"] * Constants.acceleration_gravity * p_drop_m * prop_in.flow_vol_phase["Liq"] ) / b.pump_efficiency, to_units=pyunits.kilowatts, ) @self.Constraint(doc="Pressure drop") def eq_pressure_drop(b): vel_bed = pyunits.convert(b.vel_bed, to_units=pyunits.m / return ( b.pressure_drop == (b.p_drop_A + b.p_drop_B * vel_bed + b.p_drop_C * vel_bed**2) * b.bed_depth ) # for 20C; @self.Expression(doc="Total column volume required") def col_vol_tot(b): return b.number_columns * b.col_vol_per
[docs] def initialize_build( blk, state_args=None, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET, solver=None, optarg=None ): """ General wrapper for initialization routines Keyword Arguments: state_args : a dict of arguments to be passed to the property package(s) to provide an initial state for initialization (see documentation of the specific property package) (default = {}). outlvl : sets output level of initialization routine optarg : solver options dictionary object (default=None) solver : str indicating which solver to use during initialization (default = None) Returns: None """ init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") solve_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") opt = get_solver(solver, optarg) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- flags = blk.properties_in.initialize( outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, state_args=state_args, hold_state=True, )"Initialization Step 1 Complete.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize other state blocks # Set state_args from inlet state if state_args is None: blk.state_args = state_args = {} state_dict = blk.properties_in[ blk.flowsheet().config.time.first() ].define_port_members() for k in state_dict.keys(): if state_dict[k].is_indexed(): state_args[k] = {} for m in state_dict[k].keys(): state_args[k][m] = state_dict[k][m].value else: state_args[k] = state_dict[k].value state_args_out = deepcopy(state_args) for p, j in blk.properties_out.phase_component_set: if j == blk.config.target_ion: state_args_out["flow_mol_phase_comp"][(p, j)] = ( state_args["flow_mol_phase_comp"][(p, j)] * 1e-5 ) blk.properties_out.initialize( outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, state_args=state_args_out, ) state_args_regen = deepcopy(state_args) for p, j in blk.properties_regen.phase_component_set: if j == "H2O": state_args_regen["flow_mol_phase_comp"][(p, j)] = ( state_args["flow_mol_phase_comp"][(p, j)] * 0.01 ) elif j != blk.config.target_ion: state_args_regen["flow_mol_phase_comp"][(p, j)] = ( state_args["flow_mol_phase_comp"][(p, j)] * 1e-8 ) elif j == blk.config.target_ion: state_args_regen["flow_mol_phase_comp"][(p, j)] = ( state_args["flow_mol_phase_comp"][(p, j)] * 1e3 ) blk.properties_regen.initialize( outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, state_args=state_args_regen, ) blk.state_args_out = state_args_out blk.state_args_regen = state_args_regen"Initialization Step 2 Complete.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Solve unit with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee)"Initialization Step 3 {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res))) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Release Inlet state blk.properties_in.release_state(flags, outlvl=outlvl)"Initialization Complete: {}".format(idaeslog.condition(res)))
def calculate_scaling_factors(self): super().calculate_scaling_factors() iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.Re, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.Sc, 1e-2) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.Sh, 0.1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.Pe_p, 1e2) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.Pe_bed, 1e-3) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.number_columns, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.resin_max_capacity, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.resin_eq_capacity, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.resin_unused_capacity, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.resin_diam, 1e4) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.resin_bulk_dens, 10) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.resin_particle_dens, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.langmuir, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.resin_surf_per_vol, 1e-3) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.bed_vol, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.bed_vol_tot, 0.1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.bed_depth, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.bed_depth_to_diam_ratio, 0.1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.bed_expansion_frac_A, 100) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.bed_expansion_frac_B, 10) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.bed_expansion_frac_C, 1000) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.p_drop_A, 10) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.p_drop_B, 10) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.p_drop_C, 1e4) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.bed_porosity, 10) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.col_height, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.col_vol_per, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.col_diam, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.holdup, 1e-2) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.num_transfer_units, 1e-2) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.partition_ratio, 1e-3) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.HTU, 1e3) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.service_flow_rate, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.c_norm, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.separation_factor, 10) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.fluid_mass_transfer_coeff, 1e5) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.rate_coeff, 1e4) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.t_breakthru, 1e-5) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.t_cycle, 1e-5) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.t_waste, 1e-3) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.t_contact, 1e-2) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.mass_in, 1e-5) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.mass_removed, 1e-5) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.mass_out, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.vel_bed, 1e3) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.vel_inter, 1e3) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.pressure_drop, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.bed_expansion_frac, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.bed_expansion_h, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.t_regen, 1e-3) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.regen_dose, 1e-2) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.service_to_regen_flow_ratio, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.bw_pump_power, 1e2) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.bw_rate, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.t_bw, 1e-2) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.bw_flow, 1e3) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.t_rinse, 1e-2) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.rinse_bv, 1) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.rinse_flow, 1e3) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.rinse_pump_power, 1e2) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.main_pump_power, 1e2) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.regen_pump_power, 1e2) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.pump_efficiency, 1) # transforming constraints for ind, c in self.eq_vel_inter.items(): sf = iscale.get_scaling_factor(self.vel_inter) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, sf) for ind, c in self.eq_sep_factor.items(): sf = iscale.get_scaling_factor(self.separation_factor) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, sf) for ind, c in self.eq_ss_effluent.items(): sf = iscale.get_scaling_factor(self.t_breakthru) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, sf) for ind, c in self.eq_fluid_mass_transfer_coeff.items(): sf = iscale.get_scaling_factor(self.fluid_mass_transfer_coeff[ind]) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, sf) for ind, c in self.eq_rate_coeff.items(): sf = iscale.get_scaling_factor(self.rate_coeff[ind]) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, sf) for ind, c in self.eq_regen_vol_flow.items(): sf = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.properties_regen[0].flow_mol_phase_comp["Liq", "H2O"] ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, sf) for ind, c in self.eq_bw_flow.items(): sf = iscale.get_scaling_factor(self.bw_flow) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, sf) for ind, c in self.eq_partition_ratio.items(): sf = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.properties_in[0].conc_equiv_phase_comp[ "Liq", self.config.target_ion ] ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, sf) def _get_stream_table_contents(self, time_point=0): return create_stream_table_dataframe( { "Feed Inlet": self.inlet, "Liquid Outlet": self.outlet, "Waste Outlet": self.waste, }, time_point=time_point, ) def _get_performance_contents(self, time_point=0): # TODO var_dict = {} var_dict["Breakthrough Time"] = self.t_breakthru var_dict["Total Resin Capacity [eq/L]"] = self.resin_max_capacity var_dict["Usable Resin Capacity [eq/L]"] = self.resin_eq_capacity var_dict["Resin Particle Diameter"] = self.resin_diam var_dict["Resin Bulk Density"] = self.resin_bulk_dens var_dict["Resin Particle Density"] = self.resin_particle_dens var_dict["Bed Volume"] = self.bed_vol var_dict["Bed Depth"] = self.bed_depth var_dict["Bed Diameter"] = self.bed_diam var_dict["Bed Porosity"] = self.bed_porosity var_dict["Number Transfer Units"] = self.num_transfer_units var_dict["Dimensionless Time"] = self.dimensionless_time var_dict["LH of Constant Pattern Sol'n."] = self.lh var_dict["Partition Ratio"] = self.partition_ratio var_dict["Bed Velocity"] = self.vel_bed var_dict["Holdup"] = self.holdup var_dict["Reynolds Number"] = self.Re var_dict["Peclet Number (bed)"] = self.Pe_bed var_dict["Peclet Number (particle)"] = self.Pe_p for i in self.config.property_package.ion_set: ion = i.replace("_", "") keq = f"Langmuir Coeff. for {ion}" req = f"Resin Separation Factor for {ion}" kf = f"Fluid Mass Transfer Coeff. for {ion}" kd = f"Rate Coeff. for {ion}" sc = f"Schmidt Number for {ion}" sh = f"Sherwood Number for {ion}" var_dict[keq] = self.langmuir[i] var_dict[req] = self.separation_factor[i] var_dict[kf] = self.fluid_mass_transfer_coeff[i] var_dict[kd] = self.rate_coeff[i] var_dict[sc] = self.Sc[i] var_dict[sh] = self.Sh[i] return {"vars": var_dict}