Source code for watertap.costing.watertap_costing_package

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2021, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National
# Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy
# Technology Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from
# the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and license
# information, respectively. These files are also available online at the URL
# ""

from import MutableMapping

import pyomo.environ as pyo

from pyomo.util.calc_var_value import calculate_variable_from_constraint

from idaes.core import declare_process_block_class
from idaes.core.base.costing_base import (

from idaes.models.unit_models import Mixer

from watertap.unit_models import (

from .units.crystallizer import cost_crystallizer
from .units.electrodialysis import cost_electrodialysis
from .units.energy_recovery_device import cost_energy_recovery_device
from .units.gac import cost_gac
from .units.ion_exchange import cost_ion_exchange
from .units.nanofiltration import cost_nanofiltration
from .units.mixer import cost_mixer
from .units.pressure_exchanger import cost_pressure_exchanger
from .units.pump import cost_pump
from .units.reverse_osmosis import cost_reverse_osmosis
from .units.uv_aop import cost_uv_aop

class _DefinedFlowsDict(MutableMapping, dict):
    # use dict methods
    __getitem__ = dict.__getitem__
    __iter__ = dict.__iter__
    __len__ = dict.__len__

    def _setitem(self, key, value):
        if key in self and self[key] is not value:
            raise KeyError(f"{key} has already been defined as a flow")
        dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        raise KeyError(
            "Please use the `WaterTAPCosting.add_defined_flow` "
            "method to add defined flows."

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        raise KeyError("defined flows cannot be removed")

[docs]@declare_process_block_class("WaterTAPCosting") class WaterTAPCostingData(FlowsheetCostingBlockData): # Define default mapping of costing methods to unit models unit_mapping = { Mixer: cost_mixer, Pump: cost_pump, EnergyRecoveryDevice: cost_energy_recovery_device, PressureExchanger: cost_pressure_exchanger, ReverseOsmosis0D: cost_reverse_osmosis, ReverseOsmosis1D: cost_reverse_osmosis, NanoFiltration0D: cost_nanofiltration, NanofiltrationZO: cost_nanofiltration, Crystallization: cost_crystallizer, Ultraviolet0D: cost_uv_aop, Electrodialysis0D: cost_electrodialysis, Electrodialysis1D: cost_electrodialysis, IonExchange0D: cost_ion_exchange, GAC: cost_gac, }
[docs] def build(self): super().build() self._registered_LCOWs = {}
[docs] def build_global_params(self): # Register currency and conversion rates based on CE Index register_idaes_currency_units() # Set the base year for all costs self.base_currency = pyo.units.USD_2018 # Set a base period for all operating costs self.base_period = pyo.units.year # Define standard material flows and costs # The WaterTAP costing package creates flows # in a lazy fashion, the first time `cost_flow` # is called for a flow. The `_DefinedFlowsDict` # prevents defining more than one flow with # the same name. self.defined_flows = _DefinedFlowsDict() # Build flowsheet level costing components # These are the global parameters self.utilization_factor = pyo.Var( initialize=0.9, doc="Plant capacity utilization [fraction of uptime]", units=pyo.units.dimensionless, ) self.factor_total_investment = pyo.Var( initialize=2, doc="Total investment factor [investment cost/equipment cost]", units=pyo.units.dimensionless, ) self.factor_maintenance_labor_chemical = pyo.Var( initialize=0.03, doc="Maintenance-labor-chemical factor [fraction of investment cost/year]", units=pyo.units.year**-1, ) self.factor_capital_annualization = pyo.Var( initialize=0.1, doc="Capital annualization factor [fraction of investment cost/year]", units=pyo.units.year**-1, ) self.electricity_cost = pyo.Param( mutable=True, initialize=0.07, doc="Electricity cost", units=pyo.units.USD_2018 / pyo.units.kWh, ) self.add_defined_flow("electricity", self.electricity_cost) self.electrical_carbon_intensity = pyo.Param( mutable=True, initialize=0.475, doc="Grid carbon intensity [kgCO2_eq/kWh]", / pyo.units.kWh, ) # fix the parameters self.fix_all_vars()
[docs] def add_defined_flow(self, flow_name, flow_cost): """ This method adds a defined flow to the costing block. NOTE: Use this method to add `defined_flows` to the costing block to ensure updates to `flow_cost` get propagated in the model. See for details. Args: flow_name: string containing the name of the flow to register flow_cost: Pyomo expression that represents the flow unit cost Returns: None """ flow_cost_name = flow_name + "_cost" current_flow_cost = self.component(flow_cost_name) if current_flow_cost is None: self.add_component(flow_cost_name, pyo.Expression(expr=flow_cost)) self.defined_flows._setitem(flow_name, self.component(flow_cost_name)) elif current_flow_cost is flow_cost: self.defined_flows._setitem(flow_name, current_flow_cost) else: # if we get here then there's an attribute named # flow_cost_name on the block, which is an error raise RuntimeError( f"Attribute {flow_cost_name} already exists " f"on the costing block, but is not {flow_cost}" )
[docs] def cost_flow(self, flow_expr, flow_type): """ This method registers a given flow component (Var or expression) for costing. All flows are required to be bounded to be non-negative (i.e. a lower bound equal to or greater than 0). Args: flow_expr: Pyomo Var or expression that represents a material flow that should be included in the process costing. Units are expected to be on a per time basis. flow_type: string identifying the material this flow represents. This string must be available to the FlowsheetCostingBlock as a known flow type. Raises: ValueError if flow_type is not recognized. TypeError if flow_expr is an indexed Var. """ if flow_type not in self.defined_flows: raise ValueError( f"{flow_type} is not a recognized flow type. Please check " "your spelling and that the flow type has been available to" " the FlowsheetCostingBlock." ) if flow_type not in self.flow_types: self.register_flow_type(flow_type, self.defined_flows[flow_type]) super().cost_flow(flow_expr, flow_type)
[docs] def build_process_costs(self): self.total_capital_cost = pyo.Var( initialize=1e3, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals, doc="Total capital cost", units=self.base_currency, ) self.maintenance_labor_chemical_operating_cost = pyo.Var( initialize=1e3, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals, doc="Maintenance-labor-chemical operating cost", units=self.base_currency / self.base_period, ) self.total_operating_cost = pyo.Var( initialize=1e3, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals, doc="Total operating cost", units=self.base_currency / self.base_period, ) self.total_capital_cost_constraint = pyo.Constraint( expr=self.total_capital_cost == self.factor_total_investment * self.aggregate_capital_cost ) self.maintenance_labor_chemical_operating_cost_constraint = pyo.Constraint( expr=self.maintenance_labor_chemical_operating_cost == self.factor_maintenance_labor_chemical * self.total_capital_cost ) self.total_operating_cost_constraint = pyo.Constraint( expr=self.total_operating_cost == self.maintenance_labor_chemical_operating_cost + self.aggregate_fixed_operating_cost + self.aggregate_variable_operating_cost + sum(self.aggregate_flow_costs.values()) * self.utilization_factor )
[docs] def initialize_build(self): calculate_variable_from_constraint( self.total_capital_cost, self.total_capital_cost_constraint ) calculate_variable_from_constraint( self.maintenance_labor_chemical_operating_cost, self.maintenance_labor_chemical_operating_cost_constraint, ) calculate_variable_from_constraint( self.total_operating_cost, self.total_operating_cost_constraint ) for var, con in self._registered_LCOWs.values(): calculate_variable_from_constraint(var, con)
[docs] def add_LCOW(self, flow_rate, name="LCOW"): """ Add Levelized Cost of Water (LCOW) to costing block. Args: flow_rate - flow rate of water (volumetric) to be used in calculating LCOW name (optional) - name for the LCOW variable (default: LCOW) """ LCOW = pyo.Var( doc=f"Levelized Cost of Water based on flow {}", units=self.base_currency / pyo.units.m**3, ) self.add_component(name, LCOW) LCOW_constraint = pyo.Constraint( expr=LCOW == ( self.total_capital_cost * self.factor_capital_annualization + self.total_operating_cost ) / ( pyo.units.convert( flow_rate, to_units=pyo.units.m**3 / self.base_period ) * self.utilization_factor ), doc=f"Constraint for Levelized Cost of Water based on flow {}", ) self.add_component(name + "_constraint", LCOW_constraint) self._registered_LCOWs[name] = (LCOW, LCOW_constraint)
[docs] def add_annual_water_production(self, flow_rate, name="annual_water_production"): """ Add annual water production to costing block. Args: flow_rate - flow rate of water (volumetric) to be used in calculating annual water production name (optional) - name for the annual water productionvariable Expression (default: annual_water_production) """ self.add_component( name, pyo.Expression( expr=( pyo.units.convert( flow_rate, to_units=pyo.units.m**3 / self.base_period ) * self.utilization_factor ), doc=f"Annual water production based on flow {}", ), )
[docs] def add_specific_energy_consumption( self, flow_rate, name="specific_energy_consumption" ): """ Add specific energy consumption (kWh/m**3) to costing block. Args: flow_rate - flow rate of water (volumetric) to be used in calculating specific energy consumption name (optional) - the name of the Expression for the specific energy consumption (default: specific_energy_consumption) """ self.add_component( name, pyo.Expression( expr=self.aggregate_flow_electricity / pyo.units.convert( flow_rate, to_units=pyo.units.m**3 / ), doc=f"Specific energy consumption based on flow {}", ), )
[docs] def add_specific_electrical_carbon_intensity( self, flow_rate, name="specific_electrical_carbon_intensity" ): """ Add specific electrical carbon intensity (kg_CO2eq/m**3) to costing block. Args: flow_rate - flow rate of water (volumetric) to be used in calculating specific electrical carbon intensity name (optional) - the name of the Expression for the specific energy consumption (default: specific_electrical_carbon_intensity) """ self.add_component( name, pyo.Expression( expr=self.aggregate_flow_electricity * self.electrical_carbon_intensity / pyo.units.convert( flow_rate, to_units=pyo.units.m**3 / ), doc=f"Specific electrical carbon intensity based on flow {}", ), )