Source code for watertap.examples.flowsheets.full_treatment_train.model_components.unit_ZONF

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2021, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National
# Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy
# Technology Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from
# the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and license
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"""Zero order nanofiltration model based on specifying solvent flux and solute rejection"""

from pyomo.environ import ConcreteModel, Constraint
from idaes.core import FlowsheetBlock
from watertap.unit_models.nanofiltration_ZO import NanofiltrationZO
from idaes.core.util.scaling import (
from watertap.examples.flowsheets.full_treatment_train.model_components import (
from watertap.examples.flowsheets.full_treatment_train.util import (

[docs]def build_ZONF(m, base="ion"): """ Builds a ZONF model based on specified rejection and solvent flux. Requires prop_ion property package. """ if base not in ["ion"]: raise ValueError( "Unexpected property base {base} for build_ZONF" "".format(base=base) ) prop = property_models.get_prop(m, base=base) m.fs.NF = NanofiltrationZO(property_package=prop, has_pressure_change=False) # specify m.fs.NF.flux_vol_solvent.fix(1.67e-6) m.fs.NF.area.fix(500) m.fs.NF.properties_permeate[0].pressure.fix(101325) m.fs.NF.rejection_phase_comp[0, "Liq", "Na"].fix(0.01) m.fs.NF.rejection_phase_comp[0, "Liq", "Ca"].fix(0.79) m.fs.NF.rejection_phase_comp[0, "Liq", "Mg"].fix(0.94) m.fs.NF.rejection_phase_comp[0, "Liq", "SO4"].fix(0.87) m.fs.NF.rejection_phase_comp[ 0, "Liq", "Cl" ] = 0.15 # guess, but electroneutrality enforced below charge_comp = {"Na": 1, "Ca": 2, "Mg": 2, "SO4": -2, "Cl": -1} m.fs.NF.eq_electroneutrality = Constraint( expr=0 == sum( charge_comp[j] * m.fs.NF.feed_side.properties_out[0].conc_mol_phase_comp["Liq", j] for j in charge_comp ) ) constraint_scaling_transform(m.fs.NF.eq_electroneutrality, 1)
def solve_ZONF(base="ion"): m = ConcreteModel() m.fs = FlowsheetBlock(dynamic=False) property_models.build_prop(m, base=base) build_ZONF(m, base=base) property_models.specify_feed(m.fs.NF.feed_side.properties_in[0], base="ion") check_dof(m) calculate_scaling_factors(m) solve_block(m) m.fs.NF.inlet.display() m.fs.NF.permeate.display() m.fs.NF.retentate.display() return m if __name__ == "__main__": solve_ZONF(base="ion")