Source code for watertap.costing.units.mixer

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2020-2023, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
# National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy Technology
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import pyomo.environ as pyo
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from idaes.core.util.misc import StrEnum
from ..util import cost_by_flow_volume, register_costing_parameter_block

[docs]class MixerType(StrEnum): default = "default" NaOCl = "NaOCl" CaOH2 = "CaOH2"
def build_mixer_cost_param_block(blk): blk.unit_cost = pyo.Var( initialize=361, doc="Mixer cost", units=pyo.units.USD_2018 / (pyo.units.liters / pyo.units.second), )
[docs]def cost_mixer(blk, mixer_type=MixerType.default, **kwargs): """ Mixer costing method Args: mixer_type: MixerType Enum indicating mixer type, default = MixerType.default `**kwargs`: Additional keywords for the MixerType, e.g., NaOCl and CaOH2 mixers expect the `dosing_rate` keyword argument. """ if mixer_type == MixerType.default: cost_default_mixer(blk, **kwargs) elif mixer_type == MixerType.NaOCl: cost_naocl_mixer(blk, **kwargs) elif mixer_type == MixerType.CaOH2: cost_caoh2_mixer(blk, **kwargs) else: raise ConfigurationError( f"{} received invalid argument for mixer_type:" f" {mixer_type}. Argument must be a member of the MixerType Enum." )
[docs]@register_costing_parameter_block( build_rule=build_mixer_cost_param_block, parameter_block_name="mixer", ) def cost_default_mixer(blk): """ Default mixer costing method TODO: describe equations """ cost_by_flow_volume( blk, blk.costing_package.mixer.unit_cost, pyo.units.convert( blk.unit_model.mixed_state[0].flow_vol, pyo.units.liter / pyo.units.second, ), )
def build_naocl_mixer_cost_param_block(blk): blk.unit_cost = pyo.Var( initialize=5.08, doc="NaOCl mixer cost", units=pyo.units.USD_2018 / (pyo.units.m**3 /, ) def build_naocl_cost_param_block(blk): blk.cost = pyo.Param( initialize=0.23, doc="NaOCl cost", units=pyo.units.USD_2018 /, ) blk.purity = pyo.Param( mutable=True, initialize=0.15, doc="NaOCl purity", units=pyo.units.dimensionless, ) costing = blk.parent_block() costing.add_defined_flow("NaOCl", blk.cost / blk.purity)
[docs]@register_costing_parameter_block( build_rule=build_naocl_cost_param_block, parameter_block_name="naocl" ) @register_costing_parameter_block( build_rule=build_naocl_mixer_cost_param_block, parameter_block_name="naocl_mixer", ) def cost_naocl_mixer(blk, dosing_rate): """ NaOCl mixer costing method TODO: describe equations Args: dosing_rate: An expression in [mass/time] for NaOCl dosage """ cost_by_flow_volume( blk, blk.costing_package.naocl_mixer.unit_cost, pyo.units.convert( blk.unit_model.inlet_stream_state[0].flow_vol, pyo.units.m**3 /, ), ) blk.costing_package.cost_flow( pyo.units.convert(dosing_rate, / pyo.units.s), "NaOCl" )
def build_caoh2_cost_param_block(blk): blk.cost = pyo.Param( mutable=True, initialize=0.12, doc="CaOH2 cost", units=pyo.units.USD_2018 /, ) blk.purity = pyo.Param( mutable=True, initialize=1, doc="CaOH2 purity", units=pyo.units.dimensionless, ) costing = blk.parent_block() costing.add_defined_flow("CaOH2", blk.cost / blk.purity) def build_caoh2_mixer_cost_param_block(blk): blk.unit_cost = pyo.Var( initialize=792.8 * 2.20462, doc="Ca(OH)2 mixer cost", units=pyo.units.USD_2018 / ( /, )
[docs]@register_costing_parameter_block( build_rule=build_caoh2_cost_param_block, parameter_block_name="caoh2" ) @register_costing_parameter_block( build_rule=build_caoh2_mixer_cost_param_block, parameter_block_name="caoh2_mixer", ) def cost_caoh2_mixer(blk, dosing_rate): """ CaOH2 mixer costing method TODO: describe equations Args: dosing_rate: An expression in [mass/time] for CaOH2 dosage """ stream = blk.unit_model.lime_stream blk.lime_kg_per_day = pyo.Expression( expr=pyo.units.convert( dosing_rate, /, ) ) cost_by_flow_volume( blk, blk.costing_package.caoh2_mixer.unit_cost / blk.costing_package.factor_total_investment, blk.lime_kg_per_day, ) blk.costing_package.cost_flow( pyo.units.convert(dosing_rate, / pyo.units.s), "CaOH2" )