watertap.tools.oli_api package



watertap.tools.oli_api.client module

class watertap.tools.oli_api.client.OLIApi(credential_manager, interactive_mode=True, debug_level='INFO')[source]

Bases: object

A class to wrap OLI Cloud API calls and access functions for interfacing with WaterTAP.

__init__(credential_manager, interactive_mode=True, debug_level='INFO')[source]

Construct all necessary attributes for OLIApi class.

  • credential_manager_class – class used to manage credentials

  • interactive_mode – enables direct interaction with user through prompts

  • debug_level – string defining level of logging activity

call(flash_method=None, dbs_file_id=None, input_params=None, poll_time=0.5, max_request=100, **kwargs)[source]

Make a call to the OLI Cloud API.

  • flash_method – string indicating flash method

  • dbs_file_id – string indicating DBS file

  • input_params – dictionary for flash calculation inputs

  • poll_time – seconds between each poll

  • max_request – maximum number of times to try request before failure

Return result:

dictionary for JSON output result


Delete all (or specified) DBS files on OLI Cloud.


dbs_file_ids – list of DBS file IDs to delete

generate_dbs_file(inflows, thermo_framework=None, model_name=None, phases=None, databanks=None, keep_file=False)[source]

Generate a DBS file on OLI Cloud given chemistry inputs.

  • inflows – dictionary with inflows and optional custom parameters

  • thermo_framework – string name of thermodynamic databank to use

  • model_name – string name of model OLI will use

  • phases – container dict for chemistry model parameters

  • databanks – list of databanks to include in DBS file

  • keep_file – bool to remove (default) or ignore DBS file during session cleanup

Return dbs_file_id:

string name for DBS file ID


Get list of valid contact surfaces for corrosion analysis, given a DBS file ID.


dbs_file_id – string name for DBS file ID

Return contact_surfaces:

JSON results from OLI Cloud


Get chemistry info and flash history for a DBS file.


dbs_file_id – string name for DBS file ID

Return dbs_file_summary:

dictionary containing JSON results from OLI Cloud


Get all DBS files on user’s cloud.

Return user_dbs_file_ids:

list of user DBS files saved on OLI Cloud

process_request_list(requests, **kwargs)[source]

Process a list of flash calculation requests for OLI.


requests – list of request dictionaries containing flash_method, dbs_file_id, and json_input

upload_dbs_file(dbs_file_path, keep_file=False)[source]

Upload a DBS file to OLI Cloud given a full file path.

  • dbs_file_path – string path to DBS file

  • keep_file – bool to remove (default) or ignore DBS file during session cleanup

Return dbs_file_id:

string name for DBS file ID

watertap.tools.oli_api.conftest module

watertap.tools.oli_api.conftest.auth_credentials() dict[source]

Credentials that allow running tests with an authenticated client

watertap.tools.oli_api.credentials module

class watertap.tools.oli_api.credentials.CredentialManager(username='', password='', root_url='', auth_url='', config_file='./credentials.txt', encryption_key='', access_keys=[], test=False, interactive_mode=True)[source]

Bases: object

A class to handle credentials for OLI Cloud.

__init__(username='', password='', root_url='', auth_url='', config_file='./credentials.txt', encryption_key='', access_keys=[], test=False, interactive_mode=True)[source]

Manages credentials for OLIApi authentication requests.

  • username – user’s username

  • password – user’s password

  • root_url – root url

  • auth_url – authorization url

  • config_file – existing/desired path (absolute, or relative to the working directory) to encrypted oli_config_file

  • encryption_key – fernet key generated by credential manager object

  • access_keys – list of access keys generated by user

  • test – bool switch for automation during tests

  • interactive_mode – bool to switch level of logging display from info to debug only

auth_status(body, req_result=None)[source]

Posts authorization request to OLI Cloud.


body – dictionary containing authorization data

Return bool:

bool indicating success or failure


Delete an access key for OLI Cloud.


api_key – The access key to delete

Return string:

Response text containing the success message or an error message


Generate an access key for OLI Cloud.


key_lifetime – integer number of days key will be valid

Return string:

Response text containing the access key information or an error message


Log in to OLI Cloud using access key or credentials.


refresh – bool to get refresh token

Return status:

bool indicating success or failure


Allows access key to be selected from list if more than one is provided.


Creates OLI Cloud API headers and performs initial login.


Updates existing headers with new header.


new_header – dict containing new header key and value

Return updated_headers:

dict containing updated headers

watertap.tools.oli_api.flash module

class watertap.tools.oli_api.flash.Flash(optional_properties={'electricalConductivity': True, 'viscosity': True, 'selfDiffusivityAndMobility': True, 'heatCapacity': True, 'thermalConductivity': True, 'surfaceTension': True, 'interfacialTension': True, 'volumeStdConditions': True, 'prescalingTendenciesEstimated': False, 'prescalingIndexEstimated': False, 'prescalingTendenciesRigorous': True, 'prescalingIndexRigorous': True, 'scalingTendencies': True, 'scalingIndex': True, 'hardness': True, 'ionicStrengthXBased': True, 'ionicStrengthMBased': True, 'totalDissolvedSolids': True, 'vaporToInflowMoleFraction': True, 'partialPressure': True, 'vaporDiffusivityMatrix': True, 'entropyStream': True, 'entropySpecies': True, 'entropyStreamStandardState': True, 'entropySpeciesStandardState': True, 'gibbsEnergyStream': True, 'gibbsEnergySpecies': True, 'gibbsEnergyStreamStandardState': True, 'gibbsEnergySpeciesStandardState': True, 'activityCoefficientsXBased': True, 'activityCoefficientsMBased': True, 'fugacityCoefficients': True, 'vaporFugacity': True, 'kValuesXBased': True, 'kValuesMBased': True, 'MBGComposition': True, 'materialBalanceGroup': True}, input_unit_set={'inflows': {'oli_unit': 'mg/L', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'molecularConcentration': {'oli_unit': 'mg/L', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'mass': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'temperature': {'oli_unit': 'K', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'pressure': {'oli_unit': 'Pa', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'enthalpy': {'oli_unit': 'J', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'vaporAmountMoles': {'oli_unit': 'mol', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'vaporMolFrac': {'oli_unit': 'mol/mol', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'totalVolume': {'oli_unit': 'L', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'pipeDiameter': {'oli_unit': 'm', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'pipeFlowVelocity': {'oli_unit': 'm/s', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'diskDiameter': {'oli_unit': 'm', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'diskRotatingSpeed': {'oli_unit': 'cycle/s', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'rotorDiameter': {'oli_unit': 'm', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'rotorRotation': {'oli_unit': 'cycle/s', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'shearStress': {'oli_unit': 'Pa', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'pipeRoughness': {'oli_unit': 'm', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'liquidFlowInPipe': {'oli_unit': 'L/s', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'gasFlowInPipe': {'oli_unit': 'L/s', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'viscAbs2ndLiq': {'oli_unit': 'Pa-s', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_ProductExpression object>}, 'alkalinity': {'oli_unit': 'mg HCO3/L', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'TIC': {'oli_unit': 'mol C/L', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'CO2GasFraction': {'oli_unit': 'mol/mol', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}}, output_unit_set={'enthalpy': {'oli_unit': 'J', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'mass': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'pt': {'oli_unit': 'Pa', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'total': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'liq1_phs_comp': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'solid_phs_comp': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'vapor_phs_comp': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'liq2_phs_comp': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'combined_phs_comp': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'molecularConcentration': {'oli_unit': 'mg/L', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}}, relative_inflows=True, debug_level='INFO')[source]

Bases: object

A class to execute OLI Cloud flash calculations.

  • optional_properties – dictionary for optional properties to attach to OLI calls, all True by default

  • input_unit_set – dictionary for conversions between OLI and Pyomo unit names

  • output_unit_set – dictionary for preferred output units

  • relative_inflows – bool switch for surveys - true to add specified value to initial value, false to replace initial value with specified value

  • debug_level – string defining level of logging activity

__init__(optional_properties={'electricalConductivity': True, 'viscosity': True, 'selfDiffusivityAndMobility': True, 'heatCapacity': True, 'thermalConductivity': True, 'surfaceTension': True, 'interfacialTension': True, 'volumeStdConditions': True, 'prescalingTendenciesEstimated': False, 'prescalingIndexEstimated': False, 'prescalingTendenciesRigorous': True, 'prescalingIndexRigorous': True, 'scalingTendencies': True, 'scalingIndex': True, 'hardness': True, 'ionicStrengthXBased': True, 'ionicStrengthMBased': True, 'totalDissolvedSolids': True, 'vaporToInflowMoleFraction': True, 'partialPressure': True, 'vaporDiffusivityMatrix': True, 'entropyStream': True, 'entropySpecies': True, 'entropyStreamStandardState': True, 'entropySpeciesStandardState': True, 'gibbsEnergyStream': True, 'gibbsEnergySpecies': True, 'gibbsEnergyStreamStandardState': True, 'gibbsEnergySpeciesStandardState': True, 'activityCoefficientsXBased': True, 'activityCoefficientsMBased': True, 'fugacityCoefficients': True, 'vaporFugacity': True, 'kValuesXBased': True, 'kValuesMBased': True, 'MBGComposition': True, 'materialBalanceGroup': True}, input_unit_set={'inflows': {'oli_unit': 'mg/L', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'molecularConcentration': {'oli_unit': 'mg/L', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'mass': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'temperature': {'oli_unit': 'K', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'pressure': {'oli_unit': 'Pa', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'enthalpy': {'oli_unit': 'J', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'vaporAmountMoles': {'oli_unit': 'mol', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'vaporMolFrac': {'oli_unit': 'mol/mol', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'totalVolume': {'oli_unit': 'L', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'pipeDiameter': {'oli_unit': 'm', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'pipeFlowVelocity': {'oli_unit': 'm/s', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'diskDiameter': {'oli_unit': 'm', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'diskRotatingSpeed': {'oli_unit': 'cycle/s', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'rotorDiameter': {'oli_unit': 'm', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'rotorRotation': {'oli_unit': 'cycle/s', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'shearStress': {'oli_unit': 'Pa', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'pipeRoughness': {'oli_unit': 'm', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'liquidFlowInPipe': {'oli_unit': 'L/s', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'gasFlowInPipe': {'oli_unit': 'L/s', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'viscAbs2ndLiq': {'oli_unit': 'Pa-s', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_ProductExpression object>}, 'alkalinity': {'oli_unit': 'mg HCO3/L', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'TIC': {'oli_unit': 'mol C/L', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}, 'CO2GasFraction': {'oli_unit': 'mol/mol', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}}, output_unit_set={'enthalpy': {'oli_unit': 'J', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'mass': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'pt': {'oli_unit': 'Pa', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'total': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'liq1_phs_comp': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'solid_phs_comp': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'vapor_phs_comp': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'liq2_phs_comp': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'combined_phs_comp': {'oli_unit': 'mg', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.base.units_container._PyomoUnit object>}, 'molecularConcentration': {'oli_unit': 'mg/L', 'pyomo_unit': <pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NPV_DivisionExpression object>}}, relative_inflows=True, debug_level='INFO')[source]
configure_flash_analysis(inflows=None, flash_method=None, temperature=None, pressure=None, calculated_variable=None, enthalpy=None, vapor_amount=None, vapor_fraction=None, volume=None, ph=None, acid_titrant=None, base_titrant=None, formed_solid=None, precipitant_inflow=None, included_solids=None, excluded_solids=None, contact_surface=None, flow_type=None, diameter=None, liq_velocity=None, gas_velocity=None, rot_velocity=None, shear_stress=None, roughness=None, nonaqueous_visc=None, water_cut_inversion=None, relative_visc_inversion=None, use_scaling_rigorous=True, file_name=None)[source]

Configure Flash Analysis JSON input.

  • inflows – dictionary of solutes, of the form {“unit”: unit, “values”: {solute_name: concentration_value}}; otherwise, {solute_name: concentration_value}

  • flash_method – string for flash calculation name

  • temperature – float for temperature in Kelvins

  • pressure – float for pressure in Pascals

  • calculated_variable – string for variable to calculate, such as temperature or pressure, used in ‘bubblepoint’, ‘dewpoint’, ‘vapor-amount’, ‘vapor-fraction’, and ‘isochoric’ flashes

  • enthalpy – float for total enthalpy in Joules, used in ‘isenthalpic’ flash

  • vapor_amount – float for vapor phase Moles, used in ‘vapor-amount’ flash

  • vapor_fraction – float for vapor phase in Mole %, used in ‘vapor-fraction’ flash

  • volume – float for total volume in Cubic Meters, used in ‘isochoric’ flash

  • ph – float for target pH, used in ‘setph’ flash

  • acid_titrant – string for acidification titrant, used in ‘setph’ flash

  • base_titrant – string for basification titrant, used in ‘setph’ flash

  • formed_solid – string for solid species to precipitate based on inflow sweep, used in ‘precipitation-point’

  • precipitant_inflow – string for inflow species to sweep, used in ‘precipitation-point’

  • included_solids – list of solids to include in analysis

  • excluded_solids – list of solids to exclude from analysis

  • contact_surface – string for contact surface metal name

  • flow_type – string for flow configuration

  • diameter – float for diameter of surface (i.e., pipe or rotor)

  • liq_velocity – float for velocity of liquid flow

  • gas_velocity – float for velocity of vapor flow, used in ‘approximateMultiPhaseFlow’

  • rot_velocity – float for rotational velocity

  • shear_stress – float for defined shear stress, used in ‘definedShearStress’

  • roughness – float for pipe roughness, used in ‘approximateMultiPhaseFlow’

  • nonaqueous_visc – float for absolute viscosity of nonaqueous phase, used in ‘approximateMultiPhaseFlow’

  • water_cut_inversion – float for water cut at point of dispersion inversion, used in ‘approximateMultiPhaseFlow’

  • relative_visc_inversion – float for maximum relative viscosity of dispersion at inversion, used in ‘approximateMultiPhaseFlow’

  • use_scaling_rigorous – bool to switch between Rigorous (default) and Estimated scaling computations

  • file_name – string for file to write, if any

Return json_input:

JSON for Water Analysis

configure_water_analysis(inflows=None, temperature=None, pressure=None, reconciliation=None, electroneutrality=None, makeup_ion=None, ph=None, acid_titrant=None, base_titrant=None, alkalinity=None, alkalinity_ph=None, alkalinity_titrant=None, tic=None, allow_solids=False, included_solids=None, excluded_solids=None, calc_alkalinity=False, use_scaling_rigorous=True, file_name=None)[source]

Configure Water Analysis JSON input.

  • inflows – dictionary of solutes

  • temperature – float for temperature in Kelvins

  • pressure – float for pressure in Pascals

  • reconciliation – string for method of reconciliation: “EquilCalcOnly” (default), “ReconcilePh”, “ReconcilePhAndAlkalinity”, or “ReconcilePhAndAlkalinityAndTic”; “ReconcileCo2Gas” not supported currently.

  • electroneutrality – string for method of electroneutrality calculation: “DominantIon”, “ProrateCations”, “ProrateAnions”, “Prorate”, “AutoNACL”, or “MakeupIon” are supported

  • makeup_ion – string for ion to use for electroneutrality balance, if “MakeupIon,

  • ph – float for pH to reconcile solution to, required for pH based reconciliation

  • acid_titrant – string for acidification titrant, used in pH based reconciliation

  • base_titrant – string for basification titrant, used in pH based reconciliation

  • alkalinity – float for alkalinity to reconcile solution to, required for Alk based reconciliation

  • alkalinity_ph – float for alkalinity endpoint ph, used in Alk based reconciliation

  • alkalinity_titrant – string for alkalinity titration species, used in Alk based reconciliation

  • tic – float for total inorganic carbon concentration to reconcile solution to, required for TIC based reconcilation

  • allow_solids – bool to enable solid phase formation

  • included_solids – list of solids to include in analysis

  • excluded_solids – list of solids to exclude from analysis

  • calc_alkalinity – bool to calculate alkalinity of solution

  • use_scaling_rigorous – bool to switch between Rigorous (default) and Estimated scaling computations

  • file_name – string for file to write, if any

  • mesh_grid – if True (default) the input array will be combined to generate combination of all possible samples if False, the direct values in survey_arrays will be used

Return json_input:

JSON for Water Analysis

get_apparent_species_from_true(true_species_json, oliapi_instance, dbs_file_id, phase=None, file_name=None)[source]

Run Water Analysis to get apparent species.

  • true_species_json – JSON generated from true species

  • oliapi_instance – instance of OLI Cloud API to call

  • dbs_file_id – string ID of DBS file

  • phase – string for inflows phase

  • file_name – string for file to write, if any

Return apparent_species:

dictionary for molecular concentrations

get_clone(flash_method, json_input, index, survey=None)[source]

Iterate over a survey to create a modified clone from JSON input.

  • flash_method – string for flash calculation name

  • json_input – JSON input for flash calculation

  • index – integer for index of incoming data

  • survey – dictionary containing names and input values to modify in JSON

Return clone:

dictionary containing modified state variables and survey index

run_flash(flash_method, oliapi_instance, dbs_file_id, json_input, survey=None, file_name=None)[source]

Conduct single point analysis with initial JSON input, or conduct a survey on that input.

  • flash_method – string for flash calculation name

  • oliapi_instance – instance of OLI Cloud API

  • dbs_file_id – string ID of DBS file

  • json_input – JSON input for flash calculation

  • survey – dictionary containing names and input values to modify in JSON

  • file_name – string for file to write, if any

Return processed_requests:

results from processed OLI flash requests

watertap.tools.oli_api.flash.build_survey(survey_arrays, get_oli_names=False, file_name=None, mesh_grid=True)[source]

Build a dictionary for modifying flash calculation parameters.

  • survey_arrays – dictionary for variables and values to survey

  • get_oli_names – bool switch to convert name into OLI name

  • file_name – string for file to write, if any

  • mesh_grid – if True (default) the input array will be combined to generate combination of all possible samples if False, the direct values in survey_arrays will be used

Return survey:

dictionary for product of survey variables and values

watertap.tools.oli_api.flash.get_survey_sample_conditions(survey, sample_points)[source]

Return survey parameter values for one or more sample points.

  • survey – dictionary for product of survey conditions and values

  • sample_points – list of indices to get parameter values from

Return sample_conditions:

dictionary for parameter values for given samples

watertap.tools.oli_api.flash.write_output(content, file_name)[source]

Write dictionary-based content to file.

  • content – dictionary of content to write

  • file_name – string for name of file to write

  • file_path – string for full path of written file

Module contents