How to scale chemical species
In How to scale chemical reactions, we discussed at length how you need to apply scaling factors to variables and constraints associated with all the different types of reactions your system may have. Here, we will add to that discussion how the variables for the chemical species in the system should also be scaled.
IMPORTANT: Scaling of just the chemical species is insufficient for solving a chemistry module. User’s MUST also scale the chemical reactions in the system due to the dilute nature of aqueous chemistry. See How to scale chemical reactions. Additionally, user’s MUST also scale the energy balance equations. See also How to scale energy balance for chemistry.
After you have set all scaling factors for reactions, species, energy balances, etc., you need to call the ‘calculate_scaling_factors’ function on the entire model before attempting to solve. See below:
# After all scaling factors and constraint transformations are complete,
# call the following function on the model.
Scaling of the chemical species depends on what your declared ‘state_definition’ was in your thermo_config. See How to setup simple chemistry for the detailed discussion on setting up a thermo_config. In this document, we will discuss scaling chemical species for:
FTPx State Variables
FpcTP State Variables
Scaling for FTPx State Variables
The following example assumes that your unit model is named unit and your FlowsheetBlock is named fs. For information on setup of the basic chemistry modules, see How to setup simple chemistry.
For this example, our GenericParameterBlock (named thermo_params) is using the “state_definition” of FTPx.
# Specify a minimum division factor for scaling
min = 1e-3
# For species
for i in model.fs.unit.control_volume.properties_out[0.0].mole_frac_phase_comp:
# i[0] = phase, i[1] = species
if model.fs.unit.inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, i[1]].value > min:
scale = model.fs.unit.inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, i[1]].value
scale = min
model.fs.unit.control_volume.properties_out[0.0].mole_frac_comp[i[1]], 10/scale)
model.fs.unit.control_volume.properties_out[0.0].mole_frac_phase_comp[i], 10/scale)
model.fs.unit.control_volume.properties_out[0.0].flow_mol_phase_comp[i], 10/scale)
model.fs.unit.control_volume.properties_out[0.0].component_flow_balances[i[1]], 10/scale)
iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(model.fs.unit.control_volume.material_balances[0.0,i[1]], 10/scale)
if (hasattr(model.fs.unit.control_volume,"volume")):
iscale.set_scaling_factor(model.fs.unit.control_volume.volume, 10/model.fs.unit.volume[0.0].value)
Scaling for FpcTP State Variables
The following example assumes that your unit model is named unit and your FlowsheetBlock is named fs. For information on setup of the basic chemistry modules, see How to setup simple chemistry.
For this example, our GenericParameterBlock (named thermo_params) is using the “state_definition” of FpcTP.
# Specify a minimum division factor for scaling
min = 1e-3
# For species
for i in model.fs.unit.control_volume.properties_out[0.0].mole_frac_phase_comp:
# i[0] = phase, i[1] = species
if model.fs.unit.inlet.flow_mol_phase_comp[0, i[0], i[1]].value > min:
scale = model.fs.unit.inlet.flow_mol_phase_comp[0, i[0], i[1]].value
scale = min
model.fs.unit.control_volume.properties_out[0.0].mole_frac_comp[i[1]], 10/scale)
model.fs.unit.control_volume.properties_out[0.0].mole_frac_phase_comp[i], 10/scale)
model.fs.unit.control_volume.properties_out[0.0].flow_mol_phase_comp[i], 10/scale)
model.fs.unit.control_volume.material_balances[0.0,i[1]], 10/scale)
if (hasattr(model.fs.unit.control_volume,"volume")):
iscale.set_scaling_factor(model.fs.unit.control_volume.volume, 10/model.fs.unit.volume[0.0].value)