Detailed Unit Model Costing
Default costing methods are provided for the unit models listed below. However, users should supply their own cost relationship, if possible, instead of relying completely on the defaults.
- Aeration Tank Costing Method
- Anaerobic Digester Costing Method
- Clarifier Costing Method
- Compressor Costing Method
- Crystallizer Costing Method
- Completely Stirred Tank Reactor w/Injection Stream Costing Method
- Completely Stirred Tank Reactor Costing Method
- Dewatering Unit Costing Method
- Electrodialysis Costing Method
- Electrolyzer Costing Method
- ElectroN-P Costing Method
- Energy Recovery Device Costing Method
- Evaporator Costing Method
- Granular Activated Carbon Costing Method
- Heat Exchanger Costing Method
- Heater/Chiller Costing Method
- Ion Exchange Costing Method
- Membrane Distillation Costing Method
- Mixer Costing Method
- Nanofiltration Costing Method
- Osmotically Assisted Reverse Osmosis Costing Method
- Pressure Exchanger Costing Method
- Pump Costing Method
- Reverse Osmosis Costing Method
- Stoichiometric Reactor Costing Method
- Thickener Costing Method
- UV with Advanced Oxidation Processes Costing Method