Source code for watertap.core.zero_order_base

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2020-2024, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
# National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy Technology
# Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept.
# of Energy). All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and license
# information, respectively. These files are also available online at the URL
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This module contains the base class for all zero order unit models.

from idaes.core import UnitModelBlockData, useDefault, declare_process_block_class
from idaes.core.util.config import is_physical_parameter_block
import idaes.logger as idaeslog
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from idaes.core.util.tables import create_stream_table_dataframe

from pyomo.common.config import ConfigBlock, ConfigValue, In
import pyomo.environ as pyo

# Some more inforation about this module
__author__ = "Andrew Lee"

# Set up logger
_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@declare_process_block_class("ZeroOrderBase") class ZeroOrderBaseData(UnitModelBlockData): """ Standard base class for zero order unit models. This class contains the basic consistency checks and common methods for zero order type models. """ CONFIG = ConfigBlock() CONFIG.declare( "dynamic", ConfigValue( domain=In([False]), default=False, description="Dynamic model flag - must be False", doc="""All zero-order models are steady-state only""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "has_holdup", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=In([False]), description="Holdup construction flag - must be False", doc="""Zero order models do not include holdup""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "property_package", ConfigValue( default=useDefault, domain=is_physical_parameter_block, description="Property package to use for control volume", doc="""Property parameter object used to define property calculations, **default** - useDefault. **Valid values:** { **useDefault** - use default package from parent model or flowsheet, **PhysicalParameterObject** - a PhysicalParameterBlock object.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "property_package_args", ConfigBlock( implicit=True, description="Arguments to use for constructing property packages", doc="""A ConfigBlock with arguments to be passed to a property block(s) and used when constructing these, **default** - None. **Valid values:** {see property package for documentation.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "database", ConfigValue( description="An instance of a WaterTAP Database to use for parameters." ), ) CONFIG.declare( "process_subtype", ConfigValue( description="Process subtype to use when looking up parameters from database." ), )
[docs] def build(self): super().build() # Set a placeholder attributes # Placeholder for technology type string self._tech_type = None # Attribute indicating what parameters need to be fixed in the model self._has_recovery_removal = False self._fixed_perf_vars = [] # Attributed for storing contents of reporting output self._stream_table_dict = {} self._perf_var_dict = {} # Check that property package meets requirements if self.config.property_package.phase_list != ["Liq"]: raise ConfigurationError( f"{} configured with invalid property package. " f"Zero-order models only support property packages with a " f"single phase named 'Liq'." ) if not hasattr( self.config.property_package, "solvent_set" ) or self.config.property_package.solvent_set != ["H2O"]: raise ConfigurationError( f"{} configured with invalid property package. " f"Zero-order models only support property packages which " f"include 'H2O' as the only Solvent." ) if not hasattr(self.config.property_package, "solute_set"): raise ConfigurationError( f"{} configured with invalid property package. " f"Zero-order models require property packages to declare all " f"dissolved species as Solutes." ) if ( len(self.config.property_package.solute_set) != len(self.config.property_package.component_list) - 1 ): raise ConfigurationError( f"{} configured with invalid property package. " f"Zero-order models only support `H2O` as a solvent and all " f"other species as Solutes." )
# Place holders for assigning methods # used to link to initization routine def _initialize(self, state_args, outlvl, solver, optarg): raise NotImplementedError() # used to link to scaling routine def _scaling(self): raise NotImplementedError() # used to provide inlet volumetric flow def _get_Q(self, t): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def initialize_build( self, state_args=None, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET, solver=None, optarg=None ): """ Passthrough initialization routine, raises NotImplementedError if the unit model does not have an `_initialize` function. """ self._initialize( state_args=state_args, outlvl=outlvl, solver=solver, optarg=optarg )
[docs] def calculate_scaling_factors(self): """ Placeholder scaling routine, should be overloaded by derived classes """ super().calculate_scaling_factors() self._scaling()
[docs] def load_parameters_from_database(self, use_default_removal=False): """ Method to load parameters for from database. Args: use_default_removal - (optional) indicate whether to use defined default removal fraction if no specific value defined in database Returns: None """ # Get parameter dict from database if self._tech_type is None: raise NotImplementedError( f"{} derived zero order unit model has not " f"implemented the _tech_type attribute. This is required " f"to identify the database file to load parameters from." ) # Get parameter dict from database pdict = self.config.database.get_unit_operation_parameters( self._tech_type, subtype=self.config.process_subtype ) if self._has_recovery_removal: self.set_recovery_and_removal(pdict, use_default_removal) for v in self._fixed_perf_vars: self.set_param_from_data(v, pdict)
[docs] def set_recovery_and_removal(self, data, use_default_removal=False): """ Common utility method for setting values of recovery and removal fractions. Args: data - dict of parameter values to use when fixing variables use_default_removal - (optional) indicate whether to use defined default removal fraction if no specific value defined in database Returns: None """ try: self.set_param_from_data(self.recovery_frac_mass_H2O, data) except KeyError: if self.recovery_frac_mass_H2O[:].fixed: pass else: raise for t, j in self.removal_frac_mass_comp: self.set_param_from_data( self.removal_frac_mass_comp[t, j], data, index=j, use_default_removal=use_default_removal, )
[docs] def set_param_from_data( self, parameter, data, index=None, use_default_removal=False ): """ General method for setting parameter values from a dict of data returned from a database. Args: parameter - a Pyomo Var to be fixed to value from database data - dict of parameter values from database index - (optional) index to fix if parameter is an IndexedVar use_default_removal - (optional) indicate whether to use defined default removal fraction if no specific value defined in database Returns: None Raises: KeyError if values cannot be found for parameter in data dict """ pname = parameter.parent_component().local_name try: pdata = data[pname] except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"{} - database provided does not contain an entry " f"for {pname} for technology." ) if index is not None: try: pdata = pdata[index] except KeyError: if pname == "removal_frac_mass_comp" and use_default_removal: try: pdata = data["default_removal_frac_mass_comp"] index = "default" except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"{} - database provided does not " f"contain an entry for {pname} with index {index} " f"for technology and no default removal was " f"specified." ) else: raise KeyError( f"{} - database provided does not contain " f"an entry for {pname} with index {index} for " f"technology." ) try: val = pdata["value"] except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"{} - no value provided for {pname} (index: " f"{index}) in database." ) try: units = getattr(pyo.units, pdata["units"]) except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"{} - no units provided for {pname} (index: " f"{index}) in database." ) parameter.fix(val * units) _log.info_high(f"{} fixed to value {val} {str(units)}")
def get_inlet_flow(self, t): return self._get_Q(t) def _get_stream_table_contents(self, time_point=0): return create_stream_table_dataframe( self._stream_table_dict, time_point=time_point ) def _get_performance_contents(self, time_point=0): var_dict = {} for k, v in self._perf_var_dict.items(): if k in ["Solute Removal", "Reaction Extent", "Rejection"]: for j, vd in v[time_point, :].wildcard_items(): var_dict[f"{k} [{j}]"] = vd elif v.is_indexed(): var_dict[k] = v[time_point] else: var_dict[k] = v return {"vars": var_dict} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Unit operation costing methods @staticmethod def _get_unit_cost_method(blk): """ Get a specified cost_method if one is defined in the YAML file. This is meant for units with different cost methods between subtypes. """ # Get parameter dict from database parameter_dict = blk.unit_model.config.database.get_unit_operation_parameters( blk.unit_model._tech_type, subtype=blk.unit_model.config.process_subtype ) if "cost_method" not in parameter_dict["capital_cost"]: raise KeyError( f"Costing for {blk.unit_model._tech_type} requires a cost_method argument, however " f"this was not defined for process sub-type {blk.unit_model.config.process_subtype}." ) return parameter_dict["capital_cost"]["cost_method"] @staticmethod def _get_tech_parameters(blk, parameter_dict, subtype, param_list): """ First, need to check to see if a Block with parameters for this technology exists. Second, to handle technology subtypes all parameters need to be indexed by subtype. We will dynamically add subtypes to the indexing set and Vars as required. """ # Check to see in parameter Block already exists try: # Try to get parameter Block from costing package pblock = getattr( blk.config.flowsheet_costing_block, blk.unit_model._tech_type ) except AttributeError: # Parameter Block for this technology hasn't been added yet. Create it. pblock = pyo.Block() # Add block to FlowsheetCostingBlock blk.config.flowsheet_costing_block.add_component( blk.unit_model._tech_type, pblock ) # Add subtype Set to Block pblock.subtype_set = pyo.Set() # Add required Vars for p in param_list: try: vobj = pyo.Var( pblock.subtype_set, units=getattr( pyo.units, parameter_dict["capital_cost"][p]["units"] ), ) pblock.add_component(p, vobj) except KeyError: raise KeyError( "Error when trying to retrieve costing parameter " "for {p}. Please check the YAML " "file for this technology for errors.".format(p=p) ) # Check to see if required subtype is in subtype_set vlist = [] if subtype not in pblock.subtype_set: # Need to add subtype and set Vars pblock.subtype_set.add(subtype) # Set vars for p in param_list: vobj = getattr(pblock, p) vobj[subtype].fix( float(parameter_dict["capital_cost"][p]["value"]) * getattr(pyo.units, parameter_dict["capital_cost"][p]["units"]) ) vlist.append(vobj[subtype]) else: for p in param_list: vobj = getattr(pblock, p) vlist.append(vobj[subtype]) # add conditional for cases where there is only one parameter returned if len(vlist) == 1: return vlist[0] else: return tuple(x for x in vlist) @staticmethod def _general_power_law_form( blk, A, B, sizing_term, factor=None, number_of_parallel_units=1 ): """ General method for building power law costing expressions. Args: number_of_parallel_units (int, optional) - cost this unit as number_of_parallel_units parallel units (default: 1) """ blk.capital_cost = pyo.Var( initialize=1, units=blk.config.flowsheet_costing_block.base_currency, bounds=(0, None), doc="Capital cost of unit operation", ) expr = pyo.units.convert( A * ( pyo.units.convert(sizing_term, to_units=pyo.units.dimensionless) / number_of_parallel_units ) ** B, to_units=blk.config.flowsheet_costing_block.base_currency, ) expr *= number_of_parallel_units blk.costing_package.add_cost_factor(blk, factor) blk.capital_cost_constraint = pyo.Constraint( expr=blk.capital_cost == blk.cost_factor * expr ) @property def default_costing_method(self): return self.cost_power_law_flow
[docs] @staticmethod def cost_power_law_flow(blk, number_of_parallel_units=1): """ General method for costing equipment based on power law form. This is the most common costing form for zero-order models. CapCost = A*(F/Fref)**B This method also registers electricity demand as a costed flow (if present in the unit operation model). Args: number_of_parallel_units (int, optional) - cost this unit as number_of_parallel_units parallel units (default: 1) """ t0 = blk.flowsheet().time.first() # Get parameter dict from database parameter_dict = blk.unit_model.config.database.get_unit_operation_parameters( blk.unit_model._tech_type, subtype=blk.unit_model.config.process_subtype ) # Get costing parameter sub-block for this technology A, B, state_ref = blk.unit_model._get_tech_parameters( blk, parameter_dict, blk.unit_model.config.process_subtype, ["capital_a_parameter", "capital_b_parameter", "reference_state"], ) # Get state block for flow bases basis = parameter_dict["capital_cost"]["basis"] try: sblock = blk.unit_model.properties_in[t0] except AttributeError: # Pass-through case sblock =[t0] if basis == "flow_vol": state = sblock.flow_vol sizing_term = state / state_ref elif basis == "flow_mass": state = sum(sblock.flow_mass_comp[j] for j in sblock.component_list) sizing_term = state / state_ref else: raise ValueError( f"{} - unrecognized basis in parameter " f"declaration: {basis}." ) # Determine if a costing factor is required factor = parameter_dict["capital_cost"]["cost_factor"] # Call general power law costing method blk.unit_model._general_power_law_form( blk, A, B, sizing_term, factor, number_of_parallel_units ) # Register flows blk.config.flowsheet_costing_block.cost_flow( blk.unit_model.electricity[t0], "electricity" )