Source code for watertap.unit_models.zero_order.struvite_classifier_zo

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2020-2024, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
# National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy Technology
# Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept.
# of Energy). All rights reserved.
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This module contains a zero-order representation of a struvite classifier unit.

import pyomo.environ as pyo
from idaes.core import declare_process_block_class
from watertap.core import build_pt, constant_intensity, ZeroOrderBaseData

# Some more information about this module
__author__ = "Marcus Holly"

[docs]@declare_process_block_class("StruviteClassifierZO") class StruviteClassifierZOData(ZeroOrderBaseData): """ Zero-Order model for a struvite classifier unit. """ CONFIG = ZeroOrderBaseData.CONFIG()
[docs] def build(self): super().build() self._tech_type = "struvite_classifier" build_pt(self) constant_intensity(self)
@property def default_costing_method(self): return self.cost_struvite_classifier
[docs] @staticmethod def cost_struvite_classifier(blk): """ Method for costing struvite classifier unit. """ t0 = blk.flowsheet().time.first() # Get parameter dict from database parameter_dict = blk.unit_model.config.database.get_unit_operation_parameters( blk.unit_model._tech_type, subtype=blk.unit_model.config.process_subtype ) # Get costing parameter sub-block for this technology HRT, size_cost = blk.unit_model._get_tech_parameters( blk, parameter_dict, blk.unit_model.config.process_subtype, ["HRT", "sizing_cost"], ) # Add cost variable and constraint blk.capital_cost = pyo.Var( initialize=1, units=blk.config.flowsheet_costing_block.base_currency, bounds=(0, None), doc="Capital cost of unit operation", ) expr = pyo.units.convert([t0].flow_vol * HRT * size_cost, to_units=blk.config.flowsheet_costing_block.base_currency, ) # Determine if a costing factor is required blk.costing_package.add_cost_factor( blk, parameter_dict["capital_cost"]["cost_factor"] ) blk.capital_cost_constraint = pyo.Constraint( expr=blk.capital_cost == blk.cost_factor * expr ) # Register flows blk.config.flowsheet_costing_block.cost_flow( blk.unit_model.electricity[t0], "electricity" ) blk.config.flowsheet_costing_block.cost_flow([t0].flow_mass_comp["struvite"], "struvite_product", )