watertap.tools.analysis_tools.loop_tool package


watertap.tools.analysis_tools.loop_tool.data_merging_tool module

watertap.tools.analysis_tools.loop_tool.data_merging_tool.create_backup_file(file_name, backup_name, h5_dir)[source]

used to created file and back up file file_name - orignal h5 file backup_name - backup name for h5 file if exists h5_dir - directory to check in h5 file, if not there creates fresh file, otherwise renames existing file


used to created h5file, retry in case disk is busy

watertap.tools.analysis_tools.loop_tool.data_merging_tool.merge_data_into_file(file_name, backup_file_name, directory, expected_solved_values=None, min_solve_values=None, force_rerun=None)[source]

This function checks if there is a sim file, and a back up file. if there is a sim file, it backs it up, and checks if full solution set already exsts and copies it over, other wise it creates a new group in actual file, and adds new solved data set to it

watertap.tools.analysis_tools.loop_tool.loop_tool module

Module contents