Source code for watertap.edb.data_model

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2020-2024, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
# National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy Technology
# Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept.
# of Energy). All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and license
# information, respectively. These files are also available online at the URL
# ""
Data model for electrolyte database.

Usage to get configuration for IDAES::

    base = <query database for Base config of interest>
    c_list = <get Components from database>
    # add all the components to the base
    for c in c_list:
    # get the merged configuration for IDAES functions
    config = base.idaes_config

Class diagram::

                │ ConfigGenerator   <<abstract>> │
        uses    ├────────────────────────────────┤
         ┌─────►│+ConfigGenerator(data)          │
         │      │                                │
         │      ├────────────────────────────────┤
         │      │+config                         │
         │      │_transform(data)                │
         │      └────────────┬───────────────────┘
         │                   │
         │                   ├───────────┬───────────────────────┐
         │                   │           │                       │
         │    ┌──────────────┴┐       ┌──┴──────────┐      ┌─────┴─────┐
         │    │ ReactionConfig│       │ ThermoConfig│      │ BaseConfig│
         │    └─────▲─────────┘       └─▲───────────┘      └───────▲───┘
         │          │                   │                          │
         │          │                   │                          │
         │          │                   │                          │
         │          │uses               │uses                      │uses
         │          │                   │                          │
         │          │                   │                          │
         │  ┌───────┼───────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────┐
         │  │       │                   │                          │            │
         │  │  ┌────┴─────┐   ┌─────────┴───┐    ┌─────────────────┴─────────┐  │
         │  │  │ Reaction │   │  Component  │    │ Base                      │  │
         │  │  └─────┬────┘   └──────┬──────┘    │                           │  │
         │  │        │               │           │ +add(item:DataWrapper)    │  │
         │  │        │               │           └─────────┬─────────────────┘  │
         │  │        │               │                     │                    │
         │  │        │               │                     │                    │
         │  │        ├───────────────┴─────────────────────┘                    │
         │  │        │                                                          │
         │  │        │                                                          │
         │  └────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────┬───────┘
         │           │                                                  │
         │           │                                                  │
         │           │                                         ┌────────┴─────────────┐
         │           │ subclass                                │                      │
         │   ┌───────▼────────────────────────────┐            │ Public interface to  │
         │   │DataWrapper      <<abstract>>       │            │ the rest of          │
         │   ├────────────────────────────────────┤            │ WaterTAP           │
         │   │+DataWrapper(data, config_gen_class)│            │                      │
         └───┼────────────────────────────────────┤            └──────────────────────┘
             │+idaes_config: dict                 │
             │+merge_keys: tuple[str]             │
__author__ = "Dan Gunter"

from contextlib import contextmanager
import copy
from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
import logging
from pprint import pformat
import re
from typing import Dict, Type, List, Union, Tuple

# 3rd party
from pyomo.environ import units as pyunits

# IDAES methods and constants
from idaes.core import AqueousPhase, LiquidPhase, SolidPhase, VaporPhase
from idaes.core.base.phases import PhaseType
from idaes.core import Component as IComponent
from import Ideal
from import (
from import fugacity
from import Perrys
from import Constant
from import NIST
from import constant_dh_rxn
from import (
from import (
from import (
from import FTPx, FpcTP
from idaes.core.base.components import Solvent, Solute, Cation, Anion
from import SmoothVLE
from import (

from .error import ConfigGeneratorError, BadConfiguration

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@contextmanager def field(f): """Clean way to use a field in block (see code below for lots of examples).""" yield f
[docs]class ConfigGenerator: """Interface for getting an IDAES 'idaes_config' dict.""" merge_keys = () substitute_values = {} SUBST_UNITS = "units"
[docs] def __init__(self, data: Dict, name=None): """Constructor. Args: data: Input data name: Name of the component, e.g. "H2O" """ data_copy = copy.deepcopy(data)"transform to IDAES config.start: name={name}") self._transform(data_copy)"transform to IDAES config.end: name={name}") self.config = data_copy
@classmethod def _transform(cls, data): pass # subclasses should implement @staticmethod def _build_units(x: str = None): if not x:"setting dimensionless unit") x = "dimensionless" s = re.sub(r"([A-Za-z]+)", r"U.\1", x).replace("U.None", "U.dimensionless") try: units = eval(s, {"U": pyunits}) # Syntax/NameError are just general badness, AttributeError is an unknown unit except (SyntaxError, NameError, AttributeError) as err: _log.error(f"while evaluating unit {s}: {err}") raise return units # shared @classmethod def _transform_parameter_data(cls, comp): debugging, comp_name = _log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG), comp.get("name", "?") params = comp.get(DataWrapperNames.param, None) if not params: _log.warning(f"No parameter data found in data name={comp_name}") return for param_key in params: val = params[param_key] if param_key == Reaction.NAMES.reaction_order: # change form of reaction_order, just like stoichiometry reaction_order_table = {} for phase in val: for species, num in val[phase].items(): reaction_order_table[(phase, species)] = num params[param_key] = reaction_order_table elif len(val) > 1: # List of objects with 'v', 'u', and maybe 'i' keys # -> transform into dict of tuples with key `i` and # value (<value>, built(<units>)) coeff_table = {} if debugging: _log.debug(f"start: transform parameter list key={param_key}") for item in val: try: index = item.get("i", 0) built_units = cls._build_units(item["u"]) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError) as err: raise ConfigGeneratorError( f"Cannot extract parameter. name='{comp_name}', " f"item='{item}': {err}" ) coeff_table[index] = (item["v"], built_units) params[param_key] = coeff_table if debugging: _log.debug(f"done: transform parameter list key={param_key}") else: # Single object with 'v', 'u' keys # -> transform into single tuple (<value>, built(<units>)) if debugging: _log.debug(f"start: transform single parameter key={param_key}") item = val[0] built_units = cls._build_units(item["u"]) params[param_key] = (item["v"], built_units) if debugging: _log.debug(f"done: transform single parameter key={param_key}") # we use pop() so that `parameter_data_extra` doesn't end up in the final dict # since it's not an allowed config field extra = comp.pop("parameter_data_extra", {}) for param_key, update_for_param in extra.items(): params[param_key].update(update_for_param) @staticmethod def _iterate_dict_or_list(value): # if value is a dict, use dict keys as indexes, so really just do `.items()` if hasattr(value, "keys"): return value.items() # otherwise number from 1..N elif hasattr(value, "append"): num = 1 for item in value: yield str(num), item @classmethod def _wrap_section(cls, section: str, data: Dict): """Put all `data` inside {<section>: <name>: { /data/ }}. The `<name>` is taken from `data["name"]`. Also removes keys 'name' and special keys starting with underscore like _id from the `data`. Changes input argument. Section will be, e.g., "components" or "equilibrium_reactions" """ comp_name = data["name"] # create new location for component data if section not in data: data[section] = {} assert comp_name not in data[section], "trying to add existing component" data[section][comp_name] = {} # copy existing to new location to_delete = set() # cannot delete while iterating, so store keys to delete here for key, value in data.items(): # if this is not a special field, add it to the the component if key not in ( "name", "base_units", "reaction_type", "components", "reactant_elements", section, "_id", ): data[section][comp_name][key] = value # mark field for deletion, if not top-level field if key not in ("base_units", section): to_delete.add(key) # remove copied fields from old location for key in to_delete: del data[key] # remove special cls._remove_special(data) @classmethod def _remove_special(cls, data): """Remove 'special' keys starting with an underscore (e.g. _id) as well as 'name'.""" for key in list(data.keys()): if key.startswith("_") or key == "name": del data[key] @classmethod def _substitute(cls, data): debugging = _log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) def dicty(d): return hasattr(d, "keys") def substitute_value(d, subst, key): """Find string value(s) at 'd[key]' in mapping 'subst' and substitute mapped value. Return True if found, False otherwise. """ if debugging: _log.debug(f"substitute value: d={d} subst={subst} key={key}") # make a scalar into a list of length 1, but remember whether # it's a list or not if ( isinstance(d[key], str) or isinstance(d[key], int) or isinstance(d[key], float) ): str_values = [d[key]] is_list = False else: try: str_values = list(d[key]) except TypeError: str_values = [str(d[key])] is_list = True # substitute all values in the list, with the result in `new_list` num_subst, new_list = 0, [] for str_value in str_values: new_value = None if dicty(subst): if str_value in subst: new_value = subst[str_value] # add case-insensitivity elif str_value.lower() in subst: new_value = subst[str_value.lower()] elif subst == cls.SUBST_UNITS: if isinstance( str_value, str ): # make sure it's not already evaluated _log.debug( f"Substituting units: set {{'{key}': units('{str_value}')}} in {d}" ) new_value = cls._build_units(str_value) if new_value is None: new_list.append(str_value) # unsubstituted value else: new_list.append(new_value) num_subst += 1 # change input to substituted list (or single value) d[key] = new_list if is_list else new_list[0] # return True only if all values were substituted return num_subst == len(new_list) def stringish(x): """String or list/tuple of strings?""" if isinstance(x, str): return True if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): for item in x: if not isinstance(x, str): return False return True return False sv = cls.substitute_values for sv_section in sv: if debugging: _log.debug(f"start: substitute section {sv_section}") # get parent dict at dotted path given by 'sv_section' key_list = sv_section.split(".") data_section = data # walk down the dotted path to the terminal dict while dicty(data_section) and len(key_list) > 1: subsection = key_list.pop(0) if subsection in data_section: data_section = data_section[subsection] else: data_section = None # not present # if found, perform substitution(s) if dicty(data_section): sv_key = key_list.pop() _log.debug( f"perform substitutions in data={data_section} for key='{sv_key}'" ) # if it is a wildcard, allow multiple substitutions if "*" in sv_key: matches = [k for k in data_section if fnmatchcase(k, sv_key)] for match_key in matches: if not stringish(data_section[match_key]): continue # don't try to substitute non strings/string-lists did_subst = substitute_value( data_section, sv[sv_section], match_key ) if not did_subst: _log.warning( f"Could not find substitution: section={sv_section} match={match_key} " f"value={data_section[match_key]}" ) # if not a wildcard, do zero or one substitutions elif sv_key in data_section: did_subst = substitute_value(data_section, sv[sv_section], sv_key) if not did_subst: _log.warning( f"Could not find substitution: section={sv_section} " f"value={data_section[sv_key]}" ) if debugging: _log.debug(f"done: substitute section {sv_section}")
[docs]class ThermoConfig(ConfigGenerator): substitute_values = { "valid_phase_types": { "pt.liquidphase": PhaseType.liquidPhase, "pt.solidphase": PhaseType.solidPhase, "pt.vaporphase": PhaseType.vaporPhase, "pt.aqueousphase": PhaseType.aqueousPhase, }, "*_comp": { "perrys": Perrys, "constant": Constant, "nist": NIST, "relative_permittivity_constant": relative_permittivity_constant, }, "phase_equilibrium_form.*": { "fugacity": fugacity, }, "type": { "solvent": Solvent, "solute": Solute, "cation": Cation, "anion": Anion, "component": IComponent, }, }
[docs] def __init__(self, data, name="unknown", validation=True): """Constructor. Args: data: Input data name: Name of the component, e.g. "H2O" validation: If True, perform schema validation against input. Raises: ValidationError: If the input is bad. """ super().__init__(data, name=name) if validation: from .validate import validate # put here to avoid circular import if _log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): _log.debug(f"Validating Component:\n{pformat(data)}") validate(data, obj_type="component")
@classmethod def _transform(cls, data): cls._transform_parameter_data(data) cls._substitute(data) with field("valid_phase_types") as fld: if isinstance(data.get(fld, None), (list, tuple)) and len(data[fld]) == 1: data[fld] = data[fld][0] del data["elements"] cls._wrap_section("components", data) for name in data["components"]: cls._key_to_tuple(data["components"][name], "phase_equilibrium_form") @classmethod def _key_to_tuple(cls, data, section): """Change all key values separated by '-' in the given section to tuples of those values.""" if section not in data: return temp = {} for key in data[section]: item_list = key.split("-") if len(item_list) != 2: raise BadConfiguration( "ThermoConfig._key_to_tuple", data, missing=None, why="\n" + section + " tuple key must be only 2 items\n", ) temp[tuple(item_list)] = data[section][key] data[section] = temp
[docs]class ReactionConfig(ConfigGenerator): substitute_values = { "heat_of_reaction": {"constant_dh_rxn": constant_dh_rxn}, "*_form": { "log_power_law_equil": log_power_law_equil, "power_law_equil": power_law_equil, "log_solubility_product": log_solubility_product, "solubility_product": solubility_product, "concentrationform.molarity": ConcentrationForm.molarity, "concentrationform.molefraction": ConcentrationForm.moleFraction, "concentrationform.activity": ConcentrationForm.activity, }, "*_constant": { "van_t_hoff": van_t_hoff, }, }
[docs] def __init__(self, data, name="unknown", validation=True): """Constructor. Args: data: Input data name: Name of the component, e.g. "H2O" validation: If True, perform schema validation against input. Raises: ValidationError: If the input is bad. """ super().__init__(data, name=name) if validation: from .validate import validate # put here to avoid circular import if _log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): _log.debug(f"Validating Reaction:\n{pformat(data)}") validate(data, obj_type="reaction")
@classmethod def _transform(cls, data): """In-place data transformation from standard storage format to format expected by IDAES idaes_config methods """ cls._transform_parameter_data(data) for key, value in data.items(): # reformat stoichiometry to have tuple keys if key == "stoichiometry": stoich = value stoich_table = {} for phase in stoich: for component_name, num in stoich[phase].items(): skey = (phase, component_name) stoich_table[skey] = num data[key] = stoich_table cls._substitute(data) reaction_type = data["type"] reaction_section = f"{reaction_type}_reactions" # The section should match a merge-key for the Reaction class if reaction_section not in Reaction.merge_keys: raise RuntimeError( f"Unexpected reaction type while generating config: " f"type={reaction_type} data={data}" ) del data["type"] # remove from output cls._wrap_section(reaction_section, data)
[docs]class BaseConfig(ConfigGenerator): substitute_values = { "state_definition": {"FTPx": FTPx, "FpcTP": FpcTP}, "phases.Liq.type": {"LiquidPhase": LiquidPhase, "AqueousPhase": AqueousPhase}, "phases.Sol.type": {"SolidPhase": SolidPhase}, "phases.Vap.type": {"VaporPhase": VaporPhase}, "phases.Liq.equation_of_state": {"Ideal": Ideal}, "phases.Sol.equation_of_state": {"Ideal": Ideal}, "phases.Vap.equation_of_state": {"Ideal": Ideal}, "bubble_dew_method": {"IdealBubbleDew": IdealBubbleDew}, "phase_equilibrium_state.*": { "SmoothVLE": SmoothVLE, }, "base_units.*": ConfigGenerator.SUBST_UNITS, } @classmethod def _transform(cls, data): cls._substitute(data) cls._remove_special(data) cls._list_to_tuple(data, "state_bounds") cls._list_of_lists_to_tuple(data, "phases_in_equilibrium") cls._key_to_tuple(data, "phase_equilibrium_state") @classmethod def _list_to_tuple(cls, data, section): """Change all list values in the given section to tuples.""" if section not in data: return for key in data[section]: if isinstance(data[section][key], list): data[section][key] = tuple(data[section][key]) @classmethod def _list_of_lists_to_tuple(cls, data, section): """Change all list of list values in the given section to tuples.""" if section not in data: return temp = [] for item in data[section]: if isinstance(item, list): temp.append(tuple(item)) data[section] = temp @classmethod def _key_to_tuple(cls, data, section): """Change all key values separated by '-' in the given section to tuples of those values.""" if section not in data: return temp = {} for key in data[section]: item_list = key.split("-") if len(item_list) != 2: raise BadConfiguration( "BaseConfig._key_to_tuple", data, missing=None, why="\n" + section + " tuple key must be only 2 items\n", ) temp[tuple(item_list)] = data[section][key] data[section] = temp
class DataWrapperNames: param = "parameter_data" reaction_order = "reaction_order"
[docs]class DataWrapper: """Interface to wrap data from DB in convenient ways for consumption by the rest of the library. Do not use this class directly. Derived classes will feed the data (from the database) and the appropriate subclass of GenerateConfig to the constructor. Then the IDAES config will be available from the `idaes_config` attribute. Note that no conversion work is done before the first access, and the converted result is cached to avoid extra work on repeated accesses. """ #: Subclasses should set this to the list of top-level keys that should be added, # i.e. merged, into the result when an instance is added to the base data wrapper. merge_keys = () NAMES = DataWrapperNames
[docs] def __init__( self, data: Dict, config_gen_class: Type[ConfigGenerator] = None, validate_as_type=None, ): """Ctor. Args: data: Data from the DB config_gen_class: Used to transform DB data to IDAES idaes_config """ self._data, self._config_gen, self._config = data, config_gen_class, None = self._data.get("name", "") if "_id" in self._data: del self._data["_id"] self._preprocess() # additional subclass-specific preprocessing if validate_as_type: from .validate import validate validate(self._data, obj_type=validate_as_type)
def remove(self, key): if key in del[key] def remove_parameter(self, key): param = self.NAMES.param # alias if param in and key in[param]: del[param][key] self._config = None
[docs] def set_parameter(self, key: str, value, units: str = "dimensionless", index=0): """Add to existing parameters or create a new parameter value. Args: key: Name of parameter value: New value units: Units for value index: If parameter is a list of values, index to set. Otherwise. a list of length of 1 will be created with an index of 0. Returns: None Raises: KeyError: If the data structure doesn't have a spot for parameters. This is likely a more basic problem with the current instance. """ param = self.NAMES.param # alias if param not in raise KeyError(f"Missing section {param}, so cannot set a parameter") entry = {"v": value, "u": units, "i": index} # check if there are alread value(s) if key in[param]: # if existing values, replace matching index or add new new_param, replaced = [], False for item in[param][key]: if item["i"] == index: # replace entry at this index with the new entry new_param.append(entry) replaced = True else: # keep current entry for this index new_param.append(item) if not replaced: new_param.append(entry) else: # if no existing param, create new list of size 1 new_param = [entry][param][key] = new_param self._config = None # force regeneration
def _preprocess(self): pass # define in subclasses @property def data(self): return self._data @property def idaes_config(self) -> Dict: """ "Get the data as an IDAES config dict. Returns: Python dict that can be passed to the IDAES as a config. """ if self._config is None: # the config_gen() call will copy its input, so get the result from # the .config attr self._config = self._config_gen(self._data, return self._config @property def json_data(self) -> Dict: """Get the data in its "natural" form as a dict that can be serialized to JSON.""" copy = self._data.copy() # shallow copy is fine if "_id" in copy: del copy["_id"] return copy
[docs] @classmethod def from_idaes_config(cls, config: Dict) -> List["DataWrapper"]: """The inverse of the `idaes_config` property, this method constructs a new instance of the wrapped data from the IDAES config information. Args: config: Valid IDAES configuration dictionary Raises: BadConfiguration: If the configuration can't be transformed into the EDB form due to missing/invalid fields. """
# subclasses need to define this, using helper functions in this class @classmethod def _method_to_str( cls, fld, src, tgt, subst, required=False, default=None, caller: str = None ): """Convert a method object to a string representation. Raises: BadConfiguration: if field is missing and required, or unrecognized without a default """ if fld in src: value = src[fld] try: str_value = subst[value] except KeyError: if default is not None: str_value = default else: raise BadConfiguration( caller, config=src, why=f"Unknown value for {fld}" ) tgt[fld] = str_value elif required: raise BadConfiguration(caller, config=src, missing=fld) @classmethod def _convert_parameter_data(cls, src, tgt, caller="unknown"): if cls.NAMES.param not in src: raise BadConfiguration(caller, src, missing=cls.NAMES.param) pd, data = src[cls.NAMES.param], {} for param, value in pd.items(): if isinstance(value, tuple): data[param] = [{"v": value[0], "u": str(value[1])}] elif isinstance(value, dict) and len(value) > 0: key0 = list(value.keys())[0] if isinstance(key0, tuple): # process dict with tuple keys if param == "reaction_order": # skip, not something we need to store in EDB _log.debug(f"skip 'reaction_order' in parameters from {caller}") else: pass # not implemented -- no other known values else: # process dict with scalar keys param_list = [] for i, value2 in value.items(): try: i = int(i) except ValueError: pass except TypeError as err: raise BadConfiguration( caller, src, why=f"Unexpected key type in parameter_data: " f"key='{i}' param={value}", ) param_list.append({"i": i, "v": value2[0], "u": str(value2[1])}) data[param] = param_list else: raise BadConfiguration( caller, src, why=f"Unexpected value type for '{cls.NAMES.param}': key='{param}', " f"value='{value}'", ) tgt[cls.NAMES.param] = data
class ComponentNames(DataWrapperNames): pass
[docs]class Component(DataWrapper): merge_keys = ("components",) NAMES = ComponentNames
[docs] def __init__(self, data: Dict, validation=True): """Constructor. Args: data: Data from the DB validation: If true, do schema validation of input """ vtype = "component" if validation else None super().__init__(data, ThermoConfig, validate_as_type=vtype)
def _preprocess(self): # set "type" field if "type" in self._data: return # already present name, elements = None, None try: name = self._data["name"] elements = self._data["elements"] except KeyError: missing = "name" if name is None else "elements" raise BadConfiguration("Component._preprocess", self._data, missing=missing) if name.endswith("-"): # negatively charged component_type = "anion" match = re.match(r".*(\d+)-$", name) charge = -1 if match is None else -int( self._data["charge"] = charge elif name.endswith("+"): # positively charged component_type = "cation" match = re.match(r".*(\d+)\+$", name) charge = 1 if match is None else int( self._data["charge"] = charge elif name == "H2O": # water is always "H2O" component_type = "solvent" else: # anything else neutral component_type = "solute" self._data["type"] = component_type
[docs] @classmethod def from_idaes_config(cls, config: Dict) -> List["Component"]: """See documentation on parent class.""" whoami = "Component.from_idaes_config" # get inverse mapping of strings and values from ThermoConfig.substitute_values, used # for calls to _method_to_str() subst_strings = {} for _, mapping in ThermoConfig.substitute_values.items(): for k, v in mapping.items(): subst_strings[v] = k if "components" not in config: raise BadConfiguration(config=config, whoami=whoami, missing="components") result = [] for name, c in config["components"].items(): d = {"name": name} with field("type") as fld: if fld not in c: raise BadConfiguration(whoami, config, missing=fld) possible = {Solvent, Solute, Cation, Anion, IComponent} if c[fld] not in possible: possible_list = ", ".join([str(t) for t in possible]) raise BadConfiguration( whoami, config, why=f"Bad value for '{fld}': expected one of: {possible_list}; " f"got='{c[fld]}'", ) cls._method_to_str("valid_phase_types", c, d, subst_strings, caller=whoami) for fld in c: if fld.endswith("_comp"): cls._method_to_str(fld, c, d, subst_strings, caller=whoami) with field("phase_equilibrium_form") as fld: if fld in c: d[fld] = {} for key, value in c[fld].items(): break cls._method_to_str(fld, c[fld], d, subst_strings, caller=whoami) # extract elements from name d["elements"] = re.findall(r"[A-Z][a-z]?", name) cls._convert_parameter_data(c, d) result.append(Component(d)) return result
class ReactionNames(DataWrapperNames): stoich = "stoichiometry" hor = "heat_of_reaction" eq_const = "equilibrium_constant" eq_form = "equilibrium_form" conc_form = "concentration_form"
[docs]class Reaction(DataWrapper): merge_keys = ("equilibrium_reactions", "rate_reactions", "inherent_reactions") NAMES = ReactionNames PHASES = ("Liq", "Vap", "Sol")
[docs] def __init__(self, data: Dict, validation=True): """Constructor. Args: data: Data from the DB validation: If true, do schema validation of input """ vtype = "reaction" if validation else None super().__init__(data, ReactionConfig, validate_as_type=vtype)
@property def reaction_type(self): return"type", "")
[docs] def set_reaction_order( self, phase: str, order: Union[List[Tuple[str, float]], Dict[str, float]], require_all: bool = False, ) -> None: """Set the reaction order for the given phase. Args: phase: a value from self.PHASES order: Either a dict or list of (element, value) pairs require_all: If True, require that all components in the reaction be given an order. If False, it is OK if some components are missing. Returns: None. Reaction order is modified in place. Raises: KeyError: something is missing in the data structure, or unknown component provided ValueError: Wrong or incomplete components provided """ if bool(order) is False: raise ValueError("No components provided for reaction order") # schema validation should guarantee this structure # If 'reaction_order' key does not exist, then create one as a copy of stoich if self.NAMES.reaction_order in[self.NAMES.param]: ro =[self.NAMES.param][self.NAMES.reaction_order] else:[self.NAMES.param][self.NAMES.reaction_order] =[ self.NAMES.stoich ].copy() ro =[self.NAMES.param][self.NAMES.reaction_order] if phase not in self.PHASES: raise ValueError( f"Invalid phase '{phase}'. Valid values: " f"{', '.join(self.PHASES)}" ) if phase not in ro: raise KeyError(f"Phase '{phase}' not found") ro = ro[phase] # normalize input to dict form if not hasattr(order, "keys"): order = dict(order) # additional checks for 'require_all' flag if require_all: if len(order) != len(ro): why = "not enough" if len(order) < len(ro) else "too many" raise ValueError( f"{why.title()} components provided for new reaction " f"order, with 'require_all' flag set to True" ) if set(order.keys()) != set(ro.keys()): raise ValueError( "Components in new reaction order do not match " "components in reaction, with 'require_all' flag " "set to True" ) # Replace one component at a time, raising a KeyError if unknown component # Ensure that the instance is not modified if there are any errors. ro_tmp = ro.copy() for key, value in order.items(): if key not in ro: raise KeyError(f"Component '{key}' not found in reaction") ro_tmp[key] = value # Update reaction order in this object[self.NAMES.param][self.NAMES.reaction_order][phase] = ro_tmp
[docs] @classmethod def from_idaes_config(cls, config: Dict) -> List["Reaction"]: """See documentation on parent class.""" whoami = "Reaction.from_idaes_config" # for logging # get inverse mapping of strings and values from # ReactionConfig.substitute_values, used for calls to _method_to_str() subst_strings = {} for _, mapping in ReactionConfig.substitute_values.items(): for k, v in mapping.items(): subst_strings[v] = k result = [] # XXX: base units? for reaction_type in ( k for k in cls.merge_keys if (k.endswith("_reactions") and k in config) ): for name, r in config[reaction_type].items(): d = {"name": name, "type": reaction_type.split("_reactions")[0]} # convert all non-dictionary-valued fields into equivalent string values for fld, val in r.items(): if isinstance(val, str): # leave string values as-is d[fld] = val elif not isinstance(val, dict): # convert all other non-dict values cls._method_to_str(fld, r, d, subst_strings, caller=whoami) cls._convert_parameter_data(r, d) with field("stoichiometry") as fld: if fld in r: cls._convert_stoichiometry(r[fld], d) result.append(Reaction(d)) return result
@classmethod def _convert_stoichiometry(cls, src, tgt): data, component_list = {}, [] for key, value in src.items(): phase, species = key if phase in data: data[phase][species] = value # set species & quantity else: data[phase] = {species: value} # create new dictionary component_list.append(species) tgt["stoichiometry"] = data tgt["components"] = component_list
[docs]class Base(DataWrapper): """Wrapper for 'base' information to which a component or reaction is added."""
[docs] def __init__(self, data: Dict): super().__init__(data, BaseConfig) self._to_merge = [] self._component_names = set() self._dirty = True self._idaes_config = None
[docs] def add(self, item: DataWrapper): """Add wrapped data to this base object.""" self._to_merge.append(item) if isinstance(item, Component): self._component_names.add( self._dirty = True
@property def component_names(self): return list(self._component_names) @property def idaes_config(self): # if there is no change, return previously merged value if not self._dirty: return self._idaes_config # if the base config has not yet been created, do that now if self._idaes_config is None: self._idaes_config = super().idaes_config # merge in items that were added with the `add()` method for item in self._to_merge: self._merge(self._idaes_config, item) # reset for more calls to `add()` or this method self._dirty, self._to_merge = False, [] # return merged value return self._idaes_config @staticmethod def _merge(dst, src: DataWrapper) -> Dict: """Merge on defined configuration keys.""" src_config = src.idaes_config for key in src.merge_keys: if key not in src_config: continue if key in dst: dst[key].update(src_config[key]) else: dst[key] = src_config[key] return dst
[docs]class Result: """Encapsulate one or more JSON objects in the appropriate :class:`DataWrapper` subclass. Users won't need to instantiate this directly, just iterate over it to retrieve the result of a database query or other operation that returns EDB data objects. For example:: result = db.get_reactions( for reaction_obj in result: # with instance of class Reaction.. print( """
[docs] def __init__(self, iterator=None, item_class=None): if iterator is not None: assert issubclass(item_class, DataWrapper) self._it = iterator self._it_class = item_class
def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): datum = next(self._it) obj = self._it_class(datum) return obj