Source code for

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2020-2024, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
# National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy Technology
# Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept.
# of Energy). All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and license
# information, respectively. These files are also available online at the URL
# ""

This file contains methods to convert WaterTAP naming conventions to OLI
and generate molecular weight and charge dictionaries from molecular formulae.

It calculates molecular weights using the periodic_table.csv from:

__author__ = "Paul Vecchiarelli, Ben Knueven, Adam Atia"

from collections import namedtuple
from re import findall
from pathlib import Path
from os.path import join
from pandas import read_csv
from pyomo.environ import units as pyunits

# TODO: consider replacing some functionality with molmass:

OLIName = namedtuple(
    "OLIName", ["oli_name", "watertap_name", "charge", "charge_group", "molar_mass"]

[docs]def watertap_to_oli(watertap_name: str) -> OLIName: """ This method creates a named tuple which can be passed directly into OLI or into MCAS property models. :param watertap_name: string name of substance in WaterTAP format, i.e., B[OH]4_- :return OLIName: named tuple containing attributes derived from molecular formula """ c = findall(r"[A-Z]", watertap_name) if len(c) == 0: raise IOError( f" At least 1 uppercase letter is required to specify a molecule, not '{watertap_name}'." ) oli_name = get_oli_name(watertap_name) charge = get_charge(watertap_name) charge_group = get_charge_group(charge) molar_mass = get_molar_mass(watertap_name) return OLIName(oli_name, watertap_name, charge, charge_group, molar_mass)
[docs]def get_oli_name(watertap_name: str) -> str: """ Converts an WaterTAP formatted name, i.e., "Na_+" into an OLI formatted name, i.e., "NAION". :param watertap_name: string name of a solute in WaterTAP format :return oli_name: string name of a solute in OLI format """ exclude_items = ["temperature", "pressure", "volume"] if watertap_name.lower() in exclude_items: return watertap_name if hasattr(watertap_name, "oli_name"): return watertap_name components = watertap_name.split("_") if len(components) == 0: raise IOError(f" Unable to parse solute '{watertap_name}'.") if len(components) == 1: molecule = components[0] elif len(components) == 2: molecule = components[0] + "ION" oli_name = molecule.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").upper() return oli_name
[docs]def get_charge(watertap_name: str) -> int: """ Gets charge from WaterTAP formatted names. :param watertap_name: string name of a solute in WaterTAP format :return charge: integer value of charge """ components = watertap_name.split("_") if len(components) == 0: raise IOError(f" Unable to parse solute '{watertap_name}'.") if len(components) == 1: molecule = components[0] charge = 0 elif len(components) == 2: molecule = components[0] + "ION" charge = components[1] try: charge_sign = charge[-1] except IndexError: raise IOError( f"Charge sign could not be determined from the string '{watertap_name}'" ) if len(charge) > 1: try: charge_magnitude = int(charge[:-1]) except ValueError: raise IOError( f"Charge sign could not be determined from the string '{watertap_name}'" ) else: charge_magnitude = 1 if charge_sign == "+": charge = charge_magnitude elif charge_sign == "-": charge = -charge_magnitude else: raise IOError( f"Only + and - are valid charge indicators and neither was provided in '{watertap_name}'." ) else: raise IOError( f"Charge could not be determined from the string '{watertap_name}'" ) return charge
[docs]def get_charge_group(charge: int) -> str: """ Categorizes molecule based on its charge. :param charge: integer value for charge :return group: string name for charge group """ if charge == 0: group = "Neutrals" elif charge > 0: group = "Cations" elif charge < 0: group = "Anions" return group
[docs]def get_molar_mass(watertap_name: str) -> float: """ Extracts atomic weight data from a periodic table file to generate the molar mass of a chemical substance. TODO: additional testing for complex solutes such as CH3CO2H, [UO2]2[OH]4, etc. :param watertap_name: string name of a solute in WaterTAP format :return molar_mass: float value for molar mass of solute """ file_path = Path(__file__).parents[0] periodic_table = read_csv(join(file_path, "periodic_table.csv")) components = watertap_name.split("_") elements = findall("[A-Z][a-z]?[0-9]*", components[0]) element_counts = {} for element in elements: if len(element) == 1: element_counts[element] = 1 elif len(element) == 2 and element.isalpha(): element_counts[element] = 1 elif len(element) == 2 and not element.isalpha(): element_counts[element[:-1]] = int(element[-1]) elif len(element) == 3 and element[:-1].isalpha(): element_counts[element[:-1]] = int(element[-1]) elif len(element) == 3 and not element[:-1].isalpha(): element_counts[element[:-2]] = int(element[-2:-1]) else: raise IOError(f" Too many characters in {element}.") element_location = components[0].find(element) if "[" in components[0]: boundary = (components[0].find("["), components[0].find("]")) coefficient = int(components[0][boundary[1] + 1]) if element_location > boundary[0] and element_location < boundary[1]: element_counts[element] *= coefficient molar_mass = 0 for element in element_counts: atomic_mass = float( periodic_table["AtomicMass"][(periodic_table["Symbol"] == element)].values[ 0 ] ) molar_mass += element_counts[element] * atomic_mass if not molar_mass: raise IOError(f"Molecular weight data could not be found for {watertap_name}.") return molar_mass
[docs]def get_molar_mass_quantity(watertap_name: str, / pyunits.mol): """ Extracts atomic weight data from a periodic table file to generate the molar mass of a chemical substance in pint units. Since get_molar_mass returns only the value, which has inherent units of g/mol, this function converts to kg/mol by default, the units used for molecular weight by convention in WaterTAP. :param watertap_name: string name of a solute in WaterTAP format :return desired_quantity: molar mass of solute in pint units. Conversion from g/mol to kg/mol by default. """ molar_mass_value = get_molar_mass(watertap_name) inherent_quantity = molar_mass_value * pyunits.g / pyunits.mol desired_quantity = pyunits.convert(inherent_quantity, to_units=units) return desired_quantity
[docs]def get_oli_names(source: dict): """ Updates source dictionary with data to populate MCAS property model. :param source: dictionary containing WaterTAP names as keys :return source: dictionary with OLIName named tuples as keys """ source = dict( map(lambda k, v: (watertap_to_oli(k), v), source.keys(), source.values()) ) return source
[docs]def oli_reverse_lookup(oli_name: str, names_db) -> OLIName: """ Looks up WaterTAP formatted name for solute in OLI format, if listed in names_db dictionary. :param oli_name: string name of a solute in OLI format :return watertap_name: string name of a solute in WaterTAP format """ if oli_name in names_db: return names_db[oli_name] else: raise IOError( f" Component {oli_name} not found in names_db." + " Update this dictionary to hard code additional OLI names." )
""" Here follows a dictionary of OLI names and their WaterTAP counterparts. It functions to aid reverse lookup, i.e., if a name is already in OLI format, the necessary data can still be extracted. TODO: method to add novel (valid) names to names_db """ names_db = { "NAION": "Na_+", "CLION": "Cl_-", "SO4ION": "SO4_2-", "MGION": "Mg_2+", "CAION": "Ca_2+", "KION": "K_+", "HCO3ION": "HCO3_-", "NA2CO3": "Na2CO3", "CO2": "CO2", "H2O": "H2O", }