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# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2020-2024, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
# National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy Technology
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# of Energy). All rights reserved.
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import numpy

from concurrent import futures

from import LocalResults
from import build_and_execute, ParallelManager

[docs]class ConcurrentFuturesParallelManager(ParallelManager):
[docs] def __init__(self, number_of_subprocesses=1, **kwargs): self.max_number_of_subprocesses = number_of_subprocesses # this will be updated when child processes are kicked off self.actual_number_of_subprocesses = None # Future -> (process number, parameters). Used to keep track of the process number and parameters for # all in-progress futures self.running_futures = dict()
[docs] def is_root_process(self): return True
[docs] def get_rank(self): return self.ROOT_PROCESS_RANK
[docs] def number_of_worker_processes(self): if self.actual_number_of_subprocesses is None: return self.max_number_of_subprocesses return self.actual_number_of_subprocesses
[docs] def sync_with_peers(self): pass
[docs] def sync_array_with_peers(self, data): pass
[docs] def sync_pyobject_with_peers(self, obj): return obj
[docs] def combine_data_with_peers(self, data): return [data]
[docs] def sum_values_and_sync(self, sendbuf, recvbuf): recvbuf[:] = sendbuf
[docs] def gather_arrays_to_root(self, sendbuf, recvbuf_spec): receive_arr = recvbuf_spec[0] receive_sizes = recvbuf_spec[1] assert len(receive_arr) == sum( receive_sizes ), "Gathering arrays to root cannot be done with mismatched sizes" receive_arr[:] = sendbuf[:]
[docs] def scatter( self, do_build, do_build_kwargs, do_execute, all_parameters, ): # constrain the number of child processes to the number of unique values to be run self.actual_number_of_subprocesses = min( self.max_number_of_subprocesses, len(all_parameters) ) # split the parameters into chunks, one for each child process divided_parameters = numpy.array_split( all_parameters, self.actual_number_of_subprocesses ) # create an executor and kick off the child processes that will perform the computation self.executor = futures.ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.actual_number_of_subprocesses ) for i in range(self.actual_number_of_subprocesses): local_parameters = divided_parameters[i] # save the mapping of future -> (process number, params that it's running) self.running_futures[ self.executor.submit( build_and_execute, do_build, do_build_kwargs, do_execute, local_parameters, ) ] = (i, local_parameters)
[docs] def gather(self): results = [] try: execution_results = futures.wait(self.running_futures.keys()) for future in execution_results.done: process_number, values = self.running_futures[future] results.append(LocalResults(process_number, values, future.result())) if len(execution_results.not_done) > 0: print( f"{len(execution_results.not_done)} out of {len(self.running_futures.keys())} total subprocesses did not finish and provide results" ) finally: self.executor.shutdown() # sort the results by the process number to keep a deterministic ordering results.sort(key=lambda result: result.process_number) return results
[docs] def results_from_local_tree(self, results): return results