Source code for

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2020-2024, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
# National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy Technology
# Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept.
# of Energy). All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and license
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import numpy

from import LocalResults
from import build_and_execute, ParallelManager

[docs]class MPIParallelManager(ParallelManager):
[docs] def __init__(self, MPI, **kwargs): self.MPI = MPI self.comm = self.MPI.COMM_WORLD self.rank = self.comm.Get_rank() self.num_procs = self.comm.Get_size() self.results = None
[docs] def is_root_process(self): return self.rank == self.ROOT_PROCESS_RANK
[docs] def get_rank(self): return self.comm.Get_rank()
[docs] def number_of_worker_processes(self): return self.num_procs
[docs] def sync_with_peers(self): self.comm.Barrier()
[docs] def sync_array_with_peers(self, data): """ Broadcast the array to all processes. this call acts as a synchronization point when run by multiple peer mpi processes. """ if self.num_procs > 1: self.comm.Bcast(data, root=self.ROOT_PROCESS_RANK)
[docs] def sync_pyobject_with_peers(self, obj): """ Broadcast the object to all processes from the root. this call acts as a synchronization point when run by multiple peer mpi processes. """ return self.comm.bcast(obj, root=self.ROOT_PROCESS_RANK)
[docs] def combine_data_with_peers(self, data): return self.comm.allgather(data)
[docs] def gather_arrays_to_root(self, sendbuf, recvbuf_spec): self.comm.Gatherv(sendbuf, recvbuf_spec, root=self.ROOT_PROCESS_RANK)
[docs] def sum_values_and_sync(self, sendbuf, recvbuf): self.comm.Allreduce(sendbuf, recvbuf)
[docs] def scatter( self, do_build, do_build_kwargs, do_execute, all_parameters, ): # Split the total list of values into NUM_PROCS chunks, # one per each of the MPI ranks divided_parameters = numpy.array_split(all_parameters, self.num_procs) # The current process's portion of the total workload local_parameters = divided_parameters[self.rank] results = build_and_execute( do_build, do_build_kwargs, do_execute, local_parameters ) self.results = LocalResults( self.get_rank(), local_parameters, results, )
[docs] def gather(self): return self.comm.allgather(self.results)
[docs] def results_from_local_tree(self, results): return [ result for result in results if result.process_number == self.get_rank() ]