Source code for watertap.ui.fsapi

# WaterTAP Copyright (c) 2020-2024, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
# National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy Technology
# Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept.
# of Energy). All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and license
# information, respectively. These files are also available online at the URL
# ""
Simple flowsheet interface API

__author__ = "Dan Gunter"

# stdlib
from collections import namedtuple
from csv import reader, writer
from enum import Enum
from io import TextIOBase

    from importlib.resources import files
except ImportError:
    from importlib_resources import files
import inspect
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import re
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Dict, Union, TypeVar
from types import ModuleType

    from importlib import metadata
except ImportError:
    import importlib_metadata as metadata

# third-party
import idaes.logger as idaeslog
from idaes.core.util.model_statistics import degrees_of_freedom
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, field_validator, ValidationInfo, ConfigDict
import pyomo.environ as pyo

#: Forward-reference to a FlowsheetInterface type, used in
#: :meth:`FlowsheetInterface.find`
FSI = TypeVar("FSI", bound="FlowsheetInterface")

_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UnsupportedObjType(TypeError):
[docs] def __init__( self, obj: Any, supported: Optional = None, ): msg = f"Object '{obj}' of type '{type(obj)}' is not supported." if supported is not None: msg += f"\nSupported: {supported}" super().__init__(msg) self.obj = obj self.supported = supported
[docs]class ModelExport(BaseModel): """A variable, expression, or parameter.""" _SupportedObjType = Union[ pyo.Var, pyo.Expression, pyo.Param, ] "Used for type hints and as a shorthand in error messages (i.e. not for runtime checks)" # TODO: if Optional[_SupportedObjType] is used for the `obj` type hint, # pydantic will run the runtime instance check which is not what we want # (as we want/need to use the pyomo is_xxx_type() methods instead) # so we're using Optional[object] unless we find a way to tell pydantic to skip this check # inputs obj: Optional[object] = Field(default=None, exclude=True) name: str = "" value: float = 0.0 ui_units: object = Field(default=None, exclude=True) display_units: str = "" rounding: float = 0 description: str = "" is_input: bool = True is_output: bool = True is_readonly: Union[None, bool] = Field(default=None, validate_default=True) input_category: Optional[str] = None output_category: Optional[str] = None # computed obj_key: Union[None, str] = Field(default=None, validate_default=True) fixed: bool = True lb: Union[None, float] = 0.0 ub: Union[None, float] = 0.0 num_samples: int = 2 has_bounds: bool = True is_sweep: bool = False model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True) @field_validator("obj") @classmethod def ensure_obj_is_supported(cls, v): if v is not None: cls._ensure_supported_type(v) return v @classmethod def _ensure_supported_type(cls, obj: object): is_valid = ( obj.is_variable_type() or obj.is_expression_type() or obj.is_parameter_type() # TODO: add support for numbers with pyo.numvalue.is_numeric_data() ) if is_valid: return True raise UnsupportedObjType(obj, supported=cls._SupportedObjType) @classmethod def _get_supported_obj( cls, values: dict, field_name: str = "obj", allow_none: bool = False ): obj = values.get(field_name, None) if not allow_none and obj is None: raise TypeError(f"'{field_name}' is None but allow_none is False") cls._ensure_supported_type(obj) return obj # NOTE: IMPORTANT: all validators used to set a dynamic default value # should have the `always=True` option, or the validator won't be called # when the value for that field is not passed # (which is precisely when we need the default value) # additionally, `pre=True` should be given if the field can at any point # have a value that doesn't match its type annotation # (e.g. `None` for a strict (non-`Optional` `bool` field) # Get value from object @field_validator("value") @classmethod def validate_value(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo): if"obj", None) is None: return v obj = cls._get_supported_obj(, allow_none=False) return pyo.value(obj) # Derive display_units from ui_units @field_validator("display_units") @classmethod def validate_units(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo): if not v: u ="ui_units", pyo.units.dimensionless) v = str(pyo.units.get_units(u)) return v # set name dynamically from object @field_validator("name") @classmethod def validate_name(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo): if not v: obj = cls._get_supported_obj(, allow_none=False) try: v = except AttributeError: pass return v @field_validator("is_readonly") @classmethod def set_readonly_default(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo): if v is None: v = True obj = cls._get_supported_obj(, allow_none=False) if obj.is_variable_type() or ( obj.is_parameter_type() and obj.parent_component().mutable ): v = False return v @field_validator("obj_key") @classmethod def set_obj_key_default(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo): if v is None: obj = cls._get_supported_obj(, allow_none=False) v = str(obj) return v
[docs]class ModelOption(BaseModel): """An option for building/running the model.""" name: str category: str = "Build Options" display_name: Union[None, str] = Field(default=None, validate_default=True) description: Union[None, str] = Field(default=None, validate_default=True) display_values: List[Any] = [] values_allowed: Union[str, List[Any]] min_val: Union[None, int, float] = None max_val: Union[None, int, float] = None value: Any = None @field_validator("display_name") @classmethod def validate_display_name(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo): if v is None: v ="name") return v @field_validator("description") @classmethod def validate_description(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo): if v is None: v ="display_name") return v @field_validator("value") @classmethod def validate_value(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo): allowed ="values_allowed", None) # check if values allowed is int or float and ensure valid value if allowed == "int": if isinstance(v, int): min_val ="min_val", float("-inf")) max_val ="max_val", float("-inf")) if v >= min_val and v <= max_val: return v else: raise ValueError( f"'value' ({v}) not within expected range of [{min_val}-{max_val}]" ) else: raise ValueError(f"'value' ({v}) not a valid integer") elif allowed == "float": if isinstance(v, int) or isinstance(v, float): min_val ="min_val", float("-inf")) max_val ="max_val", float("-inf")) if v >= min_val and v <= max_val: return v else: raise ValueError( f"'value' ({v}) not within expected range of [{min_val}-{max_val}]" ) else: raise ValueError(f"'value' ({v}) not a valid float") # check if values allowed is string elif allowed == "string": if isinstance(v, str): return v else: raise ValueError(f"'value' ({v}) not a valid string") # values_allowed is a list. make sure v is in the list of values allowed elif isinstance(allowed, list): if v in allowed: return v else: raise ValueError(f"'value' ({v}) not in allowed values: {allowed}") else: raise ValueError( f"{allowed} does not match the following criteria for values_allowed: must be either a list of possible values, or one of 'string', 'int', 'float'." )
[docs]class FlowsheetExport(BaseModel): """A flowsheet and its contained exported model objects.""" m: object = Field(default=None, exclude=True) obj: object = Field(default=None, exclude=True) name: Union[None, str] = Field(default="", validate_default=True) description: Union[None, str] = Field(default="", validate_default=True) model_objects: Dict[str, ModelExport] = {} version: int = 2 requires_idaes_solver: bool = False dof: int = 0 sweep_results: Union[None, dict] = {} build_options: Dict[str, ModelOption] = {} # set name dynamically from object @field_validator("name") @classmethod def validate_name(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo): if not v: try: v =["obj"].name except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass if not v: v = "default" return v @field_validator("description") @classmethod def validate_description(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo): if not v: try: v =["obj"].doc except (KeyError, AttributeError): v = f"{['name']} flowsheet" return v
[docs] def add(self, *args, data: Union[dict, ModelExport] = None, **kwargs) -> object: """Add a new variable (or other model object). There are a few different ways of invoking this function. Users will typically use this form:: add(obj=<pyomo object>, name="My value name", ..etc..) where the keywords after `obj` match the non-computed names in :class:`ModelExport`. If these same name/value pairs are already in a dictionary, this form is more convenient:: add(data=my_dict_of_name_value_pairs) If you have an existing ModelExport object, you can add it more directly with:: add(my_object) # -- OR -- add(data=my_object) Args: *args: If present, should be a single non-named argument, which is a ModelExport object. Create by adding it. data: If present, create from this argument. If it's a dict, create from its values just as from the kwargs. Otherwise, it should be a ModelExport object, and create by adding it. kwargs: Name/value pairs to create a ModelExport object. Accepted names and default values are in the ModelExport. Raises: KeyError: If the name of the Pyomo object is the same as an existing one, i.e. refuse to overwrite. """ if len(args) > 1: raise ValueError(f"At most one non-keyword arg allowed. Got: {args}") if len(args) == 1: model_export = args[0] elif data is None: _log.debug(f"Create ModelExport from args: {kwargs}") model_export = ModelExport.parse_obj(kwargs) else: if isinstance(data, dict): model_export = ModelExport.parse_obj(data) else: model_export = data key = model_export.obj_key if key in self.model_objects: raise KeyError( f"Adding ModelExport object failed: duplicate key '{key}' (model_export={model_export})" ) if _log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): # skip except in debug mode _log.debug( f"Adding ModelExport object with key={key}: {model_export.dict()}" ) self.model_objects[key] = model_export return model_export
[docs] def from_csv(self, file: Union[str, Path], flowsheet): """Load multiple exports from the given CSV file. CSV file format rules: * Always use a header row. The names are case-insensitive, order is not important. The 'name', 'obj', and 'ui_units' columns are required. * Columns names should match the non-computed names in :class:`ModelExport`. See `.add()` for a list. * The object to export should be in a column named 'obj', prefixed with 'fs.' * For units, use Pyomo units module as 'units', e.g., 'mg/L' is ` / units.L` For example:: name,obj,description,ui_units,display_units,rounding,is_input,input_category,is_output,output_category Leach liquid feed rate,fs.leach_liquid_feed.flow_vol[0],Leach liquid feed volumetric flow rate,units.L/units.hour,L/h,2,TRUE,Liquid feed,FALSE, Leach liquid feed H,"fs.leach_liquid_feed.conc_mass_comp[0,'H']",Leach liquid feed hydrogen mass composition,,mg/L,3,TRUE,Liquid feed,FALSE, .......etc....... Args: file: Filename or path. If not an absolute path, start from the directory of the caller's file. flowsheet: Flowsheet used to evaluate the exported objects. Returns: int: Number of exports added Raises: IOError: if input file doesn't exist ValueError: Invalid data in input file (error message will have details) """ _log.debug(f"exports.add: from csv filename={file}") # compute path path = Path(file) if not isinstance(file, Path) else file if path.is_absolute(): _log.debug( f"Reading CSV data for interface exports from " f"absolute path: {path}" ) text = open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8").read() else: caller = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1] caller_mod = inspect.getmodule(caller.frame).__name__ if "." not in caller_mod: # not in a package path = Path(caller.filename).parent / file text = open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8").read() else: caller_pkg = ".".join(caller_mod.split(".")[:-1]) # strip module _log.debug( f"Reading CSV data for interface exports from: " f"file={path}, module={caller_mod}, package={caller_pkg}" ) try: text = files(caller_pkg).joinpath(path).read_text() except Exception as err: raise IOError( f"Could not find CSV file '{path}' relative to file " f"calling .add() in '{caller_mod}': {err}" ) # process CSV file rows = reader(re.split(r"\r?\n", text)) # read and pre-process the header row raw_header = next(rows) header = [s.strip().lower() for s in raw_header] for req in "name", "obj", "ui_units": if req not in header: raise ValueError( f"Bad CSV header: '{req}' column is required. data=" f"{header}" ) num = 0 for row in rows: if len(row) == 0: continue # build raw dict from values and header data = {k: v for k, v in zip(header, row)} # evaluate the object in the flowsheet try: data["obj"] = eval(data["obj"], {"fs": flowsheet}) except Exception as err: raise ValueError(f"Cannot find object in flowsheet: {data['obj']}") # evaluate the units norm_units = data["ui_units"].strip() if norm_units in ("", "none", "-"): data["ui_units"] = pyo.units.dimensionless else: try: data["ui_units"] = eval(norm_units, {"units": pyo.units}) except Exception as err: raise ValueError(f"Bad units '{norm_units}': {err}") # process boolean values (starting with 'is_') for k in data: if k.startswith("is_"): v = data[k].lower() if v == "true": data[k] = True elif v == "false": data[k] = False else: raise ValueError( f"Bad value '{data[k]}' " f"for boolean argument '{k}': " f"must be 'true' or 'false' " f"(case-insensitive)" ) # add parsed export self.add(data=data) num += 1 return num
[docs] def to_csv(self, output: Union[TextIOBase, Path, str] = None) -> int: """Write wrapped objects as CSV. Args: output: Where to write CSV file. Can be a stream, path, or filename. Returns: Number of objects written into file. Raises: IOError: If path is given, and not writable """ # open file for writing if isinstance(output, TextIOBase): output_file = output else: p = Path(output) output_file ="w") # initialize csv_output_file = writer(output_file) # write header row obj = next(iter(self.model_objects.values())) values = ["obj", "ui_units"] col_idx_map = {} for i, field_name in enumerate(obj.dict()): # add to mapping of field name to column number col_idx_map[field_name] = i + 2 # add column name values.append(field_name) csv_output_file.writerow(values) ncol = len(values) # write a row for each object num = 0 for key, obj in self.model_objects.items(): # initialize values list # first 2 column values are object name and units obj_name = self._massage_object_name(key) units_str = self._massage_ui_units(str(obj.ui_units)) values = [obj_name, units_str] + [""] * (ncol - 2) # add columns for field_name, field_value in obj.dict().items(): values[col_idx_map[field_name]] = field_value # write row csv_output_file.writerow(values) num += 1 return num
@staticmethod def _massage_object_name(s): s1 = re.sub(r"\[([^]]*)\]", r"['\1']", s) # quote everything in [brackets] s2 = re.sub(r"\['([0-9.]+)'\]", r"[\1]", s1) # unquote [0.0] numbers return s2 @staticmethod def _massage_ui_units(s): if s == "dimensionless": return "" return s
[docs] def add_option(self, name: str, **kwargs) -> ModelOption: """Add an 'option' to the flowsheet that can be displayed and manipulated from the UI. Constructs a :class:`ModelOption` instance with provided args and adds it to the dict of options, keyed by its `name`. Args: name: Name of option (internal, for accessing the option) kwargs: Fields of :class:`ModelOption` """ option = ModelOption(name=name, **kwargs) self.build_options[name] = option return option
[docs]class Actions(str, Enum): """Known actions that can be run. Actions that users should not run directly (unless they know what they are doing) are prefixed with an underscore. """ build = "build" solve = "solve" export = "_export" diagram = "diagram"
[docs]class FlowsheetCategory(str, Enum): """Flowsheet Categories""" wastewater = "Wasterwater Recovery" desalination = "Desalination"
[docs]class FlowsheetInterface: """Interface between users, UI developers, and flowsheet models.""" #: Function to look for in modules. See :meth:`find`. UI_HOOK = "export_to_ui" #: Type of item in list ``MissingObjectError.missing``. #: ``key`` is the unique key assigned to the variable, #: ``name`` is the variable name in the flowsheet MissingObject = namedtuple("MissingObject", "key name")
[docs] class MissingObjectError(Exception): """Error returned if data in `load` refers to a variable not found in the target object. Use the `.missing` attribute of the error object to get the list of MissingObjects. """
[docs] def __init__(self, missing): num = len(missing) plural = "" if num == 1 else "s" things = [f"{m[1]}" for m in missing] super().__init__( f"{num} object{plural} not found in the model: {', '.join(things)}" ) self.missing = [ FlowsheetInterface.MissingObject(key=m[0], name=m[1]) for m in missing ]
[docs] def __init__( self, fs: FlowsheetExport = None, do_build: Callable = None, do_export: Callable = None, do_solve: Callable = None, get_diagram: Callable = None, category: FlowsheetCategory = None, custom_do_param_sweep_kwargs: Dict = None, **kwargs, ): """Constructor. Args: fs: An existing wrapper to a flowsheet object. If this is not provided, then one will be constructed by passing the keyword arguments to the built-in pydantic ``parse_obj()`` method of :class:`FlowsheetExport`. do_build: Function to call to build the flowsheet. It should build the flowsheet model and return the `FlowsheetBlock`, which is typically the `fs` attribute of the model object. **Required** do_export: Function to call to export variables after the model is built. This will be called automatically by :meth:`build()`. **Required** do_solve: Function to solve the model. It should return the result that the solver itself returns. **Required** custom_do_param_sweep_kwargs: Option for setting up parallel solver using custom solve function. **kwargs: See `fs` arg. If the `fs` arg *is* provided, these are ignored. """ if fs is None: self.fs_exp = FlowsheetExport.parse_obj(kwargs) else: self.fs_exp = fs self._actions = {} for arg, name in ( (do_export, "export"), (do_build, "build"), (do_solve, "solve"), ): if arg: if not callable(arg): raise TypeError(f"'do_{name}' argument must be callable") self.add_action(getattr(Actions, name), arg) else: raise ValueError(f"'do_{name}' argument is required") if callable(get_diagram): self.add_action("diagram", get_diagram) else: self.add_action("diagram", None) self._actions["custom_do_param_sweep_kwargs"] = custom_do_param_sweep_kwargs
[docs] def build(self, **kwargs): """Build flowsheet Args: **kwargs: User-defined values Returns: None Raises: RuntimeError: If the build fails """ try: self.run_action(, **kwargs) except Exception as err: raise RuntimeError(f"Building flowsheet: {err}") from err return
[docs] def solve(self, **kwargs): """Solve flowsheet. Args: **kwargs: User-defined values Returns: Return value of the underlying solve function Raises: RuntimeError: if the solver did not terminate in an optimal solution """ try: result = self.run_action(Actions.solve, **kwargs) except Exception as err: raise RuntimeError(f"Solving flowsheet: {err}") from err return result
[docs] def get_diagram(self, **kwargs): """Return diagram image name. Args: **kwargs: User-defined values Returns: Return image file name if get_diagram function is callable. Otherwise, return none """ if self.get_action(Actions.diagram) is not None: return self.run_action(Actions.diagram, **kwargs) else: return None
[docs] def dict(self) -> Dict: """Serialize. Returns: Serialized contained FlowsheetExport object """ return self.fs_exp.dict(exclude={"obj"})
[docs] def load(self, data: Dict): """Load values from the data into corresponding variables in this instance's FlowsheetObject. Args: data: The input flowsheet (probably deserialized from JSON) """ u = pyo.units fs = FlowsheetExport.parse_obj(data) # new instance from data # Set the value for each input variable missing = [] # 'src' is the data source and 'dst' is this flowsheet (destination) for key, src in fs.model_objects.items(): # get corresponding exported variable try: dst = self.fs_exp.model_objects[key] except KeyError: missing.append((key, continue # set value in this flowsheet ui_units = dst.ui_units if dst.is_input and not dst.is_readonly: # only update if value has changed if dst.value != src.value: # print(f'changing value for {key} from {dst.value} to {src.value}') # create a Var so Pyomo can do the unit conversion for us tmp = pyo.Var(initialize=src.value, units=ui_units) tmp.construct() # Convert units when setting value in the model new_val = pyo.value(u.convert(tmp, to_units=u.get_units(dst.obj))) # print(f'changing value for {key} from {dst.value} to {new_val}') dst.obj.set_value(new_val) # Don't convert units when setting the exported value dst.value = src.value # update other variable properties if changed, not applicable for parameters if dst.obj.is_variable_type(): if dst.obj.fixed != src.fixed: # print(f'changing fixed for {key} from {dst.obj.fixed} to {src.fixed}') if src.fixed: dst.obj.fix() else: dst.obj.unfix() dst.fixed = src.fixed # update bounds if != # print(f'changing lb for {key} from {} to {}') if is None or == "": dst.obj.setlb(None) = None else: tmp = pyo.Var(, units=ui_units) tmp.construct() new_lb = pyo.value( u.convert(tmp, to_units=u.get_units(dst.obj)) ) dst.obj.setlb(new_lb) = if dst.ub != src.ub: # print(f'changing ub for {key} from {dst.ub} to {src.ub}') if src.ub is None or src.ub == "": dst.obj.setub(None) dst.ub = None else: tmp = pyo.Var(initialize=src.ub, units=ui_units) tmp.construct() new_ub = pyo.value( u.convert(tmp, to_units=u.get_units(dst.obj)) ) # print(f'changing ub for {key} from {dst.obj.ub} to {new_ub}') dst.obj.setub(new_ub) dst.ub = src.ub if dst.is_sweep != src.is_sweep: dst.is_sweep = src.is_sweep if dst.num_samples != src.num_samples: dst.num_samples = src.num_samples # update degrees of freedom (dof) self.fs_exp.dof = degrees_of_freedom(self.fs_exp.obj) if missing: raise self.MissingObjectError(missing)
[docs] def select_option(self, option_name: str, new_option: str): """Update flowsheet with selected option. Args: data: The input flowsheet option_name: Name of selected option Returns: None """ # fs = FlowsheetExport.parse_obj(data) # new instance from data self.fs_exp.build_options[option_name].value = new_option
# # get function name from model options # func_name = self.fs_exp.build_options[option_name].values_allowed[new_option] # # add functino name as new build function # self.add_action("build", func_name)
[docs] def add_action(self, action_name: str, action_func: Callable): """Add an action for the flowsheet. Args: action_name: Name of the action to take (see :class:`Actions`) action_func: Function to call for the action Returns: None """ # print(f'ADDING ACTION: {action_name}') # print(action_func) def action_wrapper(**kwargs): if action_name == # set new model object from return value of build action action_result = action_func(**kwargs) if action_result is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Flowsheet `{}` action failed. " f"See logs for details." ) self.fs_exp.obj = action_result.fs self.fs_exp.m = action_result # [re-]create exports (new model object) if Actions.export not in self._actions: raise KeyError( "Error in 'build' action: no export action defined. " "Add `do_export=<function>` to FlowsheetInterface " "constructor or call `add_action(Actions.export, <function>)` " "on FlowsheetInterface instance." ) # clear model_objects dict, since duplicates not allowed self.fs_exp.model_objects.clear() # use get_action() since run_action() will refuse to call it directly self.get_action(Actions.export)( exports=self.fs_exp, build_options=self.fs_exp.build_options ) result = None elif action_name == Actions.diagram: self._actions[action_name] = action_func return elif self.fs_exp.obj is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot run any flowsheet action (except " f"'{}') before flowsheet is built" ) else: result = action_func(flowsheet=self.fs_exp.obj, **kwargs) # Issue 755: Report optimization errors if action_name == Actions.solve: _log.debug(f"Solve result: {result}") if result is None: raise RuntimeError("Solver did not return a result") if not pyo.check_optimal_termination(result): raise RuntimeError(f"Solve failed: {result}") # Sync model with exported values if action_name in (, Actions.solve): self.export_values() return result self._actions[action_name] = action_wrapper
[docs] def get_action(self, name: str) -> Union[Callable, None]: """Get the function for an ``add()``-ed action. Args: name: Name of the action (see :class:`Actions`) Returns: Function for this action Raises: KeyError, if no such action is defined """ return self._actions[name]
[docs] def run_action(self, name, **kwargs): """Run the named action.""" func = self.get_action(name) if name.startswith("_"): raise ValueError( f"Refusing to call '{name}' action directly since its " f"name begins with an underscore" ) return func(**kwargs)
[docs] def export_values(self): """Copy current values in underlying Pyomo model into exported model. Side-effects: Attribute ``fs_exp`` is modified. """"Exporting values from flowsheet model to UI") u = pyo.units self.fs_exp.dof = degrees_of_freedom(self.fs_exp.obj) for key, mo in self.fs_exp.model_objects.items(): mo.value = pyo.value(u.convert(mo.obj, to_units=mo.ui_units)) # print(f'{key} is being set to: {mo.value}') if hasattr(mo.obj, "bounds"): # print(f'{key} is being set to: {mo.value} from {mo.obj.value}') if mo.obj.ub is None: mo.ub = mo.obj.ub else: tmp = pyo.Var(initialize=mo.obj.ub, units=u.get_units(mo.obj)) tmp.construct() mo.ub = pyo.value(u.convert(tmp, to_units=mo.ui_units)) if is None: = else: tmp = pyo.Var(, units=u.get_units(mo.obj)) tmp.construct() = pyo.value(u.convert(tmp, to_units=mo.ui_units)) mo.fixed = mo.obj.fixed else: mo.has_bounds = False
[docs] @classmethod def from_installed_packages( cls, group_name: str = "watertap.flowsheets" ) -> Dict[str, "FlowsheetInterface"]: """Get all flowsheet interfaces defined as entry points within the Python packages installed in the environment. This uses the :func:`importlib.metadata.entry_points` function to fetch the list of flowsheets declared as part of a Python package distribution's `entry points <>`_ under the group ``group_name``. To set up a flowsheet interface for discovery, locate your Python package distribution's file (normally :file:``, :file:`pyproject.toml`, or equivalent) and add an entry in the ``entry_points`` section. For example, to add a flowsheet defined in :file:`watertap/examples/flowsheets/` so that it can be discovered with the name ``my_flowsheet`` wherever the ``watertap`` package is installed, the following should be added to WaterTAP's :file:``:: setup( name="watertap", # other setup() sections entry_points={ "watertap.flowsheets": [ # other flowsheet entry points "my_flowsheet = watertap.examples.flowsheets.my_flowsheet", ] } ) Args: group_name: The entry_points group from which the flowsheet interface modules will be populated. Returns: Mapping with keys the module names and values FlowsheetInterface objects """ eps = metadata.entry_points() try: # this happens for Python 3.7 (via importlib_metadata) and Python 3.10+ entry_points = list( except AttributeError: # this will happen on Python 3.8 and 3.9, where entry_points() has dict-like group selection entry_points = list(eps[group_name]) if not entry_points: _log.error(f"No interfaces found for entry points group: {group_name}") return {} interfaces = {} _log.debug(f"Loading {len(entry_points)} entry points") for ep in entry_points: _log.debug(f"ep = {ep}") module_name = ep.value try: module = ep.load() except ImportError as err: _log.error(f"Cannot import module '{module_name}': {err}") continue interface = cls.from_module(module) if interface: interfaces[module_name] = interface return interfaces
[docs] @classmethod def from_module( cls, module: Union[str, ModuleType] ) -> Optional["FlowsheetInterface"]: """Get a a flowsheet interface for module. Args: module: The module Returns: A flowsheet interface or None if it failed """ if not isinstance(module, ModuleType): module = importlib.import_module(module) # Get function that creates the FlowsheetInterface func = getattr(module, cls.UI_HOOK, None) if func is None: _log.warning( f"Interface for module '{module}' is missing UI hook function: " f"{cls.UI_HOOK}()" ) return None # Call the function that creates the FlowsheetInterface try: interface = func() except Exception as err: _log.error( f"Cannot get FlowsheetInterface object for module '{module}': {err}" ) return None # Return created FlowsheetInterface return interface